BMS 0.3.5

Last build 2022-08-05. Rebuilding package with modern means in order to prepare expansion of package. Coding started in Jan 2022, fixing small issues… ## Main changes * License changed from artistic to BSD3 * Co-author added: Paul Hofmarcher, maintainer email changed. * Source coude released at github:, no with roxygen documentation * For issues, check * ## Bug fixes * bms(): Fixed numerical tolerance bugs relating to enumeration over datasets with 1000+ observations * Fixed coercion to logical(1) issue * Reduced file size of bma objects somewhat

BMS 0.3.3

Build 2013-11-22. Maintenance release to cope with changes in R version 3 compared to version 2. Alse see release notes at

BMS 0.3.2

Build 2013-11-17. Maintenance release to cope with changes in R version 3 compared to version 2

BMS 0.3.1

Build 2012-08-28. Maintenance release to fix inconsistencies in package version 0.3.0 (Warnings in package checks) under new R versions >=2.14

BMS 0.3.0

Build 2011-05-04

##Changes * Changed behavior of pmp.bma()

New features:

Bug fixes:

Changes to internal objects:

BMS 0.2.5

Build 2010-07-30, fixed a bug affecting with coefficient appearance

BMS 0.2.4

Build 2010-07-25, first release on CRAN