If you understand the basic idea of what difference-in-differences
with staggered adoptions is, all you need to know about fused extended
two-way fixed effects (FETWFE) to get started using the
package is this: given an appropriately formatted
panel data set, fetwfe()
will give you an estimate of the
overall average treatment effect on the treated units, the average
treatment effect within each cohort, and standard errors for each of
these estimates.
Feel free to skip to the “Package Usage” section if you want to jump right in to using the package. In the next “Background” subsection, you can read a little more background information on the methodology if you’d like.
This vignette is written under the assumption that you’re at least vaguely familiar with developments in difference-in-differences with staggered adoptions since about 2018. Just to make sure we’re on the same page, the brief recap is:
The estimator in this package, fused extended two-way fixed effects (FETWFE), is one of those unbiased estimators. Of course, I made this estimator because I think FETWFE brings something to the table that the others don’t. Here’s a brief summary on that:
One issue with these estimators has been that they’ve worked so hard to be unbiased that they are inefficient (in the language of econometrics), or high-variance (in the language of machine learning). These estimators add extra parameters in order to remove bias, but estimating extra parameters means you have less data per parameter and your estimates are noisier.
In machine learning, creating a more flexible estimator with lots of parameters and then finding that it is too high variance (that is, it overfits) is a familiar issue. The most common solution has been regularization.
You could just add ℓ2 or ℓ1 regularization to a difference-in-differences regression estimator and probably see an improvement in your efficiency, but FETWFE does something more sophisticated than that. (Plus, that approach wouldn’t allow you to get valid standard errors for your treatment effect estimates, but FETWFE does.)
That’s all the description I’ll give you in this vignette. You can learn all of the details in the paper on arXiv:
Fused Extended Two-Way Fixed Effects for Difference-in-Differences With Staggered Adoptions
If you want to learn a little more before you dive into the full paper, here are some other resources with descriptions of the methodology that provide a little more detail than this vignette:
But the headline summary of what fused extended two-way fixed effects brings to the table in a crowded field of estimators is: fused extended two-way fixed effects is not only unbiased, it also uses machine learning to maximize efficiency (minimize variance). Further, unlike many machine learning estimators, fused extended two-way fixed effects gives you valid standard errors for the treatment effect estimates.
The package provides a single exported function,
, which implements the FETWFE estimator. Its
primary arguments include:
: A data frame in panel (long)
: A character string
specifying the name of the time period variable.unit_var
: A character string
specifying the unit (e.g. state, firm) variable.treatment
: A character string
specifying the treatment indicator variable (which must be an absorbing
binary indicator).covs
: A character vector of covariate
names (typically time-invariant or the pre-treatment values).response
: A character string
specifying the response (outcome) variable.q
) and options for verbosity, standard error calculation,
and so on.The function returns a list containing, for example, the estimated overall average treatment effect, cohort-specific treatment effects, standard errors (when available), and various diagnostic quantities.
You can get the full documentation details by using
in R when you have the package loaded.
In the next sections, we’ll walk through examples of how
is used.
I’ll start illustrating how to use fetwfe()
by using a
simulated data set. The example below simulates a balanced panel with 60
time periods, 30 individuals, and 5 waves of treatment.
In the simulation, each individual is assigned a random cohort (which determines the timing of treatment) and three time-invariant covariates are generated. The response variable is constructed so that, after treatment, its evolution depends on a treatment effect (which varies by cohort) and a linear trend, plus the covariates and some random noise.
Below is the complete code for simulating the data, converting it
into the required pdata format, and running the fetwfe()
I borrowed some of the below code from Asjad Naqvi’s helpful website for DiD estimators. Thanks for sharing the code publicly!
# Set seed for reproducibility
# 60 time periods, 30 individuals, and 5 waves of treatment
tmax = 60; imax = 30; nlvls = 5
dat =
expand.grid(time = 1:tmax, id = 1:imax) |>
# Generate time-invariant covariates
cov1 = rep(runif(imax, 0, 1), each = tmax) # Random uniform values (0, 1) per individual
cov2 = rep(sample(1:5, imax, replace = TRUE), each = tmax) # Random categorical values (1-5) per individual
cov3 = rep(rnorm(imax, mean = 0, sd = 1), each = tmax) # Random Gaussian values (mean=0, sd=1) per individual
# Initialize columns
cohort = NA
effect = NA
first_treat = NA
for (chrt in 1:imax) {
cohort = ifelse(id==chrt, sample.int(nlvls, 1), cohort)
for (lvls in 1:nlvls) {
effect = ifelse(cohort==lvls, sample(2:10, 1), effect)
first_treat = ifelse(cohort==lvls, sample(1:(tmax+20), 1), first_treat)
first_treat = ifelse(first_treat>tmax, Inf, first_treat)
treat = time >= first_treat
rel_time = time - first_treat
y = id + time + ifelse(treat, effect*rel_time, 0) + cov1 + cov2 + cov3 + rnorm(imax*tmax)
rm(chrt, lvls, cohort, effect)
## time id y rel_time treat first_treat cov3 cov2 cov1
## 1 1 1 3.995163 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
## 2 2 1 7.215283 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
## 3 3 1 6.089467 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
## 4 4 1 8.205118 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
## 5 5 1 8.869905 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
## 6 6 1 9.463189 -Inf FALSE Inf 0.1582893 2 0.7977843
The simulated data (dat
) now has columns for time, id,
covariates (cov1
, cov2
, cov3
), a
treatment indicator (treat
), and a response variable
). Next, we convert this data into the panel data format
required by fetwfe()
# Specify column names for the pdata format
time_var <- "time" # Column for the time period
unit_var <- "unit" # Column for the unit identifier
treatment <- "treated" # Column for the treatment dummy indicator
covs <- c("cov1", "cov2", "cov3") # Columns for covariates
response <- "response" # Column for the response variable
# Convert the dataset
pdata <- dat |>
# Rename id to unit and convert to character
{{ unit_var }} := as.character(id),
# Ensure treatment dummy is 0/1
{{ treatment }} := as.integer(treat),
# Rename y to response
{{ response }} := y
) |>
{{ time_var }}, {{ unit_var }}, {{ treatment }}, all_of(covs), {{ response }}
# Preview the resulting pdata dataframe
## time unit treated cov1 cov2 cov3 response
## 1 1 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 3.995163
## 2 2 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 7.215283
## 3 3 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 6.089467
## 4 4 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 8.205118
## 5 5 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 8.869905
## 6 6 1 0 0.7977843 2 0.1582893 9.463189
Now that pdata
is properly formatted, we run the FETWFE
estimator on the simulated data.
# Run the FETWFE estimator on the simulated data
result <- fetwfe(
pdata = pdata, # The panel dataset
time_var = "time", # The time variable
unit_var = "unit", # The unit identifier
treatment = "treated", # The treatment dummy indicator
covs = c("cov1", "cov2", "cov3"), # Covariates
response = "response" # The response variable
# Display the overall average treatment effect estimate
cat("Estimated Overall ATT:", result$att_hat, "\n")
## Estimated Overall ATT: 32.82035
When you run this code, the function internally performs all the
necessary data preparation, applies the fusion penalty via a bridge
regression (using the grpreg
package), and returns a list
with overall and cohort-specific treatment effect estimates, standard
errors (if available), and additional diagnostics.
Next I illustrate FETWFE in an empirical context. I’ll use data from
Stevenson and Wolfers (2006), via the divorce
data set from
the bacondecomp
package, on the impact of no-fault divorce
laws on women’s suicide rates. (See also Goodman-Bacon (2021) for an
alternative analysis.) The below is identical to the data application
from my paper.
In this application, the panel data consist of state-level observations over 33 years. After removing states that received treatment in the first period, we are left with 42 states, of which 5 are never treated and 12 cohorts adopt treatment at various times.
Time-varying covariates (such as the state homicide rate, logged personal income, and welfare participation) are included as controls (using the pre-treatment values). In this example, I use FETWFE to estimate the marginal average treatment effect of no-fault divorce laws. Note: the below code takes about 15 seconds to run on my laptop.
library(bacondecomp) # for the example data
# Load the example data
# Suppose we wish to estimate the effect of a policy (here represented by the variable "changed")
# on the response "suiciderate_elast_jag" using covariates "murderrate", "lnpersinc", and "afdcrolls".
# Here
# - 'year' is the time period variable (as an integer),
# - 'st' is the unit identifier,
# - 'changed' is the treatment indicator (with 0 = untreated, 1 = treated),
# The `fetwfe()` function will automatically take care of removing units that were treated in the
# first time period.
# Call the estimator
res <- fetwfe(
pdata=divorce[divorce$sex == 2, ],
covs=c("murderrate", "lnpersinc", "afdcrolls"),
## Warning in idCohorts(df = data, time_var = time_var, unit_var = unit_var, : 9
## units were removed because they were treated in the first time period
## Warning in processCovs(df = data, units = units, unit_var = unit_var, times =
## times, : 1 covariates were removed because they contained missing values.
## [1] -3.76012
# Conservative 95% confidence interval for ATT (in percentage point units)
low_att <- 100 * (res$att_hat - qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) * res$att_se)
high_att <- 100 * (res$att_hat + qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) * res$att_se)
c(low_att, high_att)
## [1] -12.73424 5.21400
# Cohort average treatment effects and confidence intervals (in percentage
# point units)
catt_df_pct <- res$catt_df
catt_df_pct[["Estimated TE"]] <- 100 * catt_df_pct[["Estimated TE"]]
catt_df_pct[["SE"]] <- 100 * catt_df_pct[["SE"]]
catt_df_pct[["ConfIntLow"]] <- 100 * catt_df_pct[["ConfIntLow"]]
catt_df_pct[["ConfIntHigh"]] <- 100 * catt_df_pct[["ConfIntHigh"]]
## Cohort Estimated TE SE ConfIntLow ConfIntHigh
## 1 1969 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 2 1970 -40.142218 7.813430 -55.456259 -24.8281776
## 3 1971 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 4 1972 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 5 1973 -3.465602 2.169996 -7.718716 0.7875132
## 6 1974 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 7 1975 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 8 1976 -4.702911 3.807125 -12.164740 2.7589171
## 9 1977 -5.338497 3.503595 -12.205417 1.5284229
## 10 1980 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 11 1984 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
## 12 1985 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
For the data application, FETWFE yielded an overall ATT of
approximately –3.76% change in the female suicide rate, similar to other
estimates in the literature. In addition, the output table (stored in
) displays the cohort-specific estimates.
(Note that standard errors for the individual cohort estimates are less
reliable when the number of units per cohort is small.)
This should be enough to get you started using fetwfe()
on your own data. Please feel free to reach out if you have any
questions or feedback or run into any issues using the package. You can
also create an
issue if you think there’s a bug in the package or you’d like to
request a feature. Thanks so much for checking out the