
The goal of FuzzyImputationTest is to impute (i.e., replace missing values given by NAs) dataset that consists of triangular or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, and check quality of such an imputation. To impute fuzzy values, various imputation methods - both general (like miceRanger, missingForest, knn), and specific ones (d-imputation method, abbreviated as DIMP, see (Romaniuk and Grzegorzewski 2023)) - can be used. To check the quality of the imputation process, the dataset without missing values can be specified, and then it is tested with the whole set of procedures. These procedures are related to calculation of various sample statistics like the mean, standard deviation, and some special distance measures for fuzzy numbers, together with obtaining different error values, and conduction of statistical tests based on the epistemic bootstrap (see (P. Grzegorzewski and Romaniuk 2021, 2024; Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski and Romaniuk 2022)) from package (see (Romaniuk, Grzegorzewski, and Parchami 2024)). There are also special procedures to fuzzify the input and introduce some NAs when necessary.

The following procedures are available in the library:


You can install the development version of FuzzyImputationTest from GitHub with:




Grzegorzewski, P., and M. Romaniuk. 2021. “Epistemic Bootstrap for Fuzzy Data.” In Joint Proceedings of IFSA-EUSFLAT-AGOP 2021 Conferences, 538–45. Atlantis Press.
———. 2024. “Bootstrapped Tests for Epistemic Fuzzy Data.” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 34 (2): 277–89. https://doi.org/10.61822/amcs-2024-0020.
Grzegorzewski, Przemyslaw, and Maciej Romaniuk. 2022. “Bootstrap Methods for Epistemic Fuzzy Data.” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 32 (2): 285–97.
Romaniuk, M., and P. Grzegorzewski. 2023. “Fuzzy Data Imputation with DIMP and FGAIN.” RB/23/2023. Systems Research Institute, PAS.
Romaniuk, M., P. Grzegorzewski, and A. Parchami. 2024. “FuzzySimRes: Epistemic Bootstrap – the Efficient Tool for Statistical Inference Based on Imprecise Data.” R Journal.