A set of estimators for models and (robust) covariance matrices, and tests for panel data econometrics, including within/fixed effects, random effects, between, first-difference, nested random effects as well as instrumental-variable (IV) and Hausman-Taylor-style models, panel generalized method of moments (GMM) and general FGLS models, mean groups (MG), demeaned MG, and common correlated effects (CCEMG) and pooled (CCEP) estimators with common factors, variable coefficients and limited dependent variables models. Test functions include model specification, serial correlation, cross-sectional dependence, panel unit root and panel Granger (non-)causality. Typical references are general econometrics text books such as Baltagi (2021), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (<doi:10.1007/978-3-030-53953-5>), Hsiao (2014), Analysis of Panel Data (<doi:10.1017/CBO9781139839327>), and Croissant and Millo (2018), Panel Data Econometrics with R (<doi:10.1002/9781119504641>).
Version: | 2.6-4 |
Depends: | R (≥ 3.2.0) |
Imports: | MASS, bdsmatrix, collapse (≥ 1.8.9), zoo, nlme, sandwich, lattice, lmtest, maxLik, Rdpack, Formula, stats |
Suggests: | AER, car, statmod, urca, pder, texreg, knitr, rmarkdown, fixest, lfe |
Published: | 2024-04-01 |
DOI: | 10.32614/CRAN.package.plm |
Author: | Yves Croissant [aut], Giovanni Millo [aut], Kevin Tappe [aut, cre], Ott Toomet [ctb], Christian Kleiber [ctb], Achim Zeileis [ctb], Arne Henningsen [ctb], Liviu Andronic [ctb], Nina Schoenfelder [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Kevin Tappe <kevin.tappe at bwi.uni-stuttgart.de> |
BugReports: | https://github.com/ycroissant/plm/issues |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)] |
URL: | https://cran.r-project.org/package=plm, https://github.com/ycroissant/plm |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Citation: | plm citation info |
Materials: | README NEWS |
In views: | CausalInference, Econometrics, MixedModels, SpatioTemporal |
CRAN checks: | plm results |
Reference manual: | plm.pdf |
Vignettes: |
Panel data econometrics in R: the plm package Estimation of error components models with the plm function Model components for fitted models with plm |
Package source: | plm_2.6-4.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel: plm_2.6-4.zip, r-release: plm_2.6-4.zip, r-oldrel: plm_2.6-4.zip |
macOS binaries: | r-release (arm64): plm_2.6-4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): plm_2.6-4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): plm_2.6-4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): plm_2.6-4.tgz |
Old sources: | plm archive |
Reverse depends: | clusterSEs, cquad, pder, pglm, SpatialRegimes, xtsum |
Reverse imports: | apc, censReg, DIDHAD, DIDmultiplegtDYN, em, EquiTrends, ExPanDaR, feisr, frontier, GLMpack, lpirfs, micEcon, netmediate, panelSUR, pdR, pspatreg, Rchoice, rewie, robomit, SDPDmod, sfaR, splm, StuteTest, tvReg, vannstats, winputall |
Reverse suggests: | AER, BMisc, broom, broom.helpers, clubSandwich, collapse, did, Ecdat, effClust, fixest, fullRankMatrix, GCCfactor, getspanel, ggeffects, insight, lfe, marginaleffects, meboot, mixedbiastest, panelr, parameters, pgsc, sandwich, spacetime, stars, systemfit, xtable |
Reverse enhances: | prediction, stargazer, texreg |
Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=plm to link to this page.