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ddiv v.0.1.1

Xuan Ma, Wei-Heng Huang


This information is based off the following paper. X. Ma, W. Huang, E. Schnabel, M. Köhl, J. Brynjarsdóttir, J. L. Braid, and R. H. French. “Data-Driven I–V Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules.” IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9, no. 5 (September 2019): 1405–12. https://doi.org/10.1109/JPHOTOV.2019.2928477. —————————

What is ddiv v0.1.1 and what does it do?

The R package “ddiv v0.1.1” use data driven method to extract IV features for given IV curves. This method aims to apply the basic definitions of the eight parameters (which is introduced in the vignette file “IVcurve”) automatically calculate their values for large numbers of IV curves. For a given IV curve, the this package first identify steps in IV curves (definition of steps is introduced in the vigette file “IVcurve”), then extract IV features for each steps of IV curves.

Segmented regression is used to find change points in IV curves. Here we apply “Segmented Regression” package and pull out the slopes for each range of data partitioned by this package. As segmented regression only help to identify change points in a curve, but not all change points indicates steps in IV curves. Thus we add several more criterion for the slopes we pulled out to identify the change points indicating steps. After calculate the steps in IV curves, we partition the whole data points into subsets for different steps of IV curves. We treat each of these different steps of IV curve as a single IV curve to extract features introduced below.

With the definitions of the eight IV features, while most of the features are straightforward, calculations for Isc and Rsh are more complex. The first step in determining Isc and Rsh is to run a linear regression with current being dependent variable and voltage being independent variable for a moving window of five consecutive points on IV curve, and store the slopes for every regression. The the change of slope is calculated. The change in slope indicates a change in shape along the IV curve. The change in slope remains relatively stable for the linear part near Isc where voltages are small. Thus we set a critical value (which is indicated by variable “crt” in IVExtractResult function) for change in slope to find this linear region and pull out the corresponding current and voltage points. With the selected data points, a linear regression is used to find the slope and intercept for the linear region of the IV curve near Isc. In accordance with the definitions of Isc and Rsh, Isc is estimated with the intercept of the fitted line, and Rsh is estimated by the inverse of its slope. As each IV curve may behave differently with various magnitudes of slope values, and different changing points to curvature. With this method, we can automatically find the appropriate current and voltage points for the front linear part of IV curves.

Voc and Rs are calculated from the linear part in the IV curve above Pmp. When observing the dataset, there are generally fewer data points in the linear region near Voc than the one near Isc. The points that have very large change in current value are corresponding to the linear part near Voc. Thus we set a critical value (which is indicated by the variable “crtvalb” in IVExtractResult Function) and select the data points that have current change larger than the critical value. According to the definition of Voc and Rs, a regression is run with voltage being the dependent variable and current being the independent variable. Then Voc is estimated by the linear intercept, and Rs is estimated by the slope. Pmp, FF, Imp and Vmp are straightforward to calculate after Voc and Isc are estimated using the definitions introduced in vignette file “IVcurve”.

How does ddiv v0.1.0 work?

The R package “ddiv v0.1.0” has three main functions. The general process to extract IV features for a given IV curve is to first identify steps in IV curves. Then for each steps of IV curve, the eight IV features are extracted.

“IVsteps()” is the function to identify steps in IV curves. It uses the “Segemented Regression” package and our added criterion to find change points and test if the change points are indication for steps. This function gives the number of steps in an IV curve (step), and the change points indicating steps (xsep). If this function returns “step=1”, it means the IV curve is of one step, which is the standard IV curve, so there will be no change points indicating steps, thus “xsep” would be “NA”. And if the function returns “step=2”, we will have “xsep” giving us 1 change points, and so on.

“IVfeature()” is the function to extract IV features for a standard IV curve (IV curve with one step). This function returns the values for the extracted eight IV features. If we are extracting IV curves that are known to have perfect standard shape, which are one step IV curves, we could directly use this function without identifying the number of steps and location of change points in IV curves. If IV curves are having difference shapes, with varying step numbers, it would be better to use the “IVExtractResult()” function.

“IVExtractResult()” is the main function in “ddiv v0.1.0” package. This funtion first use “IVsteps()” function to identify number of steps and location of change points. Then, if the IV curve has only one step, then “IVfeature()” function is applied to the whole IV curve; if the IV curve has more than one steps, it partition the whole IV curve into small standard IV curves. For each small standard IV curves, “IVfeature()” function is applied to extract eight IV features. In total, n sets of IV features will be extracted, and n is the number of steps in the IV curve. Thus this function will return the number of steps n, location of change points, and n sets of the eight IV features.

Install and load the package

After downloading the package file “ddiv_0.1.0.tar.gz”, put it in your preferred working directory and run both of the following lines:

install.packages("ddiv_0.1.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

We put three example IV curves in this package. They are IV curves with one step, two steps, and three steps.

Example code for ddiv v0.1.0

## Load the IV dataset with one step
IV1 <- data.frame(IV_step1)

## Run IVExtractResult

## As this IV curve is known to have one step, IVfeature() can be used

## Load the IV dataset with two steps
IV2 <- data.frame(IV_step2)

## Run IVExtractResult

## Load the IV dataset with three steps
IV3 <- data.frame(IV_step3)

## Run IVExtractResult

Example output for ddiv v0.1.0

The result for finding steps for example data “IV_step1”, no changepoint identifying step is found

The result for finding steps for example data “IV_step2”, the red line is the changepoint indicating step in IV curve

The result for finding steps for example data “IV_step3”, the red lines are the changepoints indicating steps in IV curves


  1. Ma, Xuan. “Data-Driven Current-Voltage Feature Extraction And Time Series Analysis for Mechanistic Photovoltaic Module Degradation”. Electronic Thesis or Dissertation. Case Western Reserve University, 2018. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. May 2018.

  2. Timothy J Peshek, Justin S Fada, Yang Hu, Yifan Xu, Mohamed A Elsaeiti, Erdmut Schnabel, Michael Köhl, and Roger H French. Insights into metastability of photovoltaic materials at the mesoscale through massive i–v analytics. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology andMicroelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 34(5):050801, 2016.