
Climate Data Monthly Germany

The R data package “clidamonger” is based on the data tables of the Excel workbook “Gradtagzahlen-Deutschland.xlsx” (published and updated twice a year by the “Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH” in Germany). The dataframes derived from the workbook tables are usable for heating and cooling calculations (external temperature, heating / cooling days, solar radiation).

The package consists of the following dataframes:

A description of the method can be found in

Loga, Tobias & Großklos, Marc & Landgraf, Katrin. (2020). Klimadaten für die Realbilanzierung - Grundlagen des Tools „Gradtagzahlen-Deutschland.xlsx“ - MOBASY-Teilbericht. 10.13140/RG.2.2.25695.28324.

Data sources

The tabled values have been calculated by IWU - Institut Wohnen und Umwelt by use of the following data sources:

Source of the temperature data: DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst

CDC (Climate Data Center) DE

Source of the solar radiation data: DWD - Deutsche Wetterdienst |

EUMETSAT / Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF)


Install the latest published release from CRAN:


Install the latest Master branch of “clidamonger” using the R “devtools”-package:

# install.packages(devtools)





Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Explanation of the quantities (indications in the data field “Code_Quantity”)

"TA" - External air temperature

    External air temperatures, measured by weather stations
    Monthly averages of daily values in °C
    Averaged for days if value is equal or below the mentioned base temperature (heating days*).
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"HD" - Heating days

    Heating days by base temperature, measured in Germany
    Monthly values in days
    Number of days, during which the average external air temperature*  is equal or below the mentioned base temperature.
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"CD" - Cooling days

    Cooling days by base temperature, measured in Germany
    Monthly values in days
    Number of days, during which the average external air temperature*  is equal or above the mentioned base temperature.
    Listed by weather station of the German weather service DWD (including geographical coordinates)


"I_Hor" - Shortwave radiation on horizontal surfaces

    SIS - Surface incoming shortwave radiation
    Monthly averages in W/m²
    Listed by geographical coordinates for Germany (latitude and longitude distances 0.02°)

Further quantities


Explanation of the data types (indications in the data field “Code_DataType”) Code “STD” “MET”

Data analyses / error handling during compilation

Table “Data.TA.HD”

Monthly values determined on the basis of daily data published by DWD (average, summation)

Handling of missing daily temperatures:

Missing values are indicated by the completeness indicator (code “CT”, value range 0.0 … 1.0): count of temperature values divided by count of days for a given month

Table “Data.Sol”

Monthly values published by CM SAF (see above) Handling of missing values: Cells are empty

IWU 2023-02-07