singR package is built on SING method SING is used to extract joint and individual non-gaussian components from different datasets. This is a tutorial example supporting the paper Simultaneous Non-Gaussian Component Analysis (SING) for Data Integration in Neuroimaging Benjamin Risk, Irina Gaynanova
You can install singR from github with:
If you want to install it on Mac OS, the installation tips is here:
1.Make sure all the R packages used in singR are updated to the recommended version.
2.Try to install singR, if there is an error saying:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib'
ld: library not found for -lgfortran
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Then go to: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/etc/Makeconf Change FLIBS from
FLIBS = -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lemutls_w -lm
FLIBS = -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lm
3.Download the .tar.xz file from using the browser, unpack it under /usr/local so that the “gfortran” folder is there.
4.Install singR again, it should be installed successfully.
To illustrate the use of , we provide an example .
The tutorial dataset exampledata
are included in the
package. We generate the SING model in @ref(eq:two) as follows. We
generate joint subject scores \(M_{J}=[m_{J1},m_{J2}]\in
\mathbb{R}^{n\times2}\) with \(m_{J1}\sim N(\mu_{1},I_{n}),m_{J2}\sim
N(\mu_{2},I_{n})\), \(\mu_{1}=(1_{24}^{\top},-1_{24}^{\top})^{\top}\)
and \(\mu_{2}=(-1_{24}^{\top},1_{24}^{\top})^{\top}\).
We set \(D_{x}=I\) and \(D_{y}=diag(-5,2)\) to have differences in
both sign and scale between the two datasets. We generate \(M_{Ix}\) and \(M_{Iy}\) similar to \(M_{J}\) using iid unit variance Gaussian
entries with means equal to \(\mu_{3y}=(-1_{6}^{\top},1_{6}^{\top},-1_{6}^{\top},1_{6}^{\top},-1_{6}^{\top},1_{6}^{\top}-1_{6}^{\top},-1_{6}^{\top})^{\top}\),
These means result in various degrees of correlation between the columns
of the mixing matrices. For the Gaussian noise, we generate \(M_{Nx}\), \(M_{Ny}\), \(N_{x}\) and \(N_{y}\) using iid standard Gaussian mean
zero entries.
data <- exampledata
lgrid = 33
par(mfrow = c(2, 4))
# Components for X
image(matrix(data$sjX[1, ], lgrid, lgrid), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n", main = expression("True S"["Jx"] * ", 1"))
image(matrix(data$sjX[2, ], lgrid, lgrid), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n", main = expression("True S"["Jx"] * ", 2"))
image(matrix(data$siX[1, ], lgrid, lgrid), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n", main = expression("True S"["Ix"] * ", 1"))
image(matrix(data$siX[2, ], lgrid, lgrid), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n", main = expression("True S"["Ix"] * ", 2"))
# Components for Y
image(vec2net(data$sjY[1, ]), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
main = expression("True S"["Jy"] * ", 1"))
image(vec2net(data$sjY[2, ]), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
main = expression("True S"["Jy"] * ", 2"))
image(vec2net(data$siY[1, ]), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
main = expression("True S"["Iy"] * ", 1"))
image(vec2net(data$siY[2, ]), col = heat.colors(12), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
main = expression("True S"["Iy"] * ", 2"))
Function singR performs all steps in the SING pipeline as a single function
We first illustrate the use of the wrapper function
using the default settings. We will describe optional
arguments in more detail in example 2.
Details of the SING pipeline
We next explain each of the steps involved in SING estimation. Using
these individual functions in place of the high-level singR
function allows additional fine-tuning and can be helpful for large
Estimate the number of non-Gaussian components in datasets dX and dY
using FOBIasymp
from :
Apply lngca
separately to each dataset using the JB
statistic as the measure of non-Gaussianity:
# JB on X
estX_JB = lngca(xData = data$dX, n.comp = n.comp.X, whiten = "sqrtprec",
restarts.pbyd = 20, distribution = "JB")
Uxfull <- estX_JB$U
Mx_JB = est.M.ols(sData = estX_JB$S, xData = data$dX)
# JB on Y
estY_JB = lngca(xData = data$dY, n.comp = n.comp.Y, whiten = "sqrtprec",
restarts.pbyd = 20, distribution = "JB")
Uyfull <- estY_JB$U
My_JB = est.M.ols(sData = estY_JB$S, xData = data$dY)
Use greedymatch
to reorder \(\widehat{U}_{x}\) and \(\widehat{U}_{y}\) by descending matched
correlations and use permTestJointRank
to estimate the
number of joint components:
matchMxMy = greedymatch(scale(Mx_JB, scale = F), scale(My_JB, scale = F),
Ux = Uxfull, Uy = Uyfull)
permJoint <- permTestJointRank(matchMxMy$Mx, matchMxMy$My)
joint_rank = permJoint$rj
For preparing input to curvilinear_c
, manually prewhiten
dX and dY to get \(\widehat{L}_{x}^{-1}\) and \(\widehat{L}_{y}^{-1}\):
# Center X and Y
dX = data$dX
dY = data$dY
n = nrow(dX)
pX = ncol(dX)
pY = ncol(dY)
dXcentered <- dX - matrix(rowMeans(dX), n, pX, byrow = F)
dYcentered <- dY - matrix(rowMeans(dY), n, pY, byrow = F)
# For X Scale rowwise
est.sigmaXA = tcrossprod(dXcentered)/(pX - 1)
whitenerXA = est.sigmaXA %^% (-0.5)
xDataA = whitenerXA %*% dXcentered
invLx = est.sigmaXA %^% (0.5)
# For Y Scale rowwise
est.sigmaYA = tcrossprod(dYcentered)/(pY - 1)
whitenerYA = est.sigmaYA %^% (-0.5)
yDataA = whitenerYA %*% dYcentered
invLy = est.sigmaYA %^% (0.5)
Obtain a reasonable value for the penalty \(\rho\) by calculating the JB statistics for all the joint components:
# Calculate the Sx and Sy.
Sx = matchMxMy$Ux[1:joint_rank, ] %*% xDataA
Sy = matchMxMy$Uy[1:joint_rank, ] %*% yDataA
JBall = calculateJB(Sx) + calculateJB(Sy)
# Penalty used in curvilinear algorithm:
rho = JBall/10
Estimate \(\widehat{U}_{x}\) and
\(\widehat{U}_{y}\) with
# alpha=0.8 corresponds to JB weighting of skewness and kurtosis (can
# customize to use different weighting):
alpha = 0.8
# tolerance:
tol = 1e-10
out <- curvilinear_c(invLx = invLx, invLy = invLy, xData = xDataA, yData = yDataA,
Ux = matchMxMy$Ux, Uy = matchMxMy$Uy, rho = rho, tol = tol, alpha = alpha,
maxiter = 1500, rj = joint_rank)
Obtain the final result:
# Estimate Sx and Sy and true S matrix
Sjx = out$Ux[1:joint_rank, ] %*% xDataA
Six = out$Ux[(joint_rank + 1):n.comp.X, ] %*% xDataA
Sjy = out$Uy[1:joint_rank, ] %*% yDataA
Siy = out$Uy[(joint_rank + 1):n.comp.Y, ] %*% yDataA
# Estimate Mj and true Mj
Mxjoint = tcrossprod(invLx, out$Ux[1:joint_rank, ])
Mxindiv = tcrossprod(invLx, out$Ux[(joint_rank + 1):n.comp.X, ])
Myjoint = tcrossprod(invLy, out$Uy[1:joint_rank, ])
Myindiv = tcrossprod(invLy, out$Uy[(joint_rank + 1):n.comp.Y, ])
# signchange to keep all the S and M skewness positive
Sjx_sign = signchange(Sjx, Mxjoint)
Sjy_sign = signchange(Sjy, Myjoint)
Six_sign = signchange(Six, Mxindiv)
Siy_sign = signchange(Siy, Myindiv)
Sjx = Sjx_sign$S
Sjy = Sjy_sign$S
Six = Six_sign$S
Siy = Siy_sign$S
Mxjoint = Sjx_sign$M
Myjoint = Sjy_sign$M
Mxindiv = Six_sign$M
Myindiv = Siy_sign$M
est.Mj = aveM(Mxjoint, Myjoint)
trueMj <- data.frame(mj1 = data$mj[, 1], mj2 = data$mj[, 2], number = 1:48)
SINGMj <- data.frame(mj1 = est.Mj[, 1], mj2 = est.Mj[, 2], number = 1:48)
Plot \(\widehat{S}_{Jx}\), \(\widehat{S}_{Jy}\), \(\widehat{S}_{Ix}\), and \(\widehat{S}_{Iy}\) in figure @ref(fig:estiexample1).
Plot \(\widehat{M}_J\) in figure @ref(fig:mjex1).
t1 <- ggplot(data = trueMj) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = mj1, x = number)) +
ggtitle(expression("True M"["J"] * ", 1")) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
t2 <- ggplot(data = trueMj) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = mj2, x = number)) +
ggtitle(expression("True M"["J"] * ", 2")) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
# SING mj
S1 <- ggplot(data = SINGMj) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = mj1, x = number)) +
ggtitle(expression("Estimated M"["J"] * ", 1")) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
S2 <- ggplot(data = SINGMj) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = mj2, x = number)) +
ggtitle(expression("Estimated M"["J"] * ", 2")) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
ggarrange(t1, t2, S1, S2, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01MH129855 to BBR. The research was also supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation under award number DMS-2044823 to IG. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation.