The goal of ‘wdi2’ is to provide a modern, flexible interface for accessing the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI). Similar to the ‘WDI’ package, ‘wdi2’ allows users to download, process, and analyze indicator data for multiple countries and years. However, ‘wdi2’ differs by relying on ‘httr2’ for multi-page request and error handling, providing support for downloading multiple indicators with a single function call, using progress bars to keep users informed about the data processing, and returning the processed data in a tidy data format.


You can install the released version of wdi2 from CRAN via:


You can install the development version of wdi2 like so:



You can get a list of all indicators supported by the WDI API via:


You can get a list of all supported countries via:


You can also get the list of supported indicators and countries in another language, but note that not everything seems to be translated into other languages:

list_supported_indicators(language = "es")
list_supported_countries(language = "zh")

Check out the following function for a list of supported languages:


You can download specific indicators for a selection of countries via:

download_indicators(countries = c("MX", "CA", "US"), indicators = c("NY.GDP.PCAP.KD", "SP.POP.TOTL"))

You can also download these indicators for all countries:

download_indicators(countries = "all", indicators = c("NY.GDP.PCAP.KD", "SP.POP.TOTL"))

List all supported languages via:
