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Liaison Statements

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.

Date From To Deadline Title
2024-08-02 ETSI-ISG-NFV lamps, rats 2024-10-07
Action needed
LSout to IETF RATS & LAMPS on SEC020 Identity Trust Model
2024-07-26 quic 3GPP-TSG-CT, 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4, 3GPP-TSG-SA, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3 Reply LS on Security Considerations for MPQUIC
2024-07-26 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4228 (ex Y.IIoT-infra-SM-fr) “Requirements and framework of Industrial IoT (IIoT) infrastructure for smart manufacturing”
2024-07-25 SEC ESTI-TC-CYBER Response to the Liason Statement on Quantum Safe Cryptographic Protocol Inventory
2024-07-25 IEEE-802-1 detnet Liaison response to LS 156 on work items related to deterministic networking in SG13
2024-07-25 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS on work on Recommendations related to MPLS -TP
2024-07-24 ITU-T-SG-15 netmod LS/r on Scalable YANG (reply to LIAISE-666)
2024-07-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on Consented Recommendations
2024-07-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, ivy, netmod, teas LS on IM/DM modelling coordination
2024-07-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2025-03-03
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 34
2024-07-05 BROADBAND-FORUM netconf, netmod, OPS, opsawg Follow up on Management at Scale Projects
2024-06-25 3GPP-TSG-SA quic 2024-09-10
Action needed
LS on Security considerations for MPQUIC
2024-06-21 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas ITU-T-SG-15 Input for OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 33
2024-06-21 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the seventh and final meeting of the FG-MV
2024-06-04 teas 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3, 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5, O3GPPTSGRAN3 2024-08-30
Action needed
LS on a Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies
2024-05-22 ivy BROADBAND-FORUM Response to BBF Liaison "New project in BBF entitled "network resource model (NRM)” - questions answered
2024-05-22 IEEE-802-11 IETF OWE (RFC8110) now in 802.11
2024-05-22 ETSI-ISG-ZSM nmop Liaison response to LS/r on “IETF_NMOP_WG_Reply_to_the_ETSI_ISG_ZSM_LS_on_Network” (ETSI ISG ZSM- ZSM(24)000101)
2024-05-22 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the new work item ITU-T Q.MUD_IoT “Framework for testing and monitoring IoT devices & networks using technical Requirements from Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD)”
2024-05-22 ITU-T-SG-11 rats, teep LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.CCONS: “Signalling requirements and protocol for confidential computing orchestration of network slices in IMT-2020 networks and beyond”
2024-05-22 ITU-T-SG-11 rats, teep LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.CCONS: “Signalling requirements and protocol for confidential computing orchestration of network slices in IMT-2020 networks and beyond”
2024-05-21 ITU-T-SG-11 nvo3 LS on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4047 (ex. Q.Scvh-iopt) "Interoperability testing between software-defined networking (SDN) and hypervisor based computing virtualization"
2024-05-21 ITU-T-SG-2 opsawg LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3742 (ex.Q.SD-DCI) “Signalling requirements and data models for SD-DCI service”
2024-05-17 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS/o on initiation of draft new Technical Report TR.SP-UAV "Signalling requirements and protocols between unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicle controllers using IMT-2020 networks and beyond"
2024-05-07 nmop TMFORUM 2024-07-15
Action needed
IETF Network Management OPerations Working Group LS to TMF on "TMF724A Incident Management API Profile"
2024-05-03 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the sixth meeting of the FG-MV
2024-05-02 BROADBAND-FORUM 6man, INT, RTG, savnet, SEC, sidrops, v6ops LS from BBF on the new work item “Security Considerations for IPv6 Broadband Networks"
2024-04-26 nmop ETSI NMOP WG Reply to the ETSI ISG ZSM LS on Network Digital Twin
2024-04-24 drip 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3 LS on RFC 9374, "DRIP Entity Tag (DET) for Unmanned Aircraft System Remote ID (UAS RID)"
2024-04-24 teas 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3, 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5, O3GPPTSGRAN3 LS on RFC 9543, "A Framework for Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies"
2024-04-23 nmop ITU-T-SG-13 2024-07-20
Action needed
Response to "LS on initiation of a new work item ITU-T Y.FunArch-INSA-FL"
2024-04-17 ETSI-ISG-ZSM IETF 2024-05-13
Action needed
Liaison on ongoing work on Network Digital Twin
2024-04-17 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF 2024-05-03
Action needed
LS on definition of CitiVerse
2024-04-16 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of March 2024)
2024-04-16 ITU-T-SG-13 nvo3 LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.IMT2020-DDP “Future networks including IMT-2020: requirements and framework of distributed data plane”
2024-04-10 ITU-T-SG-13 OPS LS on initiation of a new work item ITU-T Y.FunArch-INSA-FL “Functional architecture for intelligent awareness of network status based on federated learning”
2024-04-10 ITU-T-JCA-IMT2020 ccamp, detnet, dmm, teas 2024-07-04
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap
2024-04-10 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS on work items related to deterministic networking in SG13
2024-03-29 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the fifth meeting of the FG-MV
2024-03-26 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF 2024-04-08
Action needed
LS on vocabulary for metaverse
2024-03-26 ITU-T-SG-17 cats LS on the proposal for a new work item: Security considerations for interconnection of computing power centers
2024-03-26 ITU-T-SG-17 oauth LS on the new work item on Functional requirements for the integrated authentication service of telecommunication operators
2024-03-26 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF 2024-06-30
Action needed
LS on request of feedback on ITU-T SG17 new work item TR.divs: Rationale and initial approach of decentralized identity verification system (DIVS) based on verifiable data
2024-03-15 mpls ITU-T-SG-11 Response to your Liaison Statement - LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3962 (ex. Q.joint_tr) "Requirements and Reference Model for optimized traceroute of joint Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching"
2024-03-07 ivy BROADBAND-FORUM Response to BBF Liaison "New project in BBF entitled "network resource model (NRM)”"
2024-02-26 WBA madinas, radext Liaison Statement to IETF RADEXT and MADINAS Working Groups
2024-02-15 ITUTFGAN IETF LS on Autonomous Networks deliverables from ITU-T FG-AN
2024-02-12 netconf BROADBAND-FORUM Re: Liaison to IETF regarding draft NETCONF YANG models
2024-02-09 IAB CONFIDENTIAL-COMPUTING-CONSORTIUM Response to the Confidential Computing Consortium on Attestation and the Open Internet
2024-02-09 BROADBAND-FORUM ivy New project in BBF entitled "network resource model (NRM)”
2024-02-07 GSMA SEC 2024-02-29
Action needed
LS regarding the publication of the Post Quantum Cryptography – Guidelines for Telecom Use Cases document in Feb 24
2024-01-10 ETSI-TC-CYBER-QSC-WG ipsecme, lamps, pquip, tls Quantum Safe Cryptographic Protocol Inventory
2023-12-20 tsvwg 3GPP-TSGCT-CT1, 3GPP-TSGCT-CT3, 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4, 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 LS on draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-encap-guidelines and draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim
2023-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on Consented Recommendations
2023-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2024-06-25
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 33
2023-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, ivy, netmod, teas LS on IM/DM modelling coordination
2023-12-13 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on the approval of the Technical Specification ITU FGMV-19 on “Service scenarios and high-level requirements for metaverse cross-platform interoperability”
2023-12-13 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the fourth meeting of the FG-MV
2023-12-12 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on new work item ITU-T Y.NGNe-NCI-arch “Functional architecture of NGN evolution for support network and cloud interworking”
2023-12-05 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS on work items related to deterministic networking in SG13
2023-12-01 IEEE-802-1 madinas 2024-01-31
Action needed
Liaison statement on Randomized and Changing MAC Address
2023-11-27 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF Reply LS on Multi-SDO Autonomous Networks (AN) Formal Liaison: Call for Candidate Proposals for AN SDO Information Sharing
2023-11-27 IEEE-802-1 detnet Liaison on IEEE 802.1 TSN projects to the IETF DetNet WG
2023-11-15 ccamp, pce, teas ITU-T-SG-15 Input for OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 32
2023-11-14 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of November 2023)
2023-11-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.ecs-reqts "Edge computing – Functional requirements of edge computing service (ECS)”
2023-11-13 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3059 (ex Y.Trust-Registry) “Trust Registry for Devices: requirements, architectural framework”
2023-11-10 ITU-T-SG-13 cats LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.CPN-CL-Arch “Requirements and architecture of CPN control layer for network resource in NGNe”
2023-11-09 ITU-T-SG-13 cats LS on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3400 (ex Y.IMT2020-CNC-req) "Coordination of networking and computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond - Requirements"
2023-11-09 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3061 (ex Y.AN-Arch-fw) “Autonomous Networks - Architecture Framework”
2023-11-08 ITU-T-JCA-IMT2020 ccamp, detnet, dmm, teas 2023-02-26
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap
2023-11-08 WBA radext Signaling Location Information in RADIUS
2023-11-07 CONFIDENTIAL-COMPUTING-CONSORTIUM IAB The Confidential Computing Consortium’s Response to the Internet Architecture Board’s Statement on Attestation
2023-11-05 BROADBAND-FORUM netconf, OPS Liaison to IETF regarding draft NETCONF YANG models
2023-10-24 ITU-T-SG-11 spring 2024-04-10
Action needed
LS on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.SFCO “Signalling requirements and data models for service function chaining orchestration based on SRv6”
2023-10-24 ITU-T-SG-11 opsawg LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3962 (ex. Q.joint_tr) “Requirements and Reference Model for optimized traceroute of joint Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching”
2023-10-24 ITU-T-SG-11 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG11 (as of October 2023)
2023-10-24 ITU-T-SG-11 rats, teep LS on the creation of a new work item Q.MFDC “Requirements and reference model for monitoring of federated data cooperation service in multi-access edge computing in Future Network”
2023-10-18 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF 2023-11-20
Action needed
LS on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse cross-platform interoperability
2023-10-18 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse-related technologies
2023-10-17 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the third meeting of the FG-MV
2023-10-13 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on definition of metaverse
2023-10-10 WBA madinas Use of Chargeable User Identity (CUID) in RADIUS
2023-10-09 teas 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3, 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5, O3GPPTSGRAN3 LS on a Framework for Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies
2023-10-06 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.1567 (ex. Y.LUL) “Latency under load metrics and methods of measurement”
2023-10-06 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4493 (ex Y.IoT-AOS-prot) “Autonomic operations support protocols in the Internet of things”
2023-08-30 O3GPPTSGRAN3 tsvwg Reply LS on DTLS for SCTP next steps and request for input
2023-08-28 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of July 2023)
2023-08-28 IAB ETSI URI scheme registration for postal addresses (ETSI TS 102 818 V3.4.1 (2022-05))
2023-08-25 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on information about the progress of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AN-Arch-fw “Architecture Framework for Autonomous Networks”
2023-08-21 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3 tsvwg Reply LS on DTLS for SCTP
2023-08-07 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF LS on Results of the second meeting of the FG-MV and approval of its first deliverable
2023-08-04 tsvwg 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3, O3GPPTSGRAN3 2023-09-11
Action needed
DTLS for SCTP next steps and request for input
2023-07-24 BROADBAND-FORUM netmod For Information: New Project for Addressing ONU Management at Scale
2023-07-13 intarea IEEE-802-1 Liaison response on draft-ietf-intarea-rfc7042bis, "IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters"
2023-06-15 WBA IAB, IETF Liaison Statement to IETF IAB regarding OpenRoaming
2023-06-07 3GPP tsvwg 2023-12-01
Action needed
Reply LS on SCTP-AUTH and DTLS
2023-06-07 IEEE-802-11 babel Liaison to IETF Babel WG on Alternative Path Selection Protocol
2023-06-07 drip ASTM-F38-COMMITTEE 2023-07-22
Action needed
LS to request Specific Authentication Methods types for IETF DRIP
2023-06-05 ITU-T-SG-11 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG11 (as of May 2023) [to ITU-T SG2, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG15, ITU-T SG17, ITU-T JCA-QKDN, ETSI ISG-QKD, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 and AG4, IRTF QIRG and IETF Opsawg]
2023-06-05 ITU-T-SG-11 cats LS on consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4140 (ex. Q.CPN) [to SG13, SG17, IETF WG CATS]
2023-06-05 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on initiation of the new work item Q.PDS “Protocols for supporting data streaming service in IMT-2020 network and beyond” [to ITU-T SG13, 3GPP SA1 and IETF]
2023-06-05 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the creation of a new work item TR.MPM-SRv6 “Method for Performance Monitoring of SRv6 Network” [to IETF, ITU-T SG15]
2023-06-05 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the new work item Q.vbng-pup-iopt “Interoperability testing suite for cloud-based control plane and pooled user plane of virtualized broadband network gateway” [to IETF, BBF]
2023-05-22 cats BROADBAND-FORUM Response to your liaison on Metro Compute Networking Architecture
2023-05-16 ITUTFGAN IETF LS on ITU FG AN Build-a-thon 2023
2023-05-08 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on IM/DM modelling coordination
2023-05-08 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2023-11-06
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 32
2023-05-08 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on information on actions taken by SG15 on inclusive language
2023-05-08 ITU-T-SG-13 cats LS on initiation of a new work item ITU-T Y.NCE-DAICC “Network capability enhancement for distributed artificial intelligent computing centers in NGNe”
2023-05-08 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS/r on work items related to deterministic networking and deterministic communication service in ITU-T SG13 (IEEE 802.1-LS71)
2023-05-05 BROADBAND-FORUM cats, RTG, rtgwg Liaison to IETF on Metro Compute Networking Architecture
2023-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS on intent to initiate approval of Amendment to MPLS-TP Recommendation
2023-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on clarification of ITU-T G.698.2 (11/2018) application codes (reply to IETF ccamp WG-LS19)
2023-04-21 O-RAN-WG9 opsawg, teas LS on O-RAN Transport Network Slicing Enhancement
2023-04-19 ITU-T-JCA-IMT2020 ccamp, detnet, dmm, sfc, teas 2023-10-16
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap [to ITU study groups and external IMT-2020 liaison partners]
2023-04-18 ICANN IETF Response to Announcement of IETF Last Call on draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld-22
2023-04-17 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of March 2023)
2023-03-22 IEEE-802-1 detnet Liaison response to work items related to deterministic networking in ITU-T SG13
2023-03-22 ITU-T-FG-MV IETF 2023-06-30
Action needed
LS on requesting collaboration on metaverse standardization work
2023-03-20 IEEE-802-1 INT Liaison on IETF RFC 7042bis, IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters
2023-03-16 IAB, IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS on the new work item Y.SAN “Requirements and architecture of service aware network”
2023-03-14 OPS ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS Announcement of IETF Last Call on draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld-22
2023-03-13 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC LS on new work item on draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.jss “JSON Signature Scheme”
2023-03-09 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 netmod LS on need for modeling isInvariant and SystemCreated in YANG
2023-03-07 GSMA pquip LS to inform about the Post Quantum Telco Network Impact Assessment Whitepaper Publication
2023-02-08 detnet 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 Response to 3GPP SA2 LS on 3GPP 5G System acting as a DetNet node
2023-02-07 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS/r on Quality Experience Delivered program new specification (reply to Broadbandforum-LS167)
2023-02-07 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS on Consent of G.1051, “Latency measurement and interactivity scoring under real application data traffic patterns”
2023-02-07 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS on Consent of Revised Y.1540, Annex B, “Additional search algorithms for IP-based capacity parameters and methods of measurement”
2023-02-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 2023-03-25 Clarification of ITU-T G.698.2 (11/2018) application codes
2023-01-27 ccamp, pce ITU-T-SG-15 Input for OTNT Standardization Workplan
2023-01-24 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of November 2022)
2023-01-20 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the new work item Y.SAN “Requirements and architecture of service aware network”
2023-01-18 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS on work items related to deterministic networking in SG13
2023-01-10 ITU-T-TSAG IETF LS on new ITU-T Focus Group on metaverse (FG-MV) [to all ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SG5 and various external organizations]
2022-12-20 tsvwg 3GPP Updated LS to 3GPP regarding SCTP-AUTH and DTLS
2022-12-14 IAB UNICODE Liaison statement from the IAB to the Unicode Technical Committee
2022-12-05 ITU-T-JCA-IMT2020 ccamp, detnet, dmm, sfc, teas 2023-03-01
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap [to ITU study groups and external IMT-2020 liaison partners]
2022-12-02 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the initiation of the new work item Y.AN-Arch-fw: "Architecture Framework for Autonomous Networks"
2022-11-16 BROADBAND-FORUM bmwg, IAB, ippm, RTG For Information: Quality Experience Delivered program new specification
2022-11-15 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS on progress on work related to MPLS-TP to IETF MPLS WG
2022-10-25 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 detnet 2022-12-30
Action needed
LS on 3GPP 5G System acting as a Detnet node
2022-10-24 ETSI-ISG-NFV ccamp, opsawg, teas 2022-12-30 LSout to IETF TEAS, OPSAWG and CCAMP WG on the start of work on profiling specification for multi-site connectivity services based on ACTN
2022-10-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2023-04-23 LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 31
2022-10-19 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on IM/DM modelling coordination
2022-09-28 lpwan 3GPP 2022-10-20
Action needed
Liaison statement from the IETF LPWAN WG to 3GPP
2022-09-20 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF 2023-01-13
Action needed
LS on the initiation of a new work item on draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR.IoT-IMS “Requirements and capability framework for identification management service of IoT device”
2022-09-02 IEEE-802-1 intarea Liaison on P802.1CQ Multicast and Local Address Assignment
2022-07-26 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of July 2022)
2022-07-26 ITU-T-JCA-IMT2020 ccamp, detnet, dmm, sfc, teas 2022-09-13
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap [to ITU study groups and external IMT-2020 liaison partners]
2022-07-25 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS on work items related to deterministic networking in ITU-T SG13
2022-07-25 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the consent of ITU-T Y.2344 (formerly Y.IBN-reqts): “Scenarios and requirements of Intent-Based Network for network evolution”
2022-07-21 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the initiation of a new work item Q.Scvh-iopt “Interoperability testing between SDN and hypervisor based computing virtualization”
2022-07-21 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the creation of a new work item TR.MPLRA “Technical report on requirements and architecture for monitoring packet loss caused by network congestion”
2022-07-21 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the creation of a new work item Q.RI_PISRM "Requirements and reference model of resource integration and protocol independent methods for source routing measurements"
2022-07-21 ITU-T-SG-11 opsawg LS on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3406 (ex Q.telemetry-VBNS)
2022-07-20 O-RAN-WG10 netmod 2022-09-30
Action needed
LS on O-RAN – IETF YANG Module Versioning
2022-07-20 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the consent of Recommendation ITU-T Y.3181 (ex-Y.ML-IMT2020-sandbox):“Architectural framework for Machine Learning Sandbox in future networks including IMT-2020”
2022-07-20 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the approval of a new ITU-T Supplement on use cases for autonomous networks
2022-07-14 ETSI-ISG-MWT ccamp Follow Up on SDN SBI YANG models for Service Automation and Plugtest announcement
2022-06-27 BROADBAND-FORUM teas LS on information about BBF’s release of technical report on network slicing management
2022-05-27 GLIDS IETF GLIDS: Web-based Global "LID System
2022-04-19 WBA madinas Liaison Statement to IETF MADINAS
2022-04-12 ICAO-WG-L lisp LISP standardization request from ICAO WG-I
2022-03-21 avtcore ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF AVTCORE WG response to "Liaison statement to IETF on MPEG Green Metadata", Serial number 21052, from October 2021
2022-02-08 ITU-T-SG-16 IESG LS on the creation of new work items H.IPTV-OpMcast and F.ILMTS-Reqs [to ITU-T SG9, SG13, IRG-AVA; IEC TC100, IETF IESG, ASTAP EG-MA]
2022-01-21 BROADBAND-FORUM bfd For Information TR-146 and draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-echo
2022-01-18 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the new work item on “Requirements and framework of Service Function Orchestration based on SFC (Y.SFO)”
2022-01-11 ESTI-TC-ESI lamps Liaison statement to IETF on RFC 5280 attribute length limitations
2022-01-05 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF 2022-09-01
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 30
2022-01-05 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on Coordination of information and data modelling work
2022-01-04 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2022-03-31
Action needed
LS on consideration of a new work on ITU-T"Framework of trust-level assessment for trustworthy networking"
2021-12-22 ITU-T-SG-11 sfc LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3061 (ex. Q.SFPtr)
2021-12-17 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on new work item Q.IBN-SA “Signaling architecture of Intent-Based Network for network evolution”
2021-12-16 IAB ISOTC154 2022-03-18 Request to add the IETF as an external liaison to ISO/TC154
2021-12-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3535: "Cloud computing – Functional requirements for container" and revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3505: " Cloud computing - Overview and functional requirements for data storage federation"
2021-11-23 detnet ITU-T-SG-13 New liaison to ITU-T SG13
2021-11-22 IEEE-802-1 detnet Liaison response to work items related to deterministic communication in ITU-T SG13
2021-11-11 MEF IETF Liaison about Publication of Standard MEF 84 Network Slice Service and Attributes
2021-10-29 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 avtcore 2099-09-30
Action needed
Liaison statement to IETF AVT on MPEG Green Metadata
2021-10-15 IEEE-802-1 IETF 2021-12-10
Action needed
Liaison on a YANG Data Model for a Keystore
2021-10-04 ITU-T-CITS ipwave 2021-11-19
Action needed
LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database
2021-09-10 IAB ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS/o on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure”
2021-09-10 IAB ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13
2021-08-12 GSMA teas 2021-10-15
Action needed
New Whitepaper: “E2E Network Slicing Architecture"
2021-08-06 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the new work item ITU-T Y.NGNe-IBN-arch: “Functional architecture of NGN evolution by adoption of Intent-Based Network”
2021-08-06 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure”
2021-07-27 ITU-T-SG-13 detnet LS on Work items related to deterministic communication in ITU-T SG13
2021-07-26 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of July 2021)
2021-07-20 ITU-T-SG-11 rtcweb LS on the new work item Q.DC-SA “Signalling architecture of data channel enhanced IMS network”
2021-07-19 ISOIEC-JTC-1SC-41WG-7 IETF 2021-08-16
Action needed
Liaison Statement from SC 41/WG 7 on the new work items for underwater network
2021-07-08 mpls 3GPP 2021-07-27
Action needed
Liaison from the MPLS Working Group on Network Slicing Identifier scalability
2021-06-21 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS on initiation of new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DT-interop, “Interoperability framework of digital twin systems in smart cities and communities”
2021-06-03 tsvwg WBA Response to WBA Liaison Statement on 5G & Wi-Fi RAN Convergence
2021-06-02 ITU-T-SG-16 ipwave LS on new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T F.VG-VMA "Architecture of vehicular multimedia systems" [to various organizations]
2021-05-28 IOWN-GLOBAL-FORUM IAB, IESG IOWN Global Forum to IETF
2021-05-24 tsvwg O3GPPTSGRAN3 Progress on DTLS on SCtP
2021-05-24 TSV 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 Future Port Allocation Requests
2021-05-21 ippm ITU-T-SG-12 Reply to ITU-T SG12 LS - Harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency
2021-05-17 GSMA-ZTC tsvwg LS to IETF TSVWG on MP-DCCP
2021-05-11 IETF NIST IETF use of NISTIR8366
2021-05-07 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on coordination of information and data modelling work
2021-05-07 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2021-11-01
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 29
2021-04-29 ISOTC154 IAB 2021-05-06 ISO 14533-2
2021-04-19 ITU-T-SG-11 sfc LS on recent service function chaining related developments in Q4/SG11: two new draft Supplements
2021-04-19 ITU-T-SG-11 spring 2021-05-15
Action needed
LS on recent network OAM related developments in Q13/11 of SG11: one non-consensus contribution
2021-04-19 ITU-T-SG-11 opsawg 2021-06-30
Action needed
LS on recent network OAM related developments in Q13/SG11: one new draft Recommendation Q.joint_tr “Requirements and Reference Model for optimized traceroute of joint IP/MPLS”
2021-04-19 ITU-T-FG-VM ipwave LS on the latest results on the Vehicular Multimedia deliverables from ITU FG-VM
2021-04-16 ITU-T-SG-11 sfc LS on recent service function chaining related developments in Q4/SG11: two new draft Supplements
2021-04-12 ISOTC154 IAB Reply to IETF Liaison Statement to ISO/TC 154 about ISO 14533-4
2021-03-30 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on information about draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ICN-TL “Requirements and Mechanisms of Transport Layer for Information Centric Networking in IMT-2020”
2021-03-18 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF LS to TM Forum on introduction of 3GPP Autonomous Network Levels
2021-03-18 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF Reply LS on Progressing the Multi SDO Autonomous Network coordination
2021-03-18 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 IESG 2021-04-14 Reply LS on port allocation for the W1 interface
2021-03-18 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS/o on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of March 2021) [from ITU-T SG13]
2021-03-16 ITU-T-SG-13 opsawg LS/o on initiation a new work item ITU-T Y.IMT2020-IBNMO “Intent-based network management and orchestration for network slicing in IMT-2020 and beyond”
2021-03-05 O3GPPTSGRAN3 tsvwg 2021-05-17 Remove the user message size limitation for DTLS over SCTP
2021-03-05 BROADBAND-FORUM ippm, TSV Broadband Forum interest in draft-ietf-ippm-capacity-metric-method
2021-02-19 IAB ISOTC46 2021-06-30
Action needed
User assigned code elements
2021-02-16 ITUTFGAN IETF 2021-03-20
Action needed
LS/o on “Call for use cases for autonomous networks”
2021-02-12 IAB ISOTC154 IETF Liaison Statement to ISO/TC 154 about ISO 14533
2021-02-08 IEEE-802-1 IETF Liaison response to LS SP-201142 on Use of Inclusive Language in 3GPP specifications
2021-01-29 3GPP-TSG-SA IETF LS on Use of Inclusive Language in 3GPP specifications
2021-01-28 WBA TSV Liaison Statement on 5G & Wi-Fi RAN Convergence to IETF
2021-01-21 IESG 3GPP-TSG-CT, 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 Reply LS on port allocation for the W1 interface
2021-01-13 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o/r on FG NET2030 Deliverables (reply to IETF-LS19)
2020-12-16 quic 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 Response to "LS on ATSSS Phase 2 conclusions"
2020-12-08 ITU-R-WP5D ipwave Development of a draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.C-V2X] – The use of the terrestrial component of IMT systems for Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything
2020-11-30 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 quic LS on ATSSS Phase 2 conclusions
2020-11-24 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison response on FG Net2030 Deliverables
2020-11-17 ITU-T-SG-20 drip 2021-03-01
Action needed
LS on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.UAV.arch
2020-11-13 IEEE-802-1 IESG Withdrawal of IEEE Std 802.1D-2004
2020-11-13 IAB, IESG ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS Re: Letter from Mr. Marby Re: Clarifying domain namespace responsibilities
2020-10-28 ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS IAB, IETF Clarifying domain namespace responsibilities
2020-10-27 BROADBAND-FORUM OPS, opsawg YANG data model for bulk data collection using IPFIX
2020-10-27 ITU-R-WP5D IETF LS: Development of a draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.C-V2X] – The use of the terrestrial component of IMT systems for Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything
2020-10-27 ITU-R-WP5D IETF LS: Future Technology Trends for the evolution of IMT towards 2030 and beyond
2020-10-12 quic 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 Response to "LS on ATSSS Phase 2 Requirements to IETF QUIC Working Group"
2020-10-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Updates to MPLS-TP Recommendations
2020-10-05 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
2020-10-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2021-05-01
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 28
2020-09-24 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 quic LS on ATSSS Phase 2 Requirements to IETF QUIC Working Group
2020-09-08 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o on the new work item on “Scenarios and Requirements of Intent-Based Network for network evolution (Y.IBN-reqts)”
2020-09-08 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF LS on SG17 new work item 'Security Methodology for Zero-Touch Massive IoT Deployment'
2020-09-01 BROADBAND-FORUM IESG draft-allan-5g-fmc-encapsulation
2020-08-24 ccamp, mpls, pce, teas ITU-T-SG-15 Reply to LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2020-08-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o on initiation of new work on “Cloud computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud” (Y.ecloud-reqts)
2020-08-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o on initiation of new work on “Edge computing – Overview and requirements”
2020-08-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2020-11-30
Action needed
LS/o on Deliverables of Focus Group NET2030
2020-08-14 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o on Deliverables of Focus Group ML5G to ITU-T, ITU-R study groups and other groups
2020-08-13 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS/o on information about consent of Machine Learning related ITU-T Recommendation Y.3176
2020-08-06 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3059 “Signalling requirements for service function discovery”
2020-08-04 ITU-R IETF 2020-11-02
Action needed
Question ITU-R 261/5
2020-07-16 3GPP-TSG-CT IESG LS on port allocation for the W1 interface
2020-07-16 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 teas LS on SA5 Rel-17 work on SLA
2020-07-16 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 teas LS on adding transport information in 3GPP NRM to facilitate Cross-domain OAM coordination
2020-06-25 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 IESG Reply LS on port allocation
2020-06-16 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 IESG Reply LS on port allocation
2020-05-13 quic 3GPP-TSG-SA Re: LS on need for Multi-Path QUIC for ATSSS
2020-04-24 BROADBAND-FORUM ippm Quality Experience Delivered program
2020-04-01 3GPP IETF LS on need for Multi-Path QUIC for ATSSS
2020-03-30 IETF ITU-T-TSAG Response to "LS on New IP, Shaping Future Network"
2020-03-30 ICAO 6man 2020-03-31 The OMNI Interface - An IPv6 Air/Ground Interface for Civil Aviation
2020-03-27 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2020-06-30
Action needed
LS/o on synchronization of Y.DNI-fr “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure” in Q2/13
2020-02-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS - Intent to initiate the approval process for revised MPLS-TP Recommendations
2020-02-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2020-08-20
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 27
2020-02-19 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
2020-02-10 ETSI-ISG-ZSM teas Liaison from ISG ZSM to IETF for TN coordination
2020-01-22 ISO-IEC-SC41-WG5 IETF Liaison Statement from SC 41/WG 5 on the new work item (u-MIB)
2020-01-14 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas ITU-T-SG-15 Reply to LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2019-12-19 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS/r on use of "ppk" URI scheme name in draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.dec-IoT-arch (IETF-LS17)
2019-12-18 BROADBAND-FORUM IAB, IETF Broadband Forum adopts open structure
2019-12-09 ETSI-ISG-SAI IETF Liaison statement from ETSI ISG SAI on Securing Artificial Intelligence
2019-12-06 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Mobile-transport network slice instance Management Interfaces (MMI)
2019-12-06 MEF ccamp Update on Operator L1 Service Attributes and Services (MEF W64)
2019-12-04 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF LS on analysis of GSMA GST attributes
2019-11-21 IETF BROADBAND-FORUM IESG follow-up regarding 'Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture'
2019-11-06 quic 3GPP Response to questions about QUIC network level troubleshooting capabilities
2019-11-05 BROADBAND-FORUM RTG, rtgwg Follow-on to IETF liaison: ‘Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture’
2019-11-05 ITU-T-SG-11 ippm LS on agreement of new Supplement 71 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations “Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator’s networks”
2019-11-01 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS/r on Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work (reply to IEEE802.1-LS48)
2019-11-01 ITU-T-SG-9 ipwave Establishment of the new ITU Focus Group on AI for Autonomous & Assisted Driving (FG-AI4AD)
2019-10-25 ITU-T-SG-16 avtcore LS on the second edition of Series H Supplement 19 “Usage of video signal type code points” [to ARIB et al.]
2019-10-14 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 quic 2020-02-14 LS on 3GPP CT WG4 feedback on QUIC network level troubleshooting capabilities
2019-10-02 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2020-01-06
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2019-09-30 ITU-T-TSAG IAB, IETF 2020-02-10
Action needed
LS on New IP, Shaping Future Network
2019-09-20 ITU-T-SG-17 tls LS on determined draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1365 (ex X.ibc-iot) “Security methodology for using Identity Based Cryptography for IoT services over telecom networks”
2019-09-05 BROADBAND-FORUM RTG, rtgwg Follow-on to IETF liaison: ‘Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture’
2019-08-26 ITU-T IETF LS (liaison statement) on Results of ITU’s work on machine learning for 5G networks
2019-07-18 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS on description of OTSi and network media channel
2019-07-12 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on coordination on information and data modelling
2019-06-28 tls ITU-T-SG-17 Liaison to SG17
2019-06-17 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to ITU-T SG15 liaison 1606
2019-05-22 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm 2019-09-01 LS on harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency Parameters: Consent of Draft Rec. Y.1540 on IP packet transfer performance parameters and New Annex A with Lab & Field Evaluation Plans
2019-05-16 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 IETF Update to LS on RoHC utilization for Ethernet header compression
2019-05-15 BROADBAND-FORUM ippm For Information: Quality Experience Delivered (Broadband QED) project and Reply to Liaison
2019-04-25 ippm ITU-T-SG-12 Reply to ITU-T SG12 LS - Harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency
2019-04-11 ccamp MEF 2019-05-31 Reply to LS on Update on MEF 63 and Operator L1 Service Attributes
2019-04-10 ITU-T-CITS ipwave LS on ITS communication standards online database
2019-04-03 IETF 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 In Response to 3GPP RAN2’s LS on RoHC utilization for Ethernet header compression
2019-03-28 IEEE-802-1 lsvr Liaison response to IETF LSVR WG Work on LSoE (Link neighbor, liveness and encapsulation discovery)
2019-03-26 ccamp, mpls, pce, teas ITU-T-SG-15 Reply to LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2019-03-25 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 IETF 2019-04-18
Action needed
LS on RoHC utilization for Ethernet header compression
2019-03-23 ITU-T-SG-11 ippm LS/r on current status of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 (reply to SG12-LS59)
2019-03-19 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on recent telemetry related developments in Q4/11: one new draft Recommendation
2019-03-13 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm 2019-05-01 LS - Harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency Parameters: Revision of Draft Rec. Y.1540 on IP packet transfer performance parameters and New Annex A with Lab Evaluation Plan
2019-03-07 BROADBAND-FORUM RTG, rtgwg Follow-on response to IETF liaison: ‘Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture’
2019-02-13 ITU-T-SG-17 tls 2019-06-30
Action needed
LS on SG17 work item X.ibc-iot: Security framework for using Identity Based Cryptography for IoT services over telecom networks
2019-02-13 MEF 6man, bfd, ippm, rtgwg, v6ops Status of MEF IP Services Projects
2019-02-08 WBA IETF 2019-03-20
Action needed
Liaison Statement to IETF – WBA ID
2019-02-07 ITU-T-SG-17 suit LS on SG17 work item X.secup-iot: Secure Software Update Procedure for IoT Devices
2019-01-29 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS/r on Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work (reply to IEEE 802.1-LS44 & Broadband Forum-LS133)
2019-01-24 ESTI-TC-CYBER SEC Reply LS from ETSI TC CYBER to IETF Security area directors regarding “enterprise TLS”
2019-01-21 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Response to comments on draft-ietf-ccamp-alarm-module-01
2019-01-11 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2019-06-01
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2019-01-10 lsvr IEEE IETF LSVR WG Work on LSoE
2019-01-08 ITU-T-JCA-IOT-SCC IETF 2019-03-29
Action needed
LS on “Request to update the IoT and SC&C Standards Roadmap and the list of contact points”
2019-01-02 BROADBAND-FORUM RTG, rtgwg Response to IETF liaison: ‘Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture’
2018-12-11 ITU-T-SG-15 ippm 2019-03-01 LS on harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency Parameters: Revision of Draft Rec. Y.1540 on IP packet transfer performance parameters and New Annex A with Lab Evaluation Plan
2018-12-10 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS on New Recommendation Y.cvms, “Considerations for Realizing Virtual Measurement Systems”
2018-12-05 SEC ESTI-TC-CYBER 2019-01-18
Action needed
Statement from the IETF SEC Area Directors regarding "enterprise TLS"
2018-12-03 rtgwg BROADBAND-FORUM Potential RTGWG work related to the disaggregated BNG architecture
2018-11-30 ART, SEC W3C, W3C-WEBRTC 2018-12-31
Action needed
Statement from the IETF ART and SEC Area Directors regarding the "Trusted application, untrusted intermediary" use case
2018-11-15 ESTI-TC-CYBER SEC Reply LS to IETF Security area directors on middlebox
2018-11-13 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
2018-11-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2019-01-18
Action needed
Response to Liaison Statement from IETF CCAMP WG
2018-11-06 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2019-06-18
Action needed
Request for clarification concerning MPLS-TP shared ring protection
2018-11-06 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Intent to initiate the approval process of MPLS-TP Recommendations
2018-11-06 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
2018-11-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on DWDM framework (reply to IETF CCAMP WG – LS17)
2018-11-05 ITU-T-SG-15 pals 2019-06-18
Action needed
Response to liaison on Control Word for Ethernet Pseudowires (reply to IETF PALS-LS1)
2018-11-05 MEF ccamp Update on MEF 63 and Operator L1 Service Attributes
2018-11-04 ITU-T-SG-16 ipwave LS on Establishment of new ITU-T Focus Group on vehicular multimedia (FG-VM) and its first meeting [to TSAG, all ITU-T SGs; external organizations]
2018-10-26 ITU-T-SG-12 IETF LS/r on current status of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 (reply to SG11-LS52)
2018-10-11 MEF IETF 2018-11-30
Action needed
IP Service Attributes Approved Draft
2018-10-03 BROADBAND-FORUM i2rs, RTG, rtgwg Converged Core and single CUPS architecture
2018-09-14 BROADBAND-FORUM netmod, OPS, opsawg YANG data model for bulk data collection using IPFIX
2018-09-12 ITU-T-SG-17 suit 2018-12-31
Action needed
LS on SG17 work item X.secup-iot: Secure Software Update Procedure for IoT Devices
2018-09-11 ITU-T-SG-2 IETF 2019-02-18
Action needed
Ls/r on Clarifications to IETF Process related to individual drafts and requests for IANA allocation related to IPv6 addressing
2018-08-14 l2sm 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 Further Information About IETF Work Relevant to Network Slicing
2018-08-09 OMA-DMSE IETF LwM2M v1.1 Release Approval
2018-08-02 ITU-T-SG-11 IETF LS on recent IPv6 related development in Q4/SG11: one consented draft Recommendation
2018-08-02 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF LS on new ITU-T Recommendations related to Immersive Live Experience (ILE); service scenarios, high-level requirement and architectural framework
2018-07-27 NGMN IETF NGMN Recommendations regarding the Transparency of SEP Disclosures
2018-07-26 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 dmm, IETF LS OUT on User Plane Analysis
2018-07-26 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 IETF LS on 3GPP Interface transport protocol port number assignment
2018-07-23 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF Reply LS on IETF work related to the management and orchestration of network slicing
2018-07-20 dmm 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 DMM WG Response to 3GPP CT4 on LS CP-173160 (New Study Item on User Plane Protocol in 5GC )
2018-07-06 IAB, IETF ITU-T-SG-2, ITU-T-SG-2-Q1 2018-09-05
Action needed
Clarifications to IETF Process related to individual drafts and requests for IANA allocation related to IPv6 addressing
2018-07-06 MEF netmod, OPS, RTG MEF Starting IP Service Definition Work
2018-06-28 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF New Broadband Forum Contact and 2019 Meeting Dates
2018-06-15 l2sm 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 IETF work related to the management and orchestration of network slicing
2018-06-08 ITU-T-SG-9 ipwave International Forum on ITS plus Collaboration meeting -- Nanjing, China, 6-7 September 2018
2018-06-04 ITU-R-WP5A ipwave 2018-10-29
Action needed
LS from ITU-R WP 5A to External Organizations
2018-05-29 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS/r on IPv6 work items (reply to IETF-LS14)
2018-05-22 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 2018-06-28
Action needed
Liaison to ITU on dwdm if framework
2018-05-21 ITU-T-SG-12 dispatch 2018-10-01
Action needed
LS - Information on existing studies, ongoing researches and/or technical information on the identification of the impacts of counterfeit and non-compliant devices on the QoS/QoE of Mobile Networks
2018-05-17 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS/r on current status of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 (reply to SG11-LS31)
2018-05-03 GSMA opsawg 2018-06-07
Action needed
LS to IETF Operations and Management Area WG (OPSAWG) regarding use of MUD to indicate network usage requirements in cellular networks.
2018-05-02 ITU ipwave 2018-09-05
Action needed
LS on updated terms of reference and request to appoint vice-chairs or representatives to the Collaboration on ITS communication standards (from CITS)
2018-04-11 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 dmm 2018-07-20
Action needed
CP-173160: New Study Item on User Plane Protocol in 5GC
2018-04-05 pals BROADBAND-FORUM, IEEE-802-1, ITU-T-SG-15, MEF IETF PALS Working Group on the Control Word for Ethernet Pseudowires
2018-04-05 IEEE-802-1 nvo3 2018-05-18
Action needed
Liaison letter to IETF NVO3 Working Group
2018-04-04 IAB ITU-T-SG-20 Response to Liaison 1546
2018-04-03 BROADBAND-FORUM INT, netmod YANG Data Model for ANCP
2018-03-22 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 6man, dmm, INT LS on indicating service continuity usage of the additional IPv6 prefix in Router Advertisement
2018-03-15 BROADBAND-FORUM i2rs, RTG The Disaggregated Architecture of BNG in BBF TR-384
2018-03-02 ETSI bmwg 2018-12-08
Action needed
Specification of Networking Benchmarks and Measurement Methods for NFVI
2018-03-02 ITU-T ccamp LS/r IETF CCAMP work on YANG Alarm Module Submission (reply to IETF-LS16 )
2018-03-02 ITU-T ccamp LS - Initiation of approval process for G.8013/Y.1731 (2015) Corrigendum 1, revised G.8021/Y.1341, and new G.8023
2018-03-02 ITU-T netmod 2018-09-17
Action needed
LS/r Coordination of IM & DM for OAM (reply to IEEE 802.3 – LS61)
2018-03-02 ITU-T mpls, pals LS - Intent to initiate approval of MPLS-TP Recommendations
2018-03-02 ITU-T ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2018-10-01
Action needed
LS - OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2018-02-13 ITU-T IETF LS/o on the results of the 1st meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G (FG ML5G)
2018-02-06 ITU-T-SG-17-TSB suit LS on IoT secure update procedure
2018-02-06 MEF IETF IP Services Service OAM and Service Activation Testing Projects
2018-01-24 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2018-03-02
Action needed
IETF CCAMP work on YANG Alarm Module
2018-01-22 BROADBAND-FORUM netmod, OPS, RTG For Action: YANG model for CFM OAM
2018-01-16 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 6man, dmm, INT LS on indicating service continuity usage of the additional IPv6 prefix in Router Advertisement
2018-01-16 MEF ccamp MEF to multiple SDOs on Subscriber L1CS Attributes draft
2018-01-02 SAE-CELL-V2X ipwave LS on Establishment of SAE Cellular V2X Technical Committee and Associated Task Forces
2017-12-18 IEEE-802-1 lime Liaison on CFM YANG
2017-12-18 IEEE-802-1 isis Ethertype for long LLC frames
2017-12-06 ISOTC204 IETF Liaison statement from ISO/TC204: Resolution 1235
2017-11-29 ITU-R-WP5A IETF 2018-03-14
Action needed
Radio interface standards of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications for Intelligent Transport System applications
2017-09-25 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS on UIIS work items
2017-09-25 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF 2018-01-28
Action needed
LS on IPv6 work items
2017-09-25 ITU-T-SG-20 IAB LS/r on the IAB statement on IPv6 (reply to TSAG - LS 3 -E)
2017-09-20 BROADBAND-FORUM netmod, OPS 2017-11-27
Action needed
Broadband Forum NMDA Questions
2017-09-18 IEEE-802-1 OPS Liaison response to ITU - T SG15 regarding coordination on IM/DM for OAM
2017-09-15 ITU-T-SG-17 sfc 2018-02-28
Action needed
LS on ongoing ITU-T SG17 work on security aspects for software-defined networking
2017-09-13 ITU-T-SG-17 ipsecme, lamps LS on ITU-T SG17 work on quantum-safe PKI
2017-08-08 BROADBAND-FORUM bess, mpls, RTG 2017-09-06 Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE
2017-08-02 IEEE-802-1 IETF Liaison response to ITU-T SG15 LS-54
2017-07-19 SEC ESTI-TC-CYBER 2017-10-06
Action needed
IETF Security Area Director Concerns with McTLS
2017-07-13 BROADBAND-FORUM ccamp, netmod IETF YANG Models of Interest to Broadband Forum
2017-07-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on Flex Ethernet for IP/MPLS Networks (reply to IETF ccamp WG-LS15 (26 May 2017), posted as TD38/WP3)
2017-07-06 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF Initiation of work to support IMT-2020/5G in the Transport Network
2017-07-06 ITU-T-SG-15 OPS LS/r Coordination on YANG data models for SOAM and CFM (reply to MEF-LS109 (TD28-WP3) and IEEE 802.1-oLS34 (TD104-WP3))
2017-07-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pals, pce, teas 2018-01-16
Action needed
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2017-06-27 IETF 3GPP Netslices BoF
2017-06-19 IEEE-802-1 OPS Liaison response to ITU-T SG15 and MEF on YANG for CFM
2017-06-19 isis IEEE-802-1 Re: Ethertype for long LLC frames
2017-06-15 3GPP-TSG-SA IETF Reply LS to liaison statement on requesting support for defining next generation protocols
2017-06-07 ETSI-NTECH ART, sipcore 2017-06-22
Action needed
Liaison Statement to IETF on location source parameter
2017-06-06 ITU-R-WP5A ipwave 2017-10-30
Action needed
Radio interface standards of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communications for Intelligent Transport System applications
2017-06-06 NGMN IETF NGMN Recommendations regarding the Transparency of SEP Disclosures
2017-05-26 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2017-07-14
Action needed
FlexE for IP/MPLS Networks
2017-05-18 BROADBAND-FORUM ccamp, mpls, pce, teas Liaison to IETF on Flex Ethernet for IP/MPLS Networks
2017-05-03 MEF OPS, RTG Liaison to IETF on IP Services Approved Draft 1
2017-05-03 MEF lime SOAM YANG work coordination
2017-04-27 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Intent to initiate approval of MPLS-TP Recommendations
2017-04-25 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on initiation of new work on metadata framework for cloud service lifecycle management
2017-04-25 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2017-10-30
Action needed
LS on invitation to review Cloud Computing Standardization Roadmap and provide missing or updated information
2017-04-18 ETSI-ISG-MEC IETF 2017-06-09
Action needed
ETSI ISG MEC (Multi access Edge Computing) Phase 2
2017-04-11 ITU-T-SG-17 sfc LS on ongoing ITU-T Q2/17 and Q6/17 work on security aspects for the software-defined networking
2017-04-10 ITU-T-SG-15 OPS Liaison response to IEEE 802.1 and MEF incoming liaisons on MEF 38.1 and 39.1 (Reply to IEEE 802.1-LS33 (TD21/WP3) and MEF-oLS-107-MEF (TD18/WP3 and TD19/WP3))
2017-04-10 ITU-T-SG-15 bmwg 2017-06-07
Action needed
LS response to IETF BMWG on proposal to develop a benchmarking methodology for ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 (reply to IETF BMWG-LS2 (TD12/WP3))
2017-04-10 ITU-T-SG-20 IETF LS on the new structure of ITU-T SG20
2017-04-03 W3C-WEBRTC mmusic 2017-04-16 W3C WEBRTC WG to IETF MMUSIC WG
2017-03-25 IEEE-802-1 INT Asymmetric (private) VLANs - comments on draft-nordmark-intarea-ippl
2017-03-25 IEEE-802-1 isis Ethertype for long LLC frames
2017-03-25 IEEE-802-1 lime IEEE 802.1 CFM YANG module
2017-03-14 MEF lime 2017Q2-Liaison on MEF 39-SOAM PM YANG
2017-03-14 MEF lime 2017Q2-Liaison on MEF 38-SOAM FM YANG
2017-02-27 OMA IETF LS to 3GPP, GSMA, IETF, oneM2M, Wi-Fi Alliance on LwM2M Connectivity Mgmt. enhancements for MIoT
2017-01-24 ITU-T-FG-IMT-2020 IETF LS on the completion of ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 and start of normative work in ITU-T Study Group 13
2017-01-24 bmwg ITU-TSBSG-11, ITU-TSBSG-15, ITU-T-SG-11, ITU-T-SG-15 2017-03-26
Action needed
Proposal to Develop a Benchmarking Methodology for ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 OAM Performance
2017-01-23 IAB ETSI-NGP-ISP Liaison Statement to ETSI NGP ISP
2016-12-26 l2sm MEF Response to your liaison dated 31st October 2016
2016-12-07 IAB ITU-T, ITU-T-TSAG IAB Statement on IPv6
2016-11-29 tsvwg 3GPP 2017-03-10 Response to Reply LS in response to (SP-150579) on 3GPP Work on Explicit Congestion Notification for Lower Layer Protocols from 3GPP SA
2016-10-31 MEF IESG, OPS 2017-01-23
Action needed
Liaison to IETF on proposed Working Group on L2SM
2016-10-14 ccamp, mpls, pce ITU-T-SG-15 Reply to SG15 Liaison regarding OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2016-10-07 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS - Initiation of the approval process for G.8101 revision, G.8113.1 and G.8121 series corrigenda
2016-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, lime, mpls, netmod, OPS, RTG, teas LS on Generic and Transport Technology Specific Management Information Models
2016-10-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2017-05-31 LS on SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2016-09-20 dime 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 Reply to the LS to IETF for clarification on RFC 4006 for Diameter base protocol
2016-09-16 ITU-T-SG-17 ace, core LS on work items Big Data security in ITU-T SG 17
2016-09-09 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2017-05-16
Action needed
LS/o on invitation to update the information in draft Supplement on Cloud Computing Standardization Roadmap [to ITU-T SG2, SG5, SG9, SG11, SG12, SG15, SG16, SG17, TM Forum, OMG, CSCC, ISMA, ISO/IEC JTC1 SCs 6, 27, 38 and 40, OASIS, MEF, OGF, DMTF, CSA, SN
2016-09-02 mpls ITU-T 2016-10-10
Action needed
MPLS-TP Shared Ring Protection
2016-08-28 SEC ITU-T 2016-11-04 Cryptographic Message Syntax Coordination
2016-08-08 netconf, netmod BROADBAND-FORUM In Response to Liaison to IETF on YANG Models to enable deployments
2016-08-02 ETSI-NGP IAB, IETF 2016-10-10
Action needed
Liaison about ETSI ISG NGP (Next Generation Protocols)
2016-07-28 SEC IEEE-802-11 Opportunistic Wireless Encryption
2016-07-14 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, lime, netmod, OPS, RTG, teas 2016-09-16
Action needed
LS on generation of YANG modules from Transport Technology UML information models
2016-07-14 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2016-09-16
Action needed
LS/r on update on the Temporal Hitless Enhanced Path Segment Monitoring draft
2016-06-24 ITU-T-SG-12 IETF Liaison Statement on revised definition of Quality of Experience (QoE) and new terms in Rec. P.10/G.100
2016-06-24 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS/r on new work item “A regulation framework of delivering of ICT services with the guaranteed QoS and requested bit rate on the fixed and mobile data networks”
2016-06-10 mmusic 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 Response to Liaison Statement to IETF MMUSIC concerning 'Improved end-to-end QoS Enhancements for MTSI'
2016-06-01 3GPP-TSGCT-CT1 INT 2016-07-25
Action needed
LS on consideration of NB-IoT as a target technology in the LPWAN BoF
2016-05-25 ITU-R-WP5A RTG 2016-10-31
Action needed
Technical and operational characteristics of the land mobile service applications and their spectrum needs associated with work on WRC-19 agenda item 1.15 in the frequency range 275-450 GHz
2016-05-25 ITU-R-WP-5C RTG 2016-10-31
Action needed
Technical and operational characteristics of the fixed service applications and their spectrum needs associated with work on WRC-19 agenda item 1.15
2016-05-20 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pals 2016-09-19
Action needed
SG15-LS352: LS on intention to Consent Amendment 2 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 (2014)
2016-05-18 BROADBAND-FORUM netconf, netmod, OPS Liaison to IETF on YANG Models to enable deployments
2016-05-17 mpls ITU-T-SG-15, ITU-T-SG-15-Q10 2016-09-30
Action needed
Update on the Temporal Hitless Enhanced Path Segment Monitoring draft
2016-05-17 mpls, pals ITU-T-SG-15 Update on MPLS-TP protection work in MPLS and PALS working groups
2016-05-06 MEF bess, idr Liaison from MEF on IP Service Attributes
2016-05-06 MEF ippm, l3sm, mpls, OPS Liaison Response from MEF on IP Services
2016-05-06 ippm, l3sm, mpls, OPS MEF Response to Liaison Statement on IP Service Attributes 2016-02-26
2016-05-04 3GPP-TSG-SA-WG5 dime 2016-05-23 LS to IETF for clarification on RFC 4006 for Diameter Base Protocol
2016-04-22 ATIS stir Re: ATIS White Paper on Calling Party Anti Spoofing
2016-04-15 ISOTC204 IETF Liaison from ISO/TC204 to IETF
2016-03-30 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison on MPEG-DASH Part 6: DASH with Server Push and WebSockets
2016-03-24 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2016-08-01
Action needed
LS on strengthening collaboration between ITU-T Study Group 17 and IETF on security standardization
2016-03-18 SEC ITU-T Follow-up on Cryptographic Message Syntax communications
2016-03-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 IETF Response to liaison Statement on URI Signing 2015-12-30
2016-03-08 ITU-T-SG-15 6lo LS/r on concerns on the deprecation of dispatch type in 6loWPAN (reply to IETF 6LoWPAN-LS001)
2016-03-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2016-05-16 LS on work on MPLS-TP protection
2016-03-08 ITU-T-SG-15 tictoc LS on ITU-T Q14/15 work on the management model for time and frequency synchronization
2016-03-08 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2016-08-31
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan
2016-03-02 xrblock W3C IETF XRBLOCK Workgroup to W3C WebRTC WG
2016-02-26 MEF ippm, l3sm, mpls, OPS Liaison from MEF on IP Service Attributes
2016-02-26 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on “Report on standard gap analysis”, from ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT-2020
2016-02-26 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2016-04-12
Action needed
LS on invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap and remark on the matrix for standardization gap analysis
2016-02-11 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 MPLS-TP status in the IETF
2016-02-02 ccamp, pce, teas BROADBAND-FORUM Response to 18 Dec 2016 liaison concerning: Achieving Packet Network Optimization using DWDM Interfaces
2016-02-02 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS/r to ITU-T SG11 on “QoS-related work in ITU-T SG11” (SG11-LS 105) [from ITU-T SG12]
2016-01-31 3GPP-TSGCT-CT1 ecrit Response to LS on NG eCall support for the EU
2016-01-04 ITU-T-SG-11 ippm LS/r on QoS-related work in ITU-T SG11 (reply to SG12 - LS 90)
2015-12-30 cdni ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 Response to request for information on URI Signing 2015-11-02
2015-12-18 BROADBAND-FORUM ccamp, pce, RTG, teas 2016-01-25
Action needed
Achieving Packet Network Optimization using DWDM Interfaces
2015-12-18 3GPP-TSGSA tsvwg Reply LS on 3GPP Work on Explicit Congestion Notification for Lower Layer Protocols
2015-12-02 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 ecrit Reply LS on eCall support for the EU from IETF Ecrit WG
2015-12-02 MEF IETF MEF Lifecycle Service Orchestration Reference Architecture (LSO RA) as an approved draft
2015-12-02 ccamp, pce, teas BROADBAND-FORUM In Response to Broadband Forum Liaison: Achieving Packet Network Optimization using DWDM Interfaces
2015-11-24 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm LS - Reply to ITU-T SG11 relevant activities on “Internet Speed Measurements” (reply to SG11-LS91)
2015-11-24 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Broadband Forum Organizational Changes
2015-11-24 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 mmusic 2016-01-25 LS on Improved end-to-end QoS Enhancements for MTSI
2015-11-16 OCC IETF, OPS, RTG Approval of OCC 1.0 Reference Architecture with SDN and NFV Constructs
2015-11-16 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 avtext 2016-01-25
Action needed
LS to IETF AVTEXT on Video Region-of-Interest (ROI)
2015-11-09 MEF IETF Liaison on MEF YANG Service models
2015-11-09 ETSI-NTECH IETF 2015-12-08
Action needed
Call for Proof of Concept demonstrations on autonomic networking
2015-11-03 nvo3 IEEE-802-1 2015-06-15
Action needed
Liaison from IETF NVO3 to IEEE 802.1 regarding VDP extensions
2015-11-03 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement on the use of HTTP headers for DASH improvements
2015-11-02 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2015-12-15
Action needed
LS on intent to initiate approval process for MPLS-TP Recommendations
2015-11-02 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 cdni Liaison Statement to IETF on URI signing
2015-10-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, netmod, teas LS on protocol-specific data modelling work
2015-10-16 BROADBAND-FORUM ccamp, RTG, teas 2015-11-08 Achieving Packet Network Optimization using DWDM Interfaces
2015-10-12 i2nsf ITU-T-SG-17 Response to your LS on framework for creation, storage, distribution and enforcement of policies for network security
2015-10-02 ITU-T-SG-15 teas 2016-02-01
Action needed
LS on status of ACTN work
2015-09-23 ITU-T-SG-15 tictoc LS on discussion on communication from IEEE1588 on IEEE 1588 YANG models
2015-09-21 ITU-T-SG-17-Q4 SEC LS on framework for creation, storage, distribution and enforcement of policies for network security
2015-08-19 ATIS-ELOC-TF ecrit Emergency Location Standardization Effort at ATIS
2015-07-29 roll ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS on concerns on the deprecation of dispatch type in 6loWPAN and its header compression mechanism to roll
2015-07-29 6lo ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS on concerns on the deprecation of dispatch type in 6loWPAN and its header compression mechanism to 6lo
2015-07-21 tsvwg 3GPP 2015-10-30 Explicit Congestion Notification for Lower Layer Protocols
2015-07-17 IEEE-802-1 nvo3 Liaison letter to IETF NVO3 Working Group
2015-07-16 BROADBAND-FORUM radext Common RADIUS Vendor Specific Attributes for Standardization
2015-07-16 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 avtext LS to IETF on Video Region-of-Interest (ROI)
2015-07-16 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS/r on information modelling work recently approved and published (reply to ONF-LS009)
2015-07-16 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS on initiation of Approval process for revised Recommendations ITU-T G.8112/Y.1371 and ITU-T G.8113.2/Y.1372.2
2015-07-16 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2016-01-31
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to mpls wg
2015-07-16 ITU-T-SG-15 pce 2016-01-31
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to pce wg
2015-07-16 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2016-01-31
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to ccamp
2015-07-07 ITU-T-SG-15 roll 2015-07-24
Action needed
LS on concerns on the deprecation of dispatch type in 6loWPAN and its header compression mechanism to roll
2015-07-07 ITU-T-SG-15 6lo 2015-07-24
Action needed
LS on concerns on the deprecation of dispatch type in 6loWPAN and its header compression mechanism to 6lo
2015-07-07 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement on URI Signing for MPEG-DASH to IETF
2015-06-19 ecrit 3GPP 2015-07-19 Liaison Statement on NG eCall support for the EU
2015-06-10 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF LS on Establishment of new Focus Group on “IMT-2020”
2015-06-10 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2015-06-30
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap
2015-06-08 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS on progress of work on draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 (2014)
2015-06-08 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to mpls
2015-06-08 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to ccamp
2015-06-02 ONF IETF Information modeling work recently approved and published
2015-05-29 cdni ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 IETF Response on URI Signing for MPEG-DASH
2015-05-20 RAI ITU-T-SG-16 Response to LS on call for comments on an IETF WG on Internet Video Codec (netvc)
2015-05-15 BROADBAND-FORUM bess 2015-06-01
Action needed
Ethernet Services Using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) (WT-350) to IETF BESS WG Chairs
2015-05-15 BROADBAND-FORUM RTG 2015-06-01
Action needed
Ethernet Services Using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) (WT-350) to IETF Routing Area Directors
2015-05-14 nvo3 IEEE-802-1 2015-07-19
Action needed
IETF NVO3 to IEEE 802.1 regarding VDP extensions
2015-05-05 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF 2015-05-30
Action needed
LS on call for comments on an IETF WG on Internet Video Codec (netvc) [to IETF IESG]
2015-05-04 ETSI-ISG-QSC IETF Creation of ETSI ISG QSC (Quantum Safe Cryptography)
2015-05-01 ETSI-ISG-IP6 IETF Liaison about ETSI ISG IP6 creation to IETF
2015-04-22 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2015-08-31 LS/r on Cryptographic Message Syntax (reply to IETF Security Area)
2015-04-03 SEC ITU-T-SG-17 2015-07-01 Security Area Response to Liaison on Cryptographic Message Syntax
2015-04-03 NGMN IETF Liaison Statement on NGMN 5G White Paper from the NGMN Alliance to IETF
2015-03-31 stir ITU-T-SG-17 STIR WG response to LS on technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations
2015-03-31 stir ITU-T-SG-17 STIR WG Response to LS on technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the visited network of VoLTE
2015-03-30 clue 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 CLUE WG response to LS to IETF CLUE WG on media handling aspects related to CLUE protocol
2015-03-30 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 clue LS to IETF CLUE WG on media handling aspects related to CLUE protocol
2015-03-26 ITU-T-SG-5 IETF 2015-03-31
Action needed
Green ICT Standards Landscape Questionnaire
2015-03-20 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on Application Codes for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (reply to IETF-CCAMP-LS014)
2015-03-20 IEEE-802-16 lmap Update on IEEE Project P802.16.3
2015-03-19 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF LS/r on information modeling work in progress (reply to ONF-LS008)
2015-03-18 ONF IETF Information modeling work in progress
2015-03-13 INT ASHRAE 2015-05-01
Action needed
Request for MS/TP Frame Type Assignment
2015-03-11 SEC W3C Additional Curves
2015-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2015-06-09
Action needed
LS on progress of work on draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 (2014)
2015-03-04 ITU-T-SG-16-Q3 tls 2015-06-08
Action needed
LS/r on TLS and DTLS terminology – Follow-up comments and further questions for clarification (Ref: IETF No. 1379) [to IETF, 3GPP]
2015-02-04 MEF IETF Liaison about new project on YANG Modules for MEF Services
2015-02-02 tls ITU-T-SG-16-Q3 Response to LS on TLS and DTLS terminology [to 3GPPA SA3, IETF WG TLS, 3GPP CT4]
2015-01-16 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Update on “Hybrid Access for Broadband Networks” (WT-348)
2015-01-16 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 2015-03-02
Action needed
Application Codes for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks
2015-01-02 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2015-03-20
Action needed
JCA-Cloud's LS on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing roadmap to IETF
2014-12-19 ITU-T-JCA-SDN sfc 2015-04-15
Action needed
LS on SDN standardization activity roadmap to sfc
2014-12-19 ITU-T-JCA-SDN spring 2015-04-15
Action needed
LS on SDN standardization activity roadmap to spring
2014-12-19 ITU-T-JCA-SDN alto 2015-04-15 LS on SDN standardization activity roadmap to alto
2014-12-19 ITU-T-JCA-SDN i2rs 2015-04-15
Action needed
LS on SDN standardization activity roadmap to i2rs
2014-12-19 ITU-T-JCA-SDN nvo3 2015-04-15
Action needed
LS on SDN standardization activity roadmap to nvo3
2014-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS on update to MPLS-TP work in ITU-T SG15
2014-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2015-06-07
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to mpls
2014-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 pce 2015-06-07
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to pce
2014-12-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2015-06-07 LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan to ccamp
2014-12-02 tsvwg IEEE-802 2015-02-20 Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) and IEEE Protocols
2014-12-01 INT BROADBAND-FORUM Response to Broadband Forum Work on "Hybrid Access for Broadband Networks" (WT-348)
2014-11-25 ETSI-NTECH anima 2014-12-15
Action needed
Liaison Statement to IETF regarding Comments on ANIMA WG charter from ETSI NTECH AFI and suggested synergies and collaboration
2014-11-21 ITU-T-SG-16-Q3 tls 2015-02-01 LS on TLS and DTLS terminology [to 3GPPA SA3, IETF WG TLS, 3GPP CT4]
2014-11-19 ETSI-NTECH ecrit 2014-12-15
Action needed
Liaison Statement to IETF on HELD protocol extensions
2014-11-10 BROADBAND-FORUM ccamp 2014-12-01
Action needed
Achieving Packet Network Optimization using DWDM Interfaces
2014-11-08 IEEE-802-1 RTG Completion of 802.1AX-REV Link Aggregation to IETF Routing Area and Routing Area WG
2014-11-08 IEEE-802-1 INT Completion of 802.1AX-REV Link Aggregation to IETF Internet Area and Internet Area WG
2014-11-03 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 webpush 2015-02-09
Action needed
Liaison Statement on Webpush for DASH
2014-10-27 ONF-ARCH-WG IETF Liaison from ONF architecture WG
2014-10-21 BROADBAND-FORUM mpls Response to your liaison entitled “IETF draft on mobile backhaul“
2014-10-21 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Broadband Forum Work on “Hybrid Access for Broadband Networks” (WT-348)
2014-10-03 ITU-T-SG-17 stir 2015-03-31 LS on technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations
2014-10-03 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF 2015-03-31 LS on technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the visited network of VoLTE
2014-09-19 pce IEEE-802-1 IETF PCE WG's Response to Liaision from IEEE 802.1 on August 11
2014-09-15 IAB ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS Liaison Statement from the IAB to the ICANN Board on Technical Use of Domain Names
2014-09-08 IEEE-802-11 opsawg Response to Alternate Tunnel Encapsulation for Data Frames in CAPWAP
2014-08-26 IEEE-802-1 IETF Liaison from IEEE 802.1 - Deterministic Networking
2014-08-26 WBA IETF 2014-09-30
Action needed
RADIUS/Diameter interworking
2014-08-20 MEF IETF Liaison from MEF on Service Activation Testing Approved Draft and Letter Ballot
2014-08-20 MEF netmod Liaison to IETF on YANG Service OAM models
2014-08-11 IEEE-802-1 IETF Liaison to the IETF from IEEE 802.1 on P802.1Qca
2014-08-11 IEEE-802-1 pce Liaison from IEEE 802.1 to IETF PCE WG
2014-08-06 mpls BROADBAND-FORUM 2014-10-15
Action needed
IETF draft on mobile back haul
2014-08-05 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement on URI Signing for MPEG-DASH
2014-07-25 BROADBAND-FORUM lmap 2014-09-01
Action needed
Straw Ballot text for WT-304
2014-07-02 appsawg W3C Proposed URI Scheme Registration Process Changes
2014-07-01 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Large-Scale Performance Measurements
2014-06-24 OMA-ARCHITECTURE-WG IETF 2014-08-15
Action needed
Liaison about OMA activities on NetAPIs and Service Exposure Framework
2014-06-18 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2014-09-20
Action needed
LS on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing roadmap
2014-05-22 ITU-T-SG-15 6lo LS on initiation of new work on Smart Home (G.shp6)
2014-05-22 sacm ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC27 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27
2014-05-22 sacm ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC7 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7
2014-05-21 sacm TCG 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to TCG
2014-05-21 sacm ITU-T-SG-17-TSB 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to ITU-T Study Group 17, Question 4
2014-05-21 sacm ITU-T-SG-2 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to ITU-T SG2
2014-05-21 sacm OASIS 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to Oasis
2014-05-21 sacm NIST 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to NIST
2014-05-21 sacm OMG 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to The Object Management Group
2014-05-21 sacm THE-OPEN-GROUP 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model to The Open Group
2014-05-21 sacm DMTF 2014-07-04
Action needed
Call for Contributions for the SACM Information Model
2014-05-20 IEEE-802-11 opsawg Liaison from IEEE 802.11 on IEEE 802.11 MAC Profile for CAPWAP draft
2014-05-01 MEF IETF 2014-06-16
Action needed
Approved Draft #4 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification
2014-05-01 IMTC IETF 2014-05-30
Action needed
IMTC work on SIP feature parity with H.323- April 2014
2014-04-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF 2014-11-07
Action needed
LS on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan
2014-04-24 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS/r on progress of MPLS Protection State Coordination Work in the IETF (reply to IETF-MPLS-LS087)
2014-04-24 ITU-T-SG-15 OPS LS on new work item on Generic Information Model for management of transport NE
2014-04-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on flexible grid (reply to IETF-CCAMP-LS012)
2014-03-28 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Broadband Forum Work on “Network Enhanced Residential Gateway” (WT-317) and “Virtual Business Gateway” (WT-328)
2014-03-28 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Progress of MPLS Protection State Coordination Work in the IETF
2014-03-22 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2014-07-04 ITU-T - CCAMP Liason regarding Flexi-grid Redux
2014-03-18 OPS IEEE-802-11 2014-04-11 Alternate Tunnel Encapsulation for Data Frames in CAPWAP.
2014-03-18 OPS IEEE-802 IEEE: Writable MIB Module IESG Statement
2014-03-18 OPS MEF Writable MIB Module IESG Statement
2014-03-14 IEEE-802-1 IETF Response to TRILL Liaison to IEEE 802.1
2014-03-01 OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE IETF 2014-05-26
Action needed
Liaison about IETF activity on JSON Schema
2014-02-24 MEF IETF Virtual NID (vNID) Functionality for E-Access Services MIB
2014-02-24 IESG ITU-T Response to JCA-SDN and JCA-Cloud roadmap activity liaisons
2014-02-20 ITU-T-JCA-SDN IETF 2014-01-10 LS on SDN standardization activity map [to multiple external groups]
2014-02-13 BROADBAND-FORUM sfc 2014-05-16
Action needed
Broadband Forum Work on Flexible Service Chaining (SD-326)
2014-02-13 OPS ETSI-E2NA LS from ETSI E2NA to IETF on HOST ID standardization
2014-01-22 trill IEEE-802-1 Update Liaison to IEEE 802.1 on TRILL OAM
2014-01-10 APP ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 Registration of MIME media types
2014-01-02 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2014-02-22 LS on Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population
2013-12-12 json W3C Response to "Concerns from the W3C Technical Architecture Group regarding JSON"
2013-12-10 W3C json Concerns from the W3C Technical Architecture Group regarding JSON
2013-12-10 json ECMA-TC39 Response to "Ecma TC39 Comments on RFC 4727bis" from 2013-11-25
2013-12-06 NGMN IETF Liaison Letter from NGMN Project NGCOR on Publication of Deliverables
2013-12-02 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12 Response to Liaison statement on clarifying Point to Multi Point (P2MP) combinations (to IETF PWE3 and MPLS WGs)
2013-12-02 SEC ITU-T-SG-17 Response to liaison on Cryptographic Message Syntax
2013-11-25 ECMA-TC39 json 2013-12-09 Ecma TC39 Comment for RFC 4627bis
2013-11-20 ETSI-E2NA OPS 2013-12-10 Liaison Statement to IETF on HOST ID standardization
2013-11-04 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 rtcweb Liaison on Video Coding for Browsers
2013-11-04 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 cdni Liaison template on MPEG-DASH
2013-11-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on CCAMP Liaison to ITU-T SG15 Q6 and Q12 on flexible grid
2013-11-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS/r on CCAMP Liaison to ITU-T SG15 Q6 and Q12 on WSON
2013-10-15 IETF BROADBAND-FORUM Performance Measurement Liaison Response to Broadband Forum
2013-10-10 trill IEEE-802-1 2013-11-15 TRILL Liaison to IEEE 802.1
2013-10-10 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2013-12-20 CCAMP Liaison to ITU-T SG15's Q6 and Q12 on Flexible Grid DWDM networks
2013-09-24 ITU-T-SG-17 IESG LS/o on Cryptographic Message Syntax [to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27/WG2, ISO/TC 68/SC2, IESG]
2013-09-23 3GPP2-TSG-SX IAB IETF – 3GPP2 Liaison Relationship
2013-09-17 mmusic 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 Reply to Liaison statement to IETF concerning Missing IANA Registration Information on SDP Attributes in RFC 2326
2013-09-05 ETSI-TC-EE eman Liaison on monitoring of energy efficiency in telecommunication network infrastructures
2013-09-04 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 In response to Liaison Statement on linear protection switching for MPLS-TP (COM15-LS052-E)
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2014-03-07
Action needed
Liaison Statement on the SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan - mpls
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 pce 2014-03-07
Action needed
Liaison Statement on the SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan - pce
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2014-03-07
Action needed
Liaison Statement on the SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan - ccamp
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-12-01 Liaison statement on clarifying Point to Multi Point (P2MP) combinations (to IETF PWE3 and MPLS WGs)
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 2013-12-01 Liaison statement on clarifying Point to Multi Point (P2MP) combinations (to IETF PWE3 and MPLS WGs)
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Liaison Statement on initiating the Approval process for MPLS-TP Recommendations
2013-07-30 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-09-23 Liaison Statement on linear protection switching for MPLS-TP (reply to COM15-LS84r1-E / IETF LS-1256)
2013-07-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement on additional optical link management capabilities
2013-07-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement on Corrigendum of OTN terminology Recommendation
2013-07-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement on initiating approval of OTN NE Management Recommendations
2013-07-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement on WSON (reply to CCAMP-LS11)
2013-07-18 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 mmusic 2013-09-17 LS on Missing IANA Registration Information on SDP Attributes in RFC 2326
2013-07-12 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2013-08-26
Action needed
LS/o on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population
2013-07-09 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC6 IAB, IESG Liaison Response to ISOC on TIsec
2013-07-03 ITU-T-SG-12 IETF FG Distraction final report and deliverables
2013-06-26 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 CCAMP Liaison to ITU-T SG15's Q6 on WSON
2013-06-21 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 In response to : Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision - Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks
2013-06-19 rtgwg ITU-T-SG-15 Routing Work on Composite Links in MPLS Networks
2013-06-19 mmusic 3GPP Reply to Liaison statement to IETF concerning 3D video formats signalling in SDP
2013-06-07 ITU-R paws 2013-11-11
Action needed
Working document towards a preliminary new Report ITU-R [LMS.CRS2]
2013-06-06 IAB, IESG ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC6 2013-06-30
Action needed
Liaison from the ISOC to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 and its National Body members in relation to ISO-IECJTC1-SC6_N15618
2013-05-30 ccamp BROADBAND-FORUM Liaison statement: In response to " Initiation of Work on Packet and DWDM Optimization"
2013-05-15 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 In respons to "Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks"
2013-05-09 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC LS/o on the ITU-T Recommendation ITU-T X.1037, Technical security guideline on deploying IPv6 [to IETF Security Area]
2013-05-09 ITU-T-SG-12 IETF LSO on ITU-T Focus Group on Driver Distraction final report and deliverables
2013-05-02 MEF IETF 2013-07-05
Action needed
Ethernet Services MIB Status
2013-04-30 IAB ITU-T Appointment of Deborah Brungard as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T for MPLS
2013-04-16 NGMN cdni Liaison Letter to IETF on Mobile Content Delivery Optimization
2013-04-08 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2013-04-20
Action needed
Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population
2013-04-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Liaison statement to IETF MPLS WG on progressing work on MPLS - TP Recommendations
2013-04-04 IMTC sipcore IMTC work on SIP feature parity with H.323
2013-04-04 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Response to BBF liaison statement regarding Packet and DWDM/Optical integration
2013-04-02 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC Liaison to IETF Sec Area on the IPv6 Security Guideline
2013-03-27 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Appointment of Scott Mansfield as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T
2013-03-26 IEEE-802-16 OPS 2013-05-10
Action needed
Requesting LMAP perspectives of IEEE Project P802.16.3 Architecture and Privacy
2013-03-09 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF 2013-05-24
Action needed
Performance Measurements Architecture
2013-03-01 IEEE-802-EC-OMNIRAN IETF 2013-03-16
Action needed
Call for contributions by IEEE 802 Executive Committee OmniRAN Study Group
2013-02-28 tsvwg ITU-T-SG-12 In response to: Development of Informative Codepoint mapping in ITU-T Study Group 12
2013-02-22 3GPP mmusic 2013-04-09 Liaison statement to IETF concerning 3D video formats signalling in SDP
2013-02-11 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF LS to 3GPP, 3GPP2, ABU, ATSC, CEA, DLNA, DMB, DVB, ECMA, ETSI, IEC TC 100, IETF, IMTC, ITU-R SG 6, OIPF, OMA, SCTE, SMPTE, UCIF, VESA, W3C, WBU, and WiFi Alliance on Consent of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
2013-02-05 MEF IETF MEF Services UNI-EVC MIB Review
2013-02-05 MEF IETF 2013-03-08
Action needed
Approved Draft #3 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification
2013-02-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-06-01
Action needed
p2mp framework for MPLS-TP
2013-02-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-06-01
Action needed
Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks
2013-01-25 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Initiation of Work on Packet and DWDM Optimization
2013-01-23 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Liaison statement: In response to COM 15 – LS 408 – E “Requirements and analysis of ring protection for MPLS-TP networks”
2013-01-23 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Full response to "No liaison selectedProgressing work on p2mp MPLS-TP connections"
2013-01-18 ITU-T-SG-15 RTG Closure of the ad-hoc group on MPLS-TP
2013-01-08 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 In response to "Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks"
2013-01-07 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2013-02-18
Action needed
Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population
2013-01-07 BROADBAND-FORUM intarea Notification of New work at Broadband Forum on Public Wi-Fi Access in Multi-service Broadband Networks at the Broadband Forum -- intarea
2013-01-07 BROADBAND-FORUM opsawg Notification of New work at Broadband Forum on Public Wi-Fi Access in Multi-service Broadband Networks at the Broadband Forum -- opsawg
2012-12-31 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to " Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks"
2012-12-22 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to " Progressing work on p2mp MPLS-TP connections"
2012-12-22 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to " Requirements and analysis of ring protection for MPLS-TP networks"
2012-12-18 IETF IEEE-802-11 Response to Liaison 1181
2012-12-17 BROADBAND-FORUM ippm 2013-02-25 Project update and Request for input (WT-304 Broadband Service Attributes and Performance Metrics)
2012-12-14 IETF ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC6 2013-06-30 Liaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Regarding TIsec
2012-12-04 nvo3 IEEE-802-1 NVO3 Architecture and Requirements
2012-11-21 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Publication of RFC 6671 and Allocation of Code Point for use by G.8113.1
2012-11-20 ITU-T-SG-15 RTG 2012-11-23
Action needed
Approval of MPLS-TP Recommendations
2012-11-14 ipfix IEEE-802-1 2012-11-19
Action needed
IPFIX WG Liaison Statement to the IEEE 802.1 WG about Data-link Information Elements
2012-11-12 W3C rtcweb W3C's position on RTCWEB mandatory to implement video codec
2012-11-01 MEF OPS 2013-01-28
Action needed
Ethernet Services MIB Status
2012-10-30 IAB OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE IETF/OMA liaison Manager
2012-10-24 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 videocodec Liaison Statement to IETF RTCWeb WG and IETF video-codec BoF on the progress of IVC and WebVC
2012-10-24 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 rtcweb Liaison Statement to IETF RTCWeb WG and IETF video-codec BoF on the progress of IVC and WebVC
2012-10-24 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 codec Response to m26480 from IETF on Opus
2012-10-23 ITU-T-JCA-COP IETF 2013-04-01
Action needed
Liaison on Child Online Protection
2012-10-08 ITU-T-SG-15 pce 2013-06-17
Action needed
LS428 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> pce
2012-10-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-06-17
Action needed
LS428 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> mpls
2012-10-08 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2013-06-17
Action needed
LS428 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> ccamp
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2012-12-31 Recommendation ITU-T G.8131/Y.1382 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Progress on Recommendation ITU-T G.872
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Approval, Determination and Consent of MPLS-TP Recommendations
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2013-01-01 Progressing work on p2mp MPLS-TP connections
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Response to Liaison concerning approval of MPLS-TP Documents
2012-10-04 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 Reply to IETF PWE3 Liaison “SG15 opinion on draft-manhoudt-pwe3-tsop-01.txt Submission”
2012-10-03 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2012-12-31 Requirements and analysis of ring protection for MPLS-TP networks
2012-10-02 adslmib BROADBAND-FORUM Response to your liaison dated 25th May 2012 on xDSL MIB
2012-10-02 ITU-T-SG-12 xrblock Announcing consent of new P.1200-series Recommendations
2012-09-28 ITU-T-JCA-CLOUD IETF 2012-11-15
Action needed
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-Cloud to IETF
2012-09-28 IEEE-802-16 ippm New IEEE Project P802.16.3 on Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements
2012-09-26 codec ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 Liaison from IETF CODEC working group to ISO/IEC Regarding Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2012-09-25 bfd IEEE-802-1 In response to liaison statement to the IETF regarding Proposed IETF BFD WG work on Ethernet LAG
2012-09-25 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 WSON and Flexible Grids
2012-09-25 codec ITU-T-SG-16 Liaison from IETF CODEC working group to ITU SG16 Q8,9,10/16 Regarding Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2012-09-25 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Current Status of OTN Work
2012-09-25 codec 3GPP Liaison from IETF CODEC working group to 3GPP Regarding Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2012-09-12 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2013-01-15
Action needed
Liaison Statement on draft ITU-T X.discovery
2012-09-12 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2013-03-17
Action needed
Liaison on delegated non-repudiation architecture based on Recommendation ITU-T X.813 and efficient multi-factor authentication mechanisms using mobile devices
2012-09-12 ITU-T-SG-17 opsec Reply Liaison to IETF OPSEC WG on the IPv6 security guideline
2012-09-07 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Launch of a new Broadband Forum Working Group: Services Innovation and Market Requirements
2012-09-07 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF Project update and Request for input (WT-304 Broadband Service Attributes and Performance Metrics)
2012-09-05 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 2012-09-30
Action needed
SG15 opinion on draft-manhoudt-pwe3-tsop-01.txt
2012-08-29 IEEE-802-11 IETF 2012-12-15 Liaison to IETF on Diffie-Hellman Group Repository
2012-08-20 opsec ITU-T-SG-17 Response to Liaison on the IPv6 Security Guideline - ITU-T Question 2/17
2012-08-09 BROADBAND-FORUM OPS New Project – Broadband Access Service Attributes and Performance Measures
2012-08-06 ITU-T-TSAG IAB Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines
2012-08-06 MEF bmwg 2012-10-13
Action needed
Approved Draft #2 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification
2012-08-06 mmusic 3GPP Reply regarding On RTCP Bandwidth Negotiation
2012-08-06 BROADBAND-FORUM adslmib xDSL MIB
2012-08-06 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2012-12-15
Action needed
Reply to ITU Liaison Statement regarding MPLS-TP Linear Protection
2012-07-31 SEC ITU-T-SG-17 Response to Q7/17 "LS on security architecture and operations for web mashup service
2012-07-31 ITU-T-FG-DIST IETF 2012-08-15
Action needed
Request for input on ITU-T Recommendations related to driver distraction
2012-07-20 IAB ONF Relationship between ONF and the IETF
2012-07-11 IMTC IETF IMTC work on SIP feature parity with H.323
2012-07-11 IETF ITU-T-TSAG 2012-07-31
Action needed
Observations on Contribution 74 to TSAG Concerning Modification of IETF Protocols and Technologies by the ITU-­‐T
2012-07-11 IAB ITU-T-TSAG 2012-07-31
Action needed
Observations on Contribution 74 to TSAG Concerning Modification of IETF Protocols and Technologies by the ITU-­‐T
2012-07-10 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS 392 "Request advance work on the p2mp framework in MPLS-TP"
2012-07-03 ONF IETF Liaison between ONF and IETF
2012-07-03 ITU-T-SG-12 tsvwg 2013-03-01 Development of Informative Codepoint mapping in ITU-T Study Group 12
2012-06-27 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 Request advance work on the p2mp framework in MPLS-TP
2012-06-27 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2012-08-10 Request advance work on the p2mp framework in MPLS-TP
2012-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2012-08-10 Revision of Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks
2012-06-14 IESG ITU-T-SG-3 Re: New Liaison Statement on "NGN studies"
2012-06-12 IETF IEEE-802-1 IETF PAWS WG Rechartering
2012-06-04 3GPP mmusic 2012-08-07 On RTCP Bandwidth Negotiation
2012-06-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 mmusic Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 on Coding Independent Media Code Points
2012-05-30 ITU-T-SG-3 IETF 2012-08-28
Action needed
NGN studies
2012-05-15 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 2033-02-28
Action needed
Approval of MPLS-TP document related to G.8113.1 code point and two other MPLS-TP documents
2012-05-11 IESG IEEE-802-1 Response to the IEEE 802.1 Liaison Letter
2012-04-20 IETF OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE Response to OMA Enhanced Visual VoiceMail (EVVM)
2012-03-21 IEEE-802-1 IESG Liaison to IESG from IEEE 802.1
2012-03-19 IEEE-802-1 RTG Liaison response to IETF regarding Proposed IETF BFD WG work on Ethernet LAG
2012-03-19 RAI OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE LS from the RAI area to OMA Regarding the SDP Directorate
2012-03-15 ITU-T-WP-5-13 IETF New work item on the framework on the identifiers in Future Networks Liaison Statement
2012-03-13 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2012-08-20 Liaison on the IPv6 Security Guideline
2012-03-13 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2012-08-20
Action needed
LS on the management of infected terminals in mobile networks
2012-03-13 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC LS on secure application distribution framework for communication devices
2012-03-12 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2012-08-20 LS on security architecture and operations for web mashup services
2012-03-09 RTG IEEE-802-1 Proposed IETF BFD WG Work on Ethernet LAG
2012-02-16 RAI ITU-T-SG-16 LS from the RAI area to ITU-T SG16 Regarding the SDP Directorate
2012-02-07 3GPP codec Reply to Liaison Statement on Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2012-01-31 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2012-08-27
Action needed
LS358 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> ccamp
2012-01-31 ITU-T-SG-15 pce 2012-08-27
Action needed
LS358 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> pce
2012-01-31 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2012-08-27
Action needed
LS358 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan -> mpls
2012-01-25 IAB ITU-T Response to ITU-T TSAG Liaison TSAG-LS13-E "Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines"
2012-01-19 ITU-T-TSAG IAB 2012-02-10 Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines
2012-01-19 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 cdni Liaison on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
2012-01-17 3GPP IETF Reply LS on feedback on Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations
2012-01-17 IETF OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE Response to OMA MobSocNet regarding Social Networking Activity
2012-01-13 IETF ITU-T-SG-3 TD 169 E, ITU-T SG-3, Question 1, NGN Accounting and Charging Aspects
2012-01-09 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaison "LS322 - MPLS-TP equipment and management"
2012-01-09 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to "LS317 - Last Call review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-li-lb-03" (ref #058.03)
2012-01-09 IETF OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE Liaison Response to OMA ARC SEC regarding OAuth Specifications
2012-01-09 IETF OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE Response to OMA Open Connection Manager API (OpenCMAPI) WG
2012-01-08 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF 2012-08-01 LS370 - Current status of Recommendation ITU-T G.8113.1/Y.1372.1, Operations, Administration and Maintenance mechanism for MPLS-TP in Packet Transport Network (PTN)
2012-01-08 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG LS370 - Current status of Recommendation ITU-T G.8113.1/Y.1372.1, Operations, Administration and Maintenance mechanism for MPLS-TP in Packet Transport Network (PTN)
2012-01-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS368 - MPLS-TP Recommendations
2012-01-08 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG LS368 - MPLS-TP Recommendations (to IESG)
2012-01-08 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2012-04-01
Action needed
LS357 - from ITU-T Q6/15 to IETF CCAMP WG
2011-12-15 OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE appsawg Information on Social Networking activity
2011-12-09 OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE mif OMA Open Connection Manager API (OpenCMAPI)
2011-12-08 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Communication to ITU-T Q6/15 and Q12/15 from IETF's CCAMP Working Group on Flexible Grids
2011-12-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 codec Response to IETF CODEC Working Group, Real-Time Applications and Infrastructure Area (RAI)
2011-12-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 mmusic Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 on Codec Independent Media Description Codepoints [SC 29/WG 11 N 12448]
2011-11-18 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Email Correspondence Between IETF Chair and TSB Director
2011-11-17 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Completion of RFCs needed for G.8113.2
2011-11-14 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS331 - Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8013/Y.1731: Global MEG_ID
2011-11-14 codec 3GPP IETF Response to 3GPP SA WG4 Liaison Statement on Codec Discussion in IETF
2011-11-11 ITU-T-SG-12 codec 2012-03-01
Action needed
LS to IETF CODEC WG on the IETF OPUS codec
2011-11-10 codec ITU-T-SG-16 Response Liaison from IETF CODEC working group to ITU SG-16 Q8, 9, 10/16
2011-11-10 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF New work item on the framework on the identifiers in Future Networks
2011-11-10 ITU-T-SG-12 clue LS to inform about the ongoing work concerning Telepresence QoE in ITU-T SG 12
2011-10-28 MEF OPS Service OAM Performance Management related documents
2011-10-07 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS344 - Liaison on OTN Equipment (ITU-T G.798)
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG LS324 - New Recommendation ITU-T G.9973, “Protocol for identifying home network topology”
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 homenet LS325 - Response to the announcement of new IETF Homenet WG
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS330 - Recommendation ITU-T G.7044/Y.1347 (formerly G.hao) completed
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG 2011-10-28 LS332 - Consent of Recommendation ITU-T G.8113.2/Y.1372.2 -> IESG
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-10-28 LS332 - Consent of Recommendation ITU-T G.8113.2/Y.1372.2 -> MPLS
2011-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 2011-10-28
Action needed
LS332 - Consent of Recommendation ITU-T G.8113.2/Y.1372.2 -> PWE3
2011-09-14 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS320 - Request for promoting the discussion of new path segment monitoring in MPLS-TP
2011-09-14 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 LS320 - Request for promoting the discussion of new path segment monitoring in MPLS-TP - pwe3
2011-09-14 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS321 - Progress of Recommendation ITU-T G.8110.1/Y.1370.1
2011-09-14 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 2011-11-21 LS322 - MPLS-TP equipment and management -> PWE3
2011-09-14 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-11-21 LS322 - MPLS-TP equipment and management -> MPLS
2011-09-07 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC Reply Liaison to IETF SEC Area on IPv6 security issues
2011-09-06 BROADBAND-FORUM homenet New work items in Broadband Forum concerning Machine-to-Machine (M2M) solutions
2011-09-06 BROADBAND-FORUM eman New work items in Broadband Forum concerning Machine-to-Machine (M2M) solutions
2011-09-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS319 - Response to verification call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-mib-management-overview-05.txt [Ref 055.03]
2011-09-01 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-12-05 LS317 - Last Call review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-li-lb-03 [#058.02]
2011-08-29 IAB ITU-T-SG-15 New Liaison Managers to ITU-T
2011-08-29 IAB ITU-T-TSAG New Liaison Managers to ITU-T
2011-08-25 ITU-T-SG-16 codec 2011-11-01 Reply LS to IETF CODEC WG on their OPUS code
2011-08-23 3GPP codec Reply to Liaison Statement on Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2011-08-23 codec ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 2011-08-26 LIaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/ WG 11 regarding Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2011-08-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
2011-08-01 IESG ITU-T-SG-11 Information, in response to Liaison Statement from ITU-T Study Group 11, June, 2011
2011-08-01 codec 3GPP 2011-08-26 Liaison to the 3GPP SA WG4 regarding Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2011-07-28 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2011-09-30 Liaison on creating a globally unique ICC for MPLS-TP (ref # 057.01)
2011-07-28 codec ITU-T-SG-16 2011-08-26 Speech and Audio Coding Standardization Liaison to the ITU SG 16 Q8, 9, 10/16
2011-07-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaisons with comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers [Ref # 046.05]
2011-07-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaison with comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-on-demand-cv-03 [ref #053.03]
2011-07-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaisons with a request that the mpls adopt a working group document with the intention to make the ICC globally unique [Ref # 056.01]
2011-07-19 OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE oauth OAuth discovery and specification availability
2011-07-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-09-01 LS316 - Making the ICC globally unique
2011-07-06 INT ITU-T-SG-15 Consideration of HOMENET Working Group
2011-07-06 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaison with comments on "Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) MIB-based Management Overview" [ref 055.03}
2011-07-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-08-01 LS311 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-05 [Ref#046.04]
2011-07-01 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-09-02 Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-mib-management-overview-04.txt [Ref #055.02]
2011-06-30 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Appointment of Eliot Lear as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T
2011-06-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison response to request for review of OSPFv2 extensions for ASON routing submission (ref. TD 552 (WP 3/15))
2011-06-21 SEC ITU-T-SG-17 Security Area Response to Liaison on IPv6 security issues
2011-06-13 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Two MPLS-TP related PWE3 Working Group Last Calls
2011-06-09 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Letter regarding MPEG-M (Multimedia Service Platform Technologies) for Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT)
2011-06-07 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2011-06-30 Request for review of OSPFv2 extensions for ASON Routing
2011-06-03 ITU-T-SG-13 IAB, IESG 2011-09-12
Action needed
Update on FSA signalling draft Recommendation Q.Flowstatesig
2011-06-01 INT ITU-T-SG-15 Response regarding LS-256, Draft Recommendation G.phnt, "Protocol for identifying home network topology"
2011-05-24 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Response regarding LS-256 and LS-258, Draft Recommendation G.phnt, "Protocol for identifying home network topology"
2011-05-17 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 The IETF CCAMP working group last call on "A Framework for the Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) with Impairments"
2011-05-10 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 The IETF MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Transport Profile Lock Instruct and Loopback Functions" (ref #054.01)
2011-05-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-06-01 LS301 - Last Call review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-on-demand-cv-03 [ref #053.02]
2011-05-03 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC Liaison on IPv6 security issues
2011-05-03 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC Liaison Statement on cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX)
2011-04-29 MEF OPS SOAM FM and SOAM PM MIB project status
2011-04-29 MEF bmwg New project for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification development
2011-04-29 ITU-T-SG-16 codec 2011-11-01 LS to IETF CODEC WG on speech and audio coding standardization
2011-04-21 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Response to Your Liaison COM15-LS293-E
2011-04-08 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF Reply LS to IETF on IDN-related standardization (IETF LS 1019)
2011-04-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 on Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) [SC 29/WG 11 N 11973, Attachment: WG 11 N 11951]
2011-04-07 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to 5 liaisons with comments on MPLS WG documents (ref #053.01)
2011-04-02 ITU-T-SG-3 IETF 2012-01-10 NGN Studies
2011-03-22 IEEE-802-1 trill Liaison Response to IETF trill Working Group Work Items
2011-03-18 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-06-01 LS298 - Response to request for early review on two MPLS WG documents [Ref #048.02]
2011-03-17 3GPP IETF LS out Reply to "Reply LS to 3GPP TSG CT4 on support of ECN"
2011-03-17 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-06-01 LS297 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-04 [Ref # 046.03]
2011-03-15 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 LS296 - Reply to the IETF PWE3 WG LC on draft-ietf-pwe3-mpls-tp-gal-in-pw-00
2011-03-14 ITU-T-SG-15 IAB, IESG, mpls 2011-04-01 LS293 - Request for G-ACh channel codepoint to support traditional transport environment
2011-03-11 IESG IEEE-802-1 IETF trill Working Group Work Items
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG 2011-04-20 LS256 - Comments on Draft Recommendation G.phnt “Protocol for identifying home network topology”
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG 2011-09-01 LS258 - Draft Recommendation ITU-T G.phnt “Protocol for identifying home network topology”
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS283 - Response to Comments on the Updated draft Recommendation ITU-T G.8151 [Ref 045.04]
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-03-31 LS285 - Review of "draft-ietf-mpls-tp-linear-protection-04 (ref #049.01)" [ref #049.02]
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2011-11-18
Action needed
LS274 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-06-01 LS295 - Reply to the IETF MPLS working group last call on "A Packet Loss and Delay Measurement Profile for MPLS-based Transport Networks (ref #051.01)" (ref #051.02)
2011-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG LS280 - Comments on IETF IESG: L2VPN OAM Requirements and Framework - draft-ietf-l2vpn-oam-req-frmk
2011-03-07 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Closing the mpls-tp mailing-list
2011-02-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-04-01 LS281 - Comments on the IETF MPLS working group last call on "Proactive Connectivity Verification, Continuity Check and Remote Defect indication for MPLS Transport Profile" draft-ietf-mpls-tp-cc-cv-rdi-03 (ref #050.01)" (ref #050.02)
2011-02-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-04-01 LS289 - Reply to the IETF MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Fault Management OAM (ref #047.01)" (ref #047.02)
2011-02-25 IAB ITU-T 2011-07-01
Action needed
CIRs and address allocation
2011-02-23 IETF ITU-T-SG-16 Response to COM16 - LS 190 on "IDN related standardization"
2011-02-23 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC2 IETF Announcement of Document Availability (02i370)
2011-02-22 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
2011-02-17 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-03-11
Action needed
IETF PWE3 Working Group Last Call on draft-ietf-pwe3-mpls-tp-gal-in-pw-00
2011-02-11 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC2 IETF [jtc1sc2 31] Announcement of Document Availability (02i370)
2011-02-11 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.8151 [Ref 045.03]
2011-02-10 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.8121 [Ref 042.03]
2011-02-10 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.8121 [Ref 042.03]
2011-02-10 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Status of the IETF MPLS-TP project documents 2011-02-11 (ref #052.01)
2011-02-09 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Recent IETF RFCs of Interest to SG15
2011-02-07 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-03-07
Action needed
The IETF MPLS working group last call on "A Packet Loss and Delay Measurement Profile for MPLS-based Transport Networks" (ref #051.01)
2011-02-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-02-28
Action needed
The IETF MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Fault Management OAM" (ref #047.01)
2011-02-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-02-28
Action needed
The IETF MPLS working group last call on "MPLS-TP Linear Protection" (ref #049.01)
2011-02-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-02-28
Action needed
The IETF MPLS working group last call on "Proactive Connectivity Verification, Continuity Check and Remote Defect indication for MPLS Transport Profile" (ref #050.01)
2011-02-03 MEF IETF New project Specifying Requirements for Service Protection Across EIs
2011-02-03 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Continued discussions on G.709 issues
2011-02-03 ITU-T-SG-11 IAB, IESG, IETF Reply LS (Ref: IETF IAB ��� LS 3-E) on FSA signaling work
2011-02-02 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2011-02-28
Action needed
The IETF MPLS working group request early review of two MPLS working group documents (ref #048.01)
2011-01-31 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Comments on SG15 OTNT standardization work plan
2011-01-31 IAB ITU-T-SG-15-Q1 Regarding ITU-T standards for IP home networking and "Protocol for identifying home network topology", G.phnt
2011-01-21 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC Liaison statement on cybersecurity information exchange
2011-01-19 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.02]
2011-01-19 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.02]
2011-01-19 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.02]
2011-01-19 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.02]
2011-01-19 IETF ITU-T Response to Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.02]
2011-01-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-13-Q7 Regarding ITU-T Q.7/13 work related to IPv6 NGN
2011-01-18 IETF ITU-T Response to Review of MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network-to-Network Interfaces (ref #041.03)
2011-01-17 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-02-01
Action needed
LS232 - Updated draft Recommendation G.8121 [Ref 042.01]
2011-01-12 IAB ITU-T-SG-11 In response to Liaison Statement from ITU-T Study Group 11, August, 2010 regarding Q.Flowstatesig
2010-12-15 ITU-T-SG-15 homenet LS243 - Notification of ITU-T standards for IP home networking
2010-12-15 ITU-T-SG-15 homenet 2011-02-01
Action needed
LS244 - Draft Recommendation G.phnt, “Protocol for identifying home network topology”
2010-12-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-01-14
Action needed
LS236 - Draft revised Recommendation G.8110.1 [Ref 044.01]
2010-12-08 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-01-16
Action needed
LS245 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-03 [Ref # 046.02]
2010-12-03 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-01-14
Action needed
LS233 - Updated draft Recommendation G.tpoam [Ref 043.01]
2010-12-03 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-01-14
Action needed
LS235 - Review of MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network-to-Network Interfaces (ref #041.02)
2010-12-03 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2011-01-14
Action needed
LS237 - Updated draft Recommendation G.8151 [Ref 045.01]
2010-11-28 dnsext ITU-T-SG-17-Q2 Response to LS Regarding A Decentralized Architecture for Global IP Network Name Resolution System
2010-11-28 IETF ITU-T ITU-T Q 17/13 Packet forwarding and deep packet inspection for multiple services in packet-based networks and NGN environment
2010-11-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10 Response to “MPLS-TP OAM Analysis draft review” (ref # 041.03)
2010-11-27 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 "Response to: LS231 - Comments on draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-tp-cp-framework-02" (ref 040.03)
2010-11-23 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-12-12
Action needed
Title: MPLS wg last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-04 (Ref # 046.01)
2010-11-16 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Liaison Statement on MPLS-TP OAM Analysis draft review (ref # 041.02)
2010-11-15 IEEE-802-1 RTG Response to L2VPN OAM Requirements and Framework - draft-ietf-l2vpn-oam-req-frmk
2010-11-05 ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP IAB, IETF Liaison Statement on C19 "Problems and Solutions"
2010-11-05 ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP IAB, IETF Liaison Statement on Concerns on IPv4 Address Policy with regard to IPv6 Deployment
2010-11-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pwe3 2011-01-16
Action needed
LS231 - Comments on draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-tp-cp-framework-02 [Ref # 040.02]
2010-11-05 RTG ITU-T-SG-15-Q10 L2VPN Last Call on draft-ietf-l2vpn-oam-req-frmk
2010-11-05 RTG IEEE-802-1 L2VPN Last Call on draft-ietf-l2vpn-oam-req-frmk
2010-11-05 ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP IAB, IETF Liaison Statement on NAv6 study on the Country Internet Registry model
2010-11-02 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-11-23
Action needed
MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Transport Profile User-to-Network and Network-to-Network Interfaces" (ref #041.01)
2010-10-29 INT BROADBAND-FORUM Response to LS on Issues with SLAAC
2010-10-29 MPEG IETF Liaison Statement on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
2010-10-29 MPEG IETF Liaison Statement on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) (2)
2010-10-21 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-11-14
Action needed
MPLS working group last call on "MPLS-TP OAM Analysis" (ref #041.01)
2010-10-21 RAI ETSI-TC-HF Response to LS from ETSI
2010-10-20 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-11-09
Action needed
CCAMP working group last call on "MPLS-TP Control Plane Framework" (ref #040.01)
2010-10-15 BROADBAND-FORUM 6man, INT Issues with SLAAC
2010-10-14 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to "LS163 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-01" Ref # 022.03
2010-10-07 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10 Response to "LS223 - Last Call review of the MPLS-TP OAM Framework draft" ref #039.03
2010-09-29 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS223 - Last Call review of the MPLS-TP OAM Framework draft #039.02
2010-09-27 ITU-T-SG-13 INT 2010-12-31
Action needed
Liaison to Internet Area on Identifier/Locator separation
2010-09-24 OMA-COM-CAB vcarddav vCard evolution to address OMA CAB Format needs
2010-09-23 ITU-T-FG-CLOUD IETF LS – Request for mapping relevant activities
2010-09-22 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2010-10-04 LS221 - Examples of the use of Transitional Links (ITU-T G.709)
2010-09-17 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Further WG Last Call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-oam-framework-08.txt (ref # 039.01)
2010-09-08 BROADBAND-FORUM IETF New Root data model in TR-069 family of specifications
2010-08-30 IAB ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP Re: Liaison to ITU-T SG 2,3,17, ITU-D SG2 and IETF dd May 10, 2010
2010-08-17 ITU-T-SG-11 IAB, IESG Update on Q.Flowstatesig
2010-08-10 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Reference Documents on MPEG Media Transport (MMT)
2010-08-10 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
2010-08-09 ITU-T-SG-16 RAI COM 16-LS 159 - Outgoing LS from SG16 meeting (19-30 July 2010) on approval of a new Question on telepresence systems
2010-08-09 ITU-T-SG-16 IAB, IETF COM16 - LS 190 on "IDN related standardization"
2010-08-09 ITU-T-SG-16 codec COM16 - LS 191 on "feedback on the activities at the IETF Internet Wideband Codec WG"
2010-08-04 OMA-COM-CPM IETF OMA-COM-CPM dependency on IETF drafts
2010-07-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Re: Review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-03 (Ref #035.02)
2010-07-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: LS206 - Review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-12 (Ref #034.02)
2010-07-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Re: LS205 - Considerations on the approach, to providing OAM for MPLS-TP (#37.02)
2010-07-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Re: L211 - Request for the roadmap of MPLS-TP OAM (#038.01)
2010-07-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pwe3 2010-08-16 LS218 - Comments on draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-tp-cp-framework-02 [Ref # 036.02]
2010-07-22 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG, mpls 2010-08-31 LS217 - MPLS-TP Survivability Framework (ref # 28.06)
2010-07-20 IEEE-802-1 bmwg Liaison to IEEE 802.1 on DCB proposal
2010-07-19 IETF ITU-T-FG-CLOUD Acknowledgement of receiving liaison statement "Cloud – LS 002 – E"
2010-07-19 ITU-T-FG-CLOUD IETF First meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud)
2010-07-17 ETSI-TC-HF IETF ETSI Human Factors: Request for advice and processing of two issues within mobile and IP-based text telephony
2010-07-16 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: LS214 - MPLS-TP survivability framework draft reviewed (ref # 28.05)
2010-07-08 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-07-26 MPLS-TP Control Plane Framework #036.01
2010-07-08 BROADBAND-FORUM 6man, INT, mif, OPS, softwire, v6ops 2010-12-31
Action needed
Broadband Forum Residential Gateway Requirements
2010-06-30 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG, mpls 2010-07-30 LS214 - MPLS-TP survivability framework draft reviewed (ref # 28.04)
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2011-02-01 LS204 - SG15 OTNT standardization work plan
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IAB, IESG, mpls 2011-07-30
Action needed
LS205 - Considerations on the approach to providing OAM for MPLS-TP (ref #037.01)
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG, mpls 2010-07-30 LS206 - Review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp -framework-12 (Ref #034.01)
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IESG, mpls 2010-07-30 LS207 - Review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-03 (Ref #035.01)
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-10-31
Action needed
LS210 - Request and problem statements for temporal and hitless path segment monitoring
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 IAB, IESG, mpls 2010-07-30 LS211 - Request for the roadmap of MPLS-TP OAM (#038.01)
2010-06-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls LS212 - Approval process initiated for G.7714.1 revision
2010-06-22 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS194 - Lambda switch capable equipment
2010-06-22 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2010-10-04 LS201 - Response on G.709 efforts in IETF
2010-06-22 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS202 - Response on IETF review comments on draft G.7712 Revision (ref # 032.03)
2010-06-22 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-09-30 LS203 - Draft revised Recommendation G.8110.1 (Ref #31.03)
2010-06-04 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 MPLS-TP Survivability Framework: Disposition of your comments in LS172 (ref #028.03)
2010-05-31 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-06-18 Response to LS174 - Draft revised Recommendation G.7712 for consent (ref #032.02)
2010-05-31 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to comments in LS173 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-02 (ref #030.03)
2010-05-28 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-06-18 Response to LS169 - IETF comments to Draft revised Recommendation G.8110.1 for consent (ref #031.02)
2010-05-26 RTG ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 Lambda Switch Capable Equipment
2010-05-26 RTG ITU-T-SG-15-Q12 OTN and WSON work in CCAMP
2010-05-22 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Status of Development of MPLS-TP RFCs (ref # 033.01)
2010-05-17 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Reference Documents on MPEG Media Transport (MMT)
2010-05-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-28 LS175 - MPLS-TP OAM Framework draft review (ref # 029.02)
2010-05-11 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-31 LS174 - Draft revised Recommendation G.7712 for consent (ref # 032.01)
2010-05-10 codec ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 Response to the ISO/IEC Liaison Statement SC 29 N 10775, regarding IETF work on codec standardization
2010-05-10 codec ITU-T-SG-16-Q10, ITU-T-SG-16-Q8, ITU-T-SG-16-Q9 IETF Response to ITU Liaison Statement LS 124 Regarding Codec activity in IETF
2010-05-10 codec 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 IETF Response to 3GPP Liaison Statement on Codec Discussion in IETF
2010-05-10 ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP IETF Liaison to ITU-T SG 2,3,17, ITU-D SG2 and IETF
2010-05-06 netext 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2 Flow mobility feature being specified for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (RFC5213) in the NETEXT WG
2010-05-06 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-28 LS173 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-02 [Ref # 030.02]
2010-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-28 LS172 - MPLS-TP Survivability Framework draft reviewed (ref # 28.02)
2010-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 BROADBAND-FORUM, mpls, pwe3 LS171 - Status of OMCI for MPLS and MPLS pseudowire configuration
2010-04-30 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-28 LS169 - Draft revised Recommendation G.8110.1 for consent [ref#031.01]
2010-04-29 bmwg IEEE-802-1 Proposal to update RFCs 2544 and 2889 to address the Per-Flow Control capabilities of IEEE 802.1Qbb
2010-04-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Liaison on Disposition of Disposition of Comments in Liaison 160 (ref #019.03)
2010-04-23 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Disposition of comments received in “Liaison LS162 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-01” (Ref # 023.03)
2010-04-22 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-05-06 Final MPLS working group last call on "MPLS-TP OAM Framework" (ref #029.01)
2010-04-22 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-05-06 MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Transport Profile Data Plane Architecture" (ref #030.01)
2010-04-21 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-05-05 MPLS working group last call on "Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile Survivability Framework" (ref #028.01)
2010-04-20 ETSI-TISPAN-WG5 IETF LS out to IETF from WG5 re Energy Monitoring/Control
2010-04-19 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Disposition of #012.02 Comments (ref #021.03)
2010-04-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS166 - Decision on progressing G.8112 Interfaces for the MPLS-TP Hierarchy
2010-04-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-27 LS167 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-11 [Ref # 026.02]
2010-04-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, opsawg LS168 - Response to The OAM Acronym Soup -03 WG Last Call (ref # 025.02)
2010-04-13 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to LS161,, LS162, LS163 and LS164 (ref # 027.01)
2010-04-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-27 LS162 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-data-plane-01 [Ref # 023.02]
2010-04-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-25 LS163 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-identifiers-01 [Ref # 022.02]
2010-04-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-26 LS164 - Response to MPLS-TP ACH TLV Structure -02 WG Last Call (ref # 020.02)
2010-04-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-25 LS161 - MPLS-TP Survivability Framework draft reviewed (ref # 021.02)
2010-04-12 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Liaison in response to COM15-LS151-E ref:18.02 (ref #018.03)
2010-04-09 INT WBA, WIFI-ALLIANCE Review of EAP over HTTP specification
2010-04-06 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-11 LS160 - MPLS-TP OAM Framework draft reviewed (ref # 019.02)
2010-04-06 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 IETF response to ITU-T Comments on the MPLS-TP Framework (ref #015.03)
2010-04-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-04-17 MPLS working group last call on "A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks" (ref #026.01)
2010-04-02 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-04-20 OPSAWG working group last call on ""The OAM Acronym Soup"" (ref #025.01)
2010-04-02 emu ITU-T-SG-17 Response to Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.1034
2010-03-30 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3, tictoc 2010-05-31 LS155 - ESMC frames in Synchronous Ethernet links
2010-03-26 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 MPLS working group last call schedule (ref #024.01)
2010-03-25 ISO-IEC-JTC1-WG7 IETF Liaison statement from ISO/IEC JTC1/WG7 on Sensor Networks
2010-03-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-11 Liaison: Update on Q.Flowstatesig
2010-03-16 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement on MPEG Media Transport (MMT)
2010-03-15 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-12 LS151 - Comments on draft-farrel-mpls-tp-recommendation-review [Ref #18.02]
2010-03-15 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-12 LS152 - Dependency between MPLS-TP Recommendations and RFCs [Ref #10.05]
2010-03-12 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-11 LS150 - Early review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-fault (ref # 016.02)
2010-03-12 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-04-02 MPLS working group last call on "MPLS Transport Profile Data Plane Architecture" (ref #023.01)
2010-03-11 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Subject: MPLS-TP Survivability Framework (ref # 012.03)
2010-03-11 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-04-02 Working Group Last Call on the Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile Survivability Framework (ref #021.01)
2010-03-11 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-04-02 MPLS working group last call on "MPLS-TP Identifiers" (ref #022.01)
2010-03-06 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-03-28 Working Group Last Call on the Definition of ACH TLV Structure (ref #020.01)
2010-03-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS138 - Amendment 2 to G.872 OTN architecture
2010-03-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-12 LS136 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-10 [Ref #015.02]
2010-03-05 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-03-19 Working Group Last Call on the MPLS-TP OAM Framework (ref #019.01).
2010-02-25 IAB UNICODE [IAB] Liaison on IDNA2008 and TR46
2010-02-25 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2010-03-15 IETF Expectations of Participation in Development and Review of ITU-T Recommendations on MPLS-TP (ref #18.01)
2010-02-25 INT BROADBAND-FORUM DSL Subscriber Authentication using DHCP
2010-02-12 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-03-15 Dependency between ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations (ref # 010.04)
2010-02-09 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-03-10 Request for early review of draft-ietf-mpls-tp-fault-00 (ref #016.01)
2010-02-09 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Poll on making draft-fbb-mpls-tp-data-plane-00.txt an MPLS WG document (ref #017.01)
2010-02-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Letter regarding Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT)
2010-02-08 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 to IETF on Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT)
2010-02-05 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to early comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework (ref #009.04)
2010-02-04 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2010-03-05 Working Group Lat Call on the MPLS-TP Framework (ref #015.01)
2010-02-03 ITU-T-SG-11 IESG Update on Draft Recommendation Q.3324.1
2010-02-03 ITU-T-SG-11 IAB, IESG, nsis, TSV Update on Q.Flowstatesig
2010-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-09 LS132 - Dependency between ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations (ref # 010.03)
2010-01-18 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-11 LS122 - MPLS-TP OAM Framework draft reviewed (ref # 014.02)
2010-01-14 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Publication requested for MPLS-TP NM Framework (ref # 013.03)
2010-01-13 lemonade OMA-MWG Conclusion of LEMONADE WG
2010-01-12 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS101 - Use of MIP and MEP for fault isolation (ref # 011.02)
2010-01-12 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Response to LS111 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-06 (ref # 009.03)
2010-01-07 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-05-31 LS120 - Response to MPLS-TP NM Framework-02 WG Last Call (ref # 013.02)
2010-01-04 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2010-01-30 Response to LS96 - Dependency between ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations (ref # 010.02)
2009-12-23 IESG ITU-T-SG-11 Response to "Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology"
2009-12-10 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-01-15 MPLS-TP OAM Framework for review and comments (ref #014.01)
2009-12-10 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 ITU-T comments on MPLS-TP Network Management (ref #008.03)
2009-12-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-01-08 MPLS Working Group Last Call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-framework-02 (ref # 013.01)
2009-11-29 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Updated version of the MPLS-TP process document available (ref #05.003)
2009-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-01-02 LS111 - Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-framework-06 (ref # 009.02)
2009-11-18 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-04-30 LS112 - MPLS-TP Survivability Framework reviewed (ref # 012.02)
2009-11-17 OMA lemonade OMA LS 847 LS to IETF Lemonade Group on MEM Activity
2009-11-11 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2009-12-15 LS96 - Dependency between ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations (ref # 010.01)
2009-11-10 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2010-03-01 LS110 - Comments on MPLS-TP NM Framework -01 (ref # 008.02)
2009-11-10 IETF ETSI-TISPAN Liaison Statement from the IETF Internet Area Directors to ETSI TISPAN on DHCP authentication
2009-11-10 ITU-T-SG-16 IESG, RAI Reply LS to IETF on Speech and Audio Coding Standardization
2009-11-02 OMA dispatch OMA's response to IETF on SIP Push Event Package
2009-10-28 INT 3GPP Response to 3GPP on Joint Workshop on IPv6 Migration
2009-10-28 W3C-GEOLOCATION-WG IETF Response to Continuing Concerns about Geolocation Privacy
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS78 - Lambda Switch Capable Equipment
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2010-05-31 LS86 - Comments on WSON Impairment Work in CCAMP
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2009-11-30 LS94 - Comments on the MPLS-TP process document available (ref #05.002)
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2010-04-30 LS97 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS100 - Enhancements to the OTN
2009-10-27 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2009-12-31 LS101 - Use of MIP and MEP for fault isolation (ref # 011.01)
2009-10-26 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2010-11-21
Action needed
MPLS-TP Survivability Framework for review and comments (ref # 012.01)
2009-10-16 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-11-09 MPLS-TP Framework for review and comments (ref # 009.01)
2009-10-16 RAI ITU-T-SG-16 Speech and audio coding standardization
2009-10-15 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-11-09 MPLS-TP Network Management Framework for review and comments (ref # 008.01)
2009-10-05 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Restructure of MPLS-TP Work Forums in the IETF
2009-10-03 OMA simple 2009-11-01 OMA-LS_834 XML validation issues of IANA copies of XML schemas from RFC 4826
2009-10-02 OMA simple XML validation issues of IANA copies of XML schemas
2009-09-29 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD Response to MPLS WG Last Call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-gach-dcn-05.txt (ref # 002.02)
2009-09-29 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD Review of the MPLS-TP OAM Requirements draft" (ref # 003.02)
2009-09-24 3GPP IETF 2009-12-04 LS on Joint Workshop on IPv6 Migration
2009-09-24 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Progress report on MPLS-TP documents (ref # 006.01)
2009-09-24 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Project Process and Outline Schedule (ref # 007.01)
2009-09-24 ITU-T-SG-11 nsis Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology
2009-09-24 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q3 Response to your ITU-T SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan (December 2008)
2009-09-17 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD Outgoing LS: Review of the MPLS-TP OAM Requirements draft" (ref # 003.02)
2009-09-17 BROADBAND-FORUM INT, OPS, savi, v6ops IPv6 Security in Broadband Networks
2009-09-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 2009-10-30 WSON Impairment Work in CCAMP
2009-09-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 ITU-T Recommendation G.697 Parameter Encoding
2009-09-15 3GPP IETF 2009-11-20 Comments on IETF PhoneBCP Draft
2009-09-14 opsawg ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Informational liaison statemnt from the IETF OPSAWG
2009-09-14 IETF W3C-GEOLOCATION-WG Continuing concerns about Geolocation privacy
2009-09-09 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 New version of the MPLS-TP process document available (ref #05.001)
2009-09-04 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Update to "MPLS-TP NM Req-03 Avaiable (ref # 004.02)" (ref 04.003)
2009-09-03 SEC ITU-T-JCA-IDM Response to "Liaison statement on the need for a roadmap for IdM activities within ITU-T and other organizations"
2009-09-01 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-09-15 MPLS-TP NM Req-03 Avaiable (ref # 004.02)
2009-08-30 RTG ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ASON Routing in the IETF
2009-08-28 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD 2009-09-28 Response to MPLS-TP NM Req-02 Comment Resolution (ref # 004.01)
2009-08-27 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-09-24 MPLS Working Group Last Call Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-gach-dcn-05.txt (ref # 002.01)
2009-08-27 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-09-11 "Review of the MPLS-TP OAM Requirements draft" (ref # 003.01)
2009-08-24 3GPP IESG, RAI 2009-11-13 LS on Codec Discussion in IETF
2009-08-21 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 MPLS-TP Document schedule (ref # 001)
2009-08-20 IETF ITU-T-SG-11 ITU-T SG-11, Q.5, 224-GEN
2009-08-20 ITU-R-WP5A IETF Revision of ITU-R Report M.2116 “Characteristics of Broadband Wireless Access Systems Operating in the Land Mobile Service for Use in Sharing Studies"
2009-08-19 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 2009-09-07 Working Group Last Call Comments on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-req-02.txt - reply to comments
2009-08-17 ITU-R-WP5D IETF Liaison Statement to External Organizations On Femtocells, "Femto Access Nodes"
2009-08-10 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD Review of the MPLS-TP OAM Requirements draft
2009-07-29 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Status of ITU work on
2009-07-29 BROADBAND-FORUM v6ops Liaison from Broadband Forum re: Residential Gateway IPv6 Requirements
2009-07-29 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD Review of the MPLS-TP NM Requirements Draft
2009-07-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-11, ITU-T-TSAG Response to "Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology"
2009-07-21 3GPP IETF Interim Comments on IETF PhoneBCP Draft
2009-07-14 ITU-T-SG-16 IESG, RAI LS to IESG and IETF-RAI on information on ITU-T Speech and audio coding (.pdf)
2009-07-13 IEEE-802-11 geopriv Request to IETF GEOPRIV for Civic Binary encoding extensions to support the use of location in WLANs
2009-07-09 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF 2009-09-01 Request for up-dating the contact information
2009-07-09 ITU-T-SG-13 atoca Information on activities related to Emergency Telecommunications including Early Warning (Alerts)
2009-07-09 IETF ITU-T Lessons learned about cooperation between SDOs
2009-06-30 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 Internet draft on MPLS-TP document process has been updated
2009-06-29 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 2009-07-31 MPLS WG Last Call on MPLS-TP OAM requirements
2009-06-26 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 2009-07-24 Working group last call om MPLS-TP NM Requirements
2009-06-16 ITU-T-JCA-IDM SEC Liaison statement on the need for a roadmap for IdM activities within ITU-T and other organizations
2009-06-10 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 RFC 5586 “MPLS Generic Associated Channel” published
2009-06-04 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD 2009-08-01 LS51 - RFCs that are referenced by ITU MPLS-TP Recommendations
2009-06-04 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD LS52 - MPLS-TP document process
2009-06-04 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD LS53 - Review of the MPLS-TP Requirements draft
2009-06-04 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD LS54 - IETF Review of ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations
2009-05-27 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-29 IETF review of ITU-T MPLS-TP Recommendations
2009-05-27 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison statement to IETF
2009-05-22 SEC ITU-T-SG-17 Response to "Solicitation of interest in ITU-T SG 17 initiative on business use of telecommunications/ICT security standards"
2009-05-21 ITU-T-SG-11 nsis Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology
2009-05-18 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-29 Title: Final review of the MPLS-TP Requirements
2009-05-18 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-29 Referencing IETF documents in ITU-T Recommendations
2009-05-18 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-29 Schedule for the IETF MPLS-TP documents
2009-05-18 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-25 Schedule for the IETF MPLS-TP documents (UPDATE)
2009-05-18 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 2009-05-29 MPLS-TP document process
2009-05-18 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 The state of Infrastructure Enum
2009-05-11 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 The status of IETF MPLS-TP documents for the SG15 interim meeting in Sophia Antipolis.
2009-05-11 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to liaisons from 2009-03-13 and 2009-05-01.
2009-05-01 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls 2009-05-25 LS40 - review of the MPLS-TP Requirements draft
2009-04-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS39 on review of the GAL G-ACH draft
2009-04-27 IESG ITU-T-SG-11 Response to "Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology"
2009-04-14 FEMTO-FORUM IETF ITU-R Working Party 5D Request for Information on Femtocells
2009-04-14 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SGSN 6lowpan Liaison Contribution from JTC 1 SGSN to SDOs
2009-04-13 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 MPLS Generic Associated Channel
2009-04-06 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 MPLS-TP Requirements for final approval
2009-03-26 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Two new MPLS working group MPLS-TP documents
2009-03-24 BROADBAND-FORUM INT, OPS, savi, v6ops IPv6 security in broadband networks
2009-03-17 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls LS34 - Review of 2nd last call of the GAL G-ACH draft
2009-03-13 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD, mpls 2009-05-18 LS33 - Liaison Response re MPLS-TP support for MCC and SCC
2009-03-11 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 Issues for a Control Plane for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks
2009-03-05 ITU-T-SG-13 IAB 2009-08-01 Response to IETF IAB liaison
2009-03-05 ITU-T-SG-13 IAB, IESG, IETF 2009-04-01 New work item on requirements for Deep Packet Inspection
2009-03-01 IEEE-802-1 trill Response to request for comment regarding protocol for RBridges
2009-02-24 ITU-T-SG-16 avt, ITU-T-SG-11 LS to IETF AVT WG, ITU-T SG11 and FG CarCom on Requesting Assistance on the Protocols for draft new Recommendation ITU-T G.MDCSPNE
2009-02-24 ITU-T-SG-11 nsis Protocol for the Support of Flow State Aware Transport Technology
2009-02-24 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 IETF Working Group Last Call on “MPLS Generic Associated Channel header”
2009-02-18 ITU-T-SG-16 avt 2009-05-31 LS to IETF AVT WG, ITU-T SG11 and FG CarCom on Requesting Assitance on the Protocols for draft new Recommendation ITU-T G.MDCSPNE
2009-02-13 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 MPLS-TP support for MCC and SCC
2009-02-13 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Cooperation between IETF and ITU-T on the Development of MPLS-TP
2009-02-13 IETF ITU-T-SG-15-Q10, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Cooperation between IETF and ITU-T on the Development of MPLS-TP
2009-02-13 OIF SEC Liaison to IETF Security Area on Syslog Work
2009-02-13 IEEE-802-21 mipshop Need for a ‘Proposed Standard’ RFC number for IETF draft ‘IEEE 802.21 Mobility Services Framework Design
2009-01-30 ITU-T-SG-11 IAB, IESG Communications to IETF: Cooperation in End-to-End Multicast in Q.15/11
2009-01-30 ITU-T-SG-11 pcn Response to IETF liaison statement regarding PCN
2009-01-30 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 Response to SG15 comments on MPLS-TP requirements
2009-01-07 MEAD ITU-T-SG-15 IETF Working Group Last Call on “MPLS Generic Associated Channel”
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2009-08-31 LS29 - SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, MEAD, mpls 2009-05-18 LS28 - Generic Associated Channel (G-ACH) Requirement to Provide a Signalling Communication Channel (SCC) and a Management Communication Channel (MCC) for MPLS-TP
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 IAB, IETF LS26 - Cooperation Between IETF and ITU-T on the Development of MPLS-TP
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD LS25 - Improving communication between IETF and ITU-T on MPLS-TP
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 MEAD, mpls, pwe3 2009-01-31 LS24 - Comments on MPLS-TP working group drafts
2008-12-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp LS19 - Lambda Switch Capable Equipment
2008-11-29 IAB ITU-T Liaison on the Cooperation Between the IETF and the ITU-T on the Development of MPLS Technology for Transport Networks
2008-11-26 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison on information exchange
2008-11-21 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, ITU-T-SG-15-Q3, ITU-T-SG-15-Q9, ITU-T-SG-15-WP3 Status update on progress of the MPLS Transport Profile
2008-11-21 RAI W3C-GEOLOCATION-WG 2008-12-16 IETF RAI and APP concerns about location privacy
2008-11-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-13-Q3, ITU-T-SG-13-Q9, ITU-T-TSAG [IAB] Y.2015 Document for Approval; Draft Recommendations Y.FAid-loc-split and Y.ipv6split
2008-10-13 mmusic 3GPP IETF MMUSIC Response to 3GPP LS on .invalid
2008-10-09 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF LS to study groups in ITU and other groups on progress achieved in the ad hoc Group on Vehicle Gateway Platform (VGP)
2008-10-07 3GPP2 mipshop 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Corr to IETF MIPSHOP WG
2008-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp GMPLS signaling for VCAT/LCAS (09/2008)
2008-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ITU-T-MPLS, pwe3 MPLS in G.7712
2008-10-06 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp WSON work in Q12/15
2008-09-29 pcn ITU-T-SG-11 IETF PCN Working Group Response to Liaison Statement TD 151 (NGN-GSI) (Q.5/11) from ITU-T Study Group 11
2008-09-15 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Response to Liaison on ASON Routing Topics (with reference added)
2008-09-12 ITU-T-SG-16 RAI 2009-01-05 LS on H.248 IANA Registration Procedures
2008-09-12 ITU-T-SG-16 RAI 2009-01-05 LS on H.248 IANA Registration Procedures (COM16-LS346)
2008-09-12 ITU-T-SG-16 RAI 2009-01-05 LS on H.248 IANA Registration Procedures (COM16 - LS 346)
2008-09-11 emu ITU-T-SG-17 Response to Liaison Statement on ITU-T Recommendation X.1034
2008-09-06 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Response to your ITU-T SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2008-09-05 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2008-11-07 Continued Work on GMPLS Signaling for VCAT/LCAS
2008-08-27 sipping 3GPP-TSGCT-CT1 Liaison #480
2008-08-07 ETSI mext Liaison Letter to the IETF WG MEXT
2008-08-06 ITU-T-SG-17 emu 2008-09-15 Liaison Statement on ITU-T Recommendation X.1034
2008-07-24 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Review of draft-ietf-mpls-cosfield-def-04
2008-07-04 ITU-T-SG-16 fecframe, rmt LS to DVB, TISPAN, ATIS and IETF on Content delivery error recovery
2008-07-01 IEEE-802 IETF Summary of IETF draft on 802 attributes
2008-06-23 IAB IEEE-SA-NGSON The IEEE Next Generation Service Overlay Network (NGSON) Study Group
2008-06-19 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q6 Communication to ITU-T Q6/15 from IETF's CCAMP Working Group on Lambda Switch Capable Equipment
2008-06-17 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS 2009-03-23 Transition from the NGN Management Focus Group to the Joint Coordination Activity on Management
2008-06-13 ITU-T-SG-11 pcn 2008-09-01 LS on draft Recommendation Q.PCNApp
2008-06-11 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm 2009-03-01 Liaison statement on the Development of a New Performance Method of Measurement for Bandwith Available in Real Time -BART
2008-05-23 ITU-T-SG-16 mmusic Reply LS to IETF MMUSIC WG on RTSP2.0
2008-05-21 pcn ITU-T-SG-11 IETF PCN Working Group Response to Liaison Statement TD 1653R2 (Plen/11) from ITU-T Study Group 11
2008-05-19 ITU-T-SG-9 mmusic Liaison Reply to IETF MMUSIC WG: ongoing work on RTSP 2.0 and current status of RTSP extensions
2008-05-13 3GPP IETF 2008-06-23 LS reply on invalid connection address for IPv4 and IPv6
2008-05-10 TSV ITU-T-SG-11, ITU-T-SG-11-Q5, ITU-T-SG-11-WP2 2008-07-27 Regarding any IETF work required for a new ITU-T Recommendation Q.Flowstatesig
2008-05-05 xcon OMA Response to "OMA LS 0275 to IETF XCON"
2008-05-01 ITU-T-SG-15 IAB, IETF IETF and ITU-T cooperation on extensions to MPLS for transport network functionality
2008-04-24 sigtran 3GPP-TSGCT-CT4 Liaison from Sigtran WG to 3GPP
2008-04-21 3GPP mmusic, sipping 2008-05-09 LS on offer/answer procedures
2008-04-18 OMA lemonade OMA LS 280 MWG-MEM SWG Response to Liaison from the IETF LEMONADE WG
2008-04-15 OMA xcon 2008-05-01 OMA LS 0275 to IETF XCON
2008-04-03 mpls ITU-T-SG-13 2008-07-25 Response to the liaison on Y.RACF-DistribMPLS "Distributed RACF Architecture for MPLS Networks"
2008-04-03 CABLELABS mmusic CableLabs response to IETF MMUSIC WG liaison
2008-04-01 OPIF mmusic Liaison Response from Open IPTV Forum to MMUSIC
2008-03-27 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison to ITU-T SG15 Q14 re G.7712
2008-03-21 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM 2008-06-01 Update on LEMONADE activity - March 2008
2008-03-18 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Response to your review of RFC 4258 and RFC 4652
2008-03-15 DSL-FORUM mib DSL Profiles
2008-03-10 DSL-FORUM pana Liaison From DSLF to PANA WG
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, RTG 2008-09-15 ITU-T Q14/15 response to IETF CCAMP request for review of RFC 4258 and RFC 4652
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2008-10-31 ITU-T SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 pce Liaison Reply to IETF PCE WG on Application of PCE to Inter-Layer Networks
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Amendment 1 to Recommendation Y.1720
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, IAB, RTG 2008-09-15 Request for forming an IETF Exploratory Working Group on ASON Issues
2008-02-29 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2008-09-15 GMPLS Signaling on VCAT/LCAS
2008-02-28 IETF ITU-T-SG-17 Response to ITU-T SG 17 Liaison Message
2008-02-24 adslmib DSL-FORUM Progress of the VDSL2 and G.Bond MIBs.
2008-02-16 3GPP mmusic LS Regarding Indicating Image Size in Conversational Multimedia Sessions Esablished Using SIP/SDP
2008-02-16 3GPP mmusic Reply LS About Ongoing Work on RTSP 2.0 and Request for Information on RTSP Extensions
2008-02-14 ETSI-TISPAN mmusic LS From TISPAN to IETF MMUSIC WG regarding SIP/RTSP
2008-02-13 ITU-T-SG-11 TSV Comments on the IETF Liaison response on Y.2121 and the development of new Recommendation Q.Flowstatesig
2008-02-13 ITU-T-SG-11 pcn 2008-05-07 Intended work on the application of PCN in a RACF-controlled environment
2008-02-11 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 PWE3 response to ITU-T SG15Q9 Liaison on TMPLS Ring Protection
2008-02-09 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15-Q12 IETF PWE3 WG Response to Addition of ATM and PDH clients to T-MPLS
2008-02-07 3GPP IETF 2008-04-11 LS on Clarification of M3UA usage in 3GPP networks
2008-02-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Respnse to Your Liaison on GMPLS Calls
2008-02-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2008-03-05 Response to Liaison on GMPLS Signaling for VCAT/LCAS
2008-01-29 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q9 Response to Your Liaison on T-MPLS Ring Protection
2008-01-27 IEEE-802 16ng Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.16 WG consideration of ip-over-ethernet-over-802.16
2008-01-25 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 avt Liaison Statement: IETF AVT on SVC verification testing report
2008-01-13 avt ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG1 Response to Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 1 to IETF (SC 29 N 8959)
2008-01-11 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: MS-PW over T-MPLS
2008-01-11 mpls ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Statement: Ad Hoc committee on T-MPLS issues with G.8113 and G.8114
2008-01-11 ITU-T-SG-13 mpls, pwe3 Liaison Respons: Ad Hoc committee on T-MPLS issues with G.8113 and G.8114
2008-01-09 ITU-T-SG-15 ITU-T-SG-13-Q7, MFA-FORUM, mpls, pwe3 2008-02-11 Addition of ATM and PDH clients to T-MPLS
2008-01-07 mmusic ITU-T 2008-04-07 Liaison Statement from IETF MMUSIC WG: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic OMA-BCAST 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic ISMA 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to ISMA: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic ATIS 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to ATIS: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic OPIF 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to Open IPTV Forum: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic ETSI-TISPAN 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to ETSI TISPAN: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic DVB-TM-IPI 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to DVB IPI: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic 3GPP-TSGSA-SA4 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to 3GPP TSG SA WG4: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic CABLELABS 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to CableLabs: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 mmusic DLNA 2008-04-07 IETF Liaison Statement from MMUSIC wg to DLNA: on-going work on RTSP 2.0 and request for information on RTSP extensions
2008-01-07 ITU-T-SG-17 SEC 2008-01-15 Liaison statement from JCA-IdM Co-conveners to IETF Security Area on initial meeting of JCA-IdM and IdM-GSI
2008-01-07 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-13-Q7 Liaison Response: PWE3 WG response to Q7/13 on "pseudowire" and definition of stitching function
2008-01-04 ccamp MFA-FORUM Liaison response: IETF CCAMP Liaison to MFA Forum on MPLS-ICI specification during straw-ballot
2007-12-24 DSL-FORUM pana Liaison Response: Your liaison of December 12th, 2007 on the applicability of PANA to the requirements we liaised to the IETF
2007-12-19 TSV ITU-T-SG-12, ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison response on Y.flowreq
2007-12-17 ITU-T-SG-13 mpls, pwe3 Liaison Response: Liaison Statement: Recommendation to delay approval of Y.1372/G.8113 and Y.1373/G.8114
2007-12-13 INT DSL-FORUM Liaison Statement: IETF INT AD to DSL Forum
2007-12-12 pana DSL-FORUM Information about PANA as an applicable protocol for subscriber authentication in DSL networks
2007-12-12 IETF ITU-T-SG-13, ITU-T-SG-13-WP4 Liaison Statement: Recommendation to delay approval of Y.1372/G.8113 and Y.1373/G.8114
2007-12-08 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, l2vpn, mpls, pwe3 2008-02-11 T-MPLS Ring Protection
2007-11-20 pce ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Application of PCE to Inter-Layer Networks
2007-11-20 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 IETF Liaison Statement: JPEG digital imaging systems integration JPEG Systems and JPEG XR
2007-11-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ASON Routing Loop Prevention
2007-11-13 ITU-T-SG-2 IESG Liaison Statement: Draft Recommendation E.IDs-DEF – Definition of terms used for identifiers (names, numbers, addresses and other identifiers) in telecommunications networks (doc)
2007-11-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 avt Liaison Statement: Progress of Video Coding Work
2007-10-19 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF 2007-12-09 Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 17 to IETF on Technical output of Focus Group on Identity Management (FG IdM)
2007-10-18 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm Progress in investigation of simplified method for estimating download and session time
2007-10-05 ITU-T-SG-17 pkix 2008-03-01 Liaison to IETF on the resolution of DR320
2007-10-05 ITU-T-SG-17 pkix 2008-03-01 Liaison to IETF on the removal of upper bound in X.509
2007-10-04 DSL-FORUM INT Liaison Statement: DSL Subscriber Authentication using DHCP
2007-09-26 IEEE-802 16ng Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.16 Working Group consideration of 16ng internet drafts
2007-09-20 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to CCAMP on Multi-Layer Network I-Ds
2007-09-20 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2008-02-04 Liaison Statement to CCAMP on GMPLS Calls
2007-09-20 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, ospf 2007-11-19 Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on ASON Routing Loop Prevention
2007-09-20 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2008-02-04 Liaison Statement to CCAMP WG on GMPLS Signaling for VCAT/LCAS
2007-09-20 ITU-T-SG-15 pwe3 2007-12-25 Liaison Statement to IETF PWE3 WG on MS-PW over T-MPLS
2007-09-06 MFA-FORUM IETF Liaison Attachment: Straw Ballot Text for MPLS InterCarrier Interconnect Technical Specification
2007-09-04 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-11-15 GMPLS Signaling for VCAT/LCAS
2007-09-03 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ASON Routing Loop Prevention Mechanism
2007-08-31 MFA-FORUM ccamp Liaison Response: IETF ccamp WG on MFA Forum MPLS CNI
2007-08-29 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Response: Response to liaison request from ITU-T Study Group 13 work on emergency telecommunications
2007-08-24 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 In answer to your questions on GMPLS Calls
2007-08-22 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q3 Your OTNT Work Plan
2007-08-22 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-09-20 Multi-Region and Multi-Layer Networking
2007-08-18 IETF UNICODE 2007-10-18 Liaison Statement: IETF to Unicode Consortium on draft-snell-atompub-bidi-04.txt
2007-08-05 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2008-02-27 Re-review of ASON Routing Requirements
2007-08-02 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 New RFCs Published as of 1st August 2007
2007-08-01 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Statement: 3GPP2 TSG-X Corr to IETF re: ERP
2007-07-27 mpls ITU-T Liaison Statement: Definition of MPLS Reserved Label 14
2007-07-27 IAB ITU-T Liaison Statement: T-MPLS use of the MPLS Ethertypes
2007-07-26 OMA lemonade OMA MWG-MEM SWG Liaison to the IETF LEMONADE WG
2007-07-24 IEEE-802 ccamp Liaison Response: GMPLS Control of 802.1Qay Networks
2007-07-13 DSL-FORUM INT Liaison Statement: Subscriber Authentication in DSL Networks
2007-07-13 DSL-FORUM INT Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF Internet Area about WT146
2007-07-11 3GPP IETF LS on Y.ngn-account
2007-07-10 DSL-FORUM ancp Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF ANCP about WT147
2007-06-27 UNICODE IETF Liaison Report from Unicode Consortium
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Cooperative Relationship between ITU-T SG15 and CCAMP
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2007-09-01 Loop Prevention Mechanisms
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Reply to IETF CCAMP Liaison “VCAT/LCAS Work in CCAMP�
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2008-01-28 Reply to IETF CCAMP Liaison "GMPLS Calls"
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls, pce 2007-12-31 SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 G.8110.1 amendment 1
2007-06-26 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Response to PWE3 and MPLS WG concerns with G.8110.1 Amendment 1
2007-06-04 3GPP IETF 2007-09-11 LS on Service Identification
2007-06-04 ccamp IEEE-802-1 2007-07-19 GMPLS Control of 802.1Qay Networks
2007-06-04 IEEE-802-21 mipshop Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover Services
2007-05-25 IEEE-802-11 IETF Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.11 Request for Information on EAP method recommendation
2007-05-25 RAI 3GPP Liaison Statement: Service Identification from the IETF RAI Area Directors
2007-05-24 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: to Consented Text for Y.1720
2007-05-23 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: PWE3 and MPLS WG response to G.8110.1 Amendment 1
2007-05-23 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: ITU SG15 Q12 Liaison Progress on G.8110.1 Amendment
2007-05-18 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2007-09-01 Follow up Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on Multi-Layer Networking
2007-05-11 tls ITU-T-SG-17 Response to "Request to reserve TLS extension type for ITU-T draft Recommendation X.tsm-1"
2007-05-06 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-07-18 Loop Prevention Mechanisms in OSPF for ASON Networks
2007-05-02 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 GMPLS Calls
2007-05-01 sip OMA-PAG-WG IETF SIP WG Response to OMA LS 178 on XCAP diff-event
2007-04-28 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q3 SG15 OTNT Standardisation Work Plan
2007-04-17 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2007-05-28 Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on VCAT/LCAS Signalling
2007-04-17 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on Multi-Layer Networking
2007-04-17 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on Call/Connection Separation in ASON and GMPLS
2007-04-08 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2007-06-25 Cooperative Relationship between ITU-T SG15 and CCAMP
2007-04-04 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-05-11 Call/Connection Separation in ASON and GMPLS
2007-04-04 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-05-18 Multi-Layer Networking (MLN) Work in CCAMP
2007-04-04 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q11, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-06-25 VCAT/LCAS Work in CCAMP
2007-04-02 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 2007-06-01 Progress on G.8110.1 Amendment
2007-04-02 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Liaison Statement: Progress on G.8110.1 Amendment
2007-03-30 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM 2007-05-15 Update on LEMONADE activity
2007-03-30 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 New CCAMP RFCs Published
2007-03-25 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Response: Response from the IETF MPLS and PWE3 WGs to the ITU-T SG13 liaison on OAM Defintion from March 13 2007
2007-03-23 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: ITU-SG15 Liaison of G.8110.1 Amendment 1
2007-03-19 rohc 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 Response to liaison letter "Questions regarding the ROHC Protocol"
2007-03-14 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, RTG 2007-04-06 Liaison statement to ccamp responding to ccamp liaison of 21 February 2007
2007-03-14 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, RTG 2007-04-02 Liaison statement to ccamp regarding work on calls and Vcat/LCAS
2007-03-01 OMA sip 2007-03-23 OMA LS 178 on XCAP diff-event
2007-03-01 IEEE-802-11 ecrit Liaison Response to IETF ECRIT
2007-02-21 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS NGN Management Focus Group
2007-02-21 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 2007-03-16 Response to your liaison on current ASON work in CCAMP
2007-02-21 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Recent GMPLS and ASON-Related RFCs publ;ished
2007-02-15 OMA rmt 2007-03-23 OMA LS 166 Liaison Statement to the IETF Requesting Guidance on using LCT revised
2007-02-14 IETF ITU-T Modifications to IETF technologies: RFC 4775
2007-02-06 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Separation of identifiers and addresses (response to COM 13-LS 146)
2007-01-31 ITU-T-FG-IPTV avt, ippm Liaison Statement: IETF IPPM and IETF AVT from the 3rd FG IPTV meeting held in Mountain View
2007-01-15 3GPP-TSGRAN-RAN2 rohc Liaison Statement: to IETF RoHc (cc RAN) on questions regarding the RoHC Protocol
2006-11-30 IETF MFA-FORUM IETF CCAMP Response to Liaison on MFA CNI
2006-11-23 IEEE-802 ccamp Liaison Statement: Response to Liaison Statement Control plane operation of Ethernet Bridging
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2007-04-30 SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, mpls Label Value Table in G.8112
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 G.8110.1 Approval
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 2007-01-05 G.8110.1 Amendment 1
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Consent of Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.8121/Y.1381
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Consented text for revision of Y.1720
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Consented text for Recommendation G.8131 T-MPLS Linear Protection Switching
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2007-02-12 Response to IETF CCAMP WG LS (TD314/3) on “Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group�
2006-11-19 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, pce Consented ASON Documents
2006-11-15 DSL-FORUM mib Liaison Statement: Response To Your Liaison on Bonded xDSL Management
2006-11-14 MFA-FORUM ccamp Liaison Statement: Liaison to IETF ccamp on MFA Forum MPLS CNI
2006-11-13 IETF IEEE-802-1 Liaison Statement: IETF Liaison to IEEE 802.1Dallas - November 2006
2006-11-10 ccamp IEEE-802-1 Liaison Statement: Control plane operation of Ethernet Bridging
2006-11-08 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Statement: 3GPP2’s Requirement For Network Based Mobility Solution
2006-10-27 ITU-R-WP8A IETF Liaison Statement: to relevant external organizations and ITU-T study groups 13 and 19
2006-10-23 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2006-11-17 Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group
2006-10-23 pce ITU-T-SG-15 New Path Computation Element (PCE) RFCs
2006-10-20 DSL-FORUM ancp Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF ANCP
2006-10-13 TSV ITU-T-SG-11, ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Response to ITU-T SG 13 on "Requirements for Support of Stateful Flow-Aware Transport Technology in Next Generation Networks"
2006-10-12 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Response to OIF Liaison Statement (oif2006.258.02) on Call/Connection Deletion
2006-10-09 MFA-FORUM IETF Liaison Response: IETF on AII Type Codepoints for SPVC Interworking
2006-10-02 IAB ITU-T-SG-17 IAB review and recommendations for Internationalized Domain Names
2006-09-27 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF 2006-10-30 Response to liaisons on G.8110.1
2006-09-27 IETF IEEE-802-1 Liaison Response: IETF CCAMP/GELS WG response to your (IEEE 802.1) liaison "Use of IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags"
2006-09-26 IEEE-802 bmwg Liaison Response: IEEE 802.11 Review Comments on BMWG Presentation
2006-09-19 adslmib ITU-T-SG-15-Q4 Liaison Statement: VDSL2 MIB
2006-09-15 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 New RFC on GMPLS Extensions for SONET/SDH
2006-09-13 OIF syslog Liaison Statement: Liaison from the OIF
2006-09-13 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: T-MPLS use of the MPLS Ethertypes
2006-09-09 ancp DSL-FORUM-TWG Liaison Statement: Update on ANCP WG activity
2006-09-08 pce ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Publication of new RFC on PCE Architecture
2006-09-06 IEEE-802 IETF Liaison Response: IEEE 802.1 WG liaison letter to the IETF
2006-09-05 3GPP2 INT Liaison statement: 3GPP2 TSG-X Corr to IETF re MIP6 Bootstrapping
2006-09-05 adslmib DSL-FORUM Liaison Response: Response To Your Liaison on WT-129
2006-08-30 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: ENUM and e164 domain management
2006-08-08 3GPP2 rohc Liaison Statement: RoHC Revised Profiles Dependency
2006-07-31 IEEE-802 IETF Liaison Statement: Liaison letter from IEEE 802.11
2006-07-27 DSL-FORUM adslmib Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF Adslmib WG
2006-07-20 IETF MFA-FORUM Liaison Response: MFA Forum Technical Committee Liaison Statement March 2006
2006-07-12 ITU-T-NGNMFG IETF Liaison Statement: Liaison to ITU-T SG 4 and SG 15 (Q14), TeleManagement Forum, 3GPP SA5, 3GPP2 TSG-S (WG5), ETSI TISPAN (WG8), ATIS TMOC, OASIS (WSDM), OSS/J, MEF, IPDR, DMTF, TTC, OCAF, SNO, and IETF Operations and Management Area
2006-07-06 3GPP2 INT Liaison Statement: TSG-X Corr to IETF re Generic EAP Encapsulation
2006-07-05 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 2006-08-16 Response to IETF mpls WG liaison statement on T-MPLS
2006-07-05 ITU-T-SG-15 pce Liaison Statement to IETF pce WG on draft new G.7715.2 on remote path query
2006-07-05 IEEE-802 pana Liaison Response: IEEE 802.11 Review Comments on IETF PANA
2006-07-03 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 2006-09-25 Continued IETF / SG15 Cooperation on T-MPLS and other MPLS Issues
2006-06-28 ITU-T-SG-12 RTG 2006-12-01 LS on New Work Area – BGP-based IP Routing Performance
2006-06-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Response to MFA liaison providing comments on T-MPLS
2006-06-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 2006-08-01 Response to pwe3 WG liaison on T-MPLS
2006-06-27 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: to ASON control plane session security
2006-06-18 ITU-T-NGNMFG ITU-T-SG-4 Liaison Statement: ITU-T SG 15 (Q14), TeleManagement Forum, 3GPP SA5, 3GPP2 TSG-S (WG5), ETSI TISPAN (WG8), ATIS TMOC, OASIS (WSDM), OSS/J, MEF, IPDR, DMTF, TTC, OCAF, and IETF Operations and Management Area (copy to SG 4)
2006-06-15 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS 2006-10-01 Management Specification Harmonization Status Report
2006-06-15 OMA lemonade 2006-08-21 OMA LS 0113 on Mobile EMAIL to the IETF LEMONADE WG
2006-06-08 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: Follow up to PWE3 WG response to your liaison on T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006
2006-06-05 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM 2006-07-03 Update on LEMONADE activity
2006-06-03 pwe3 ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: on T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006
2006-05-31 IEEE-802 pana Liaison Response: Response to Interpretation Request #2
2006-05-23 OMA IESG 2006-06-12 OMA-LS 0109 Liaison Statement to IETF Request IANA Registration of a new MIKEY General Extension Payload
2006-05-17 mpls ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Response: T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006
2006-05-15 IEEE-802 INT Liaison Response: Review of IETF PANA Framework Document
2006-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 pce Draft new G.7715.2 on remote path query
2006-05-05 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, SEC 2006-06-26 ASON control plane session security
2006-05-04 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls, pwe3 Clarification on the intended scope of T-MPLS
2006-05-02 3GPP2 RAI Liaison Attachment: Correspondence
2006-04-25 UNICODE IAB Liaison Response: Unicode Technical Committee Liaison Statement to IETF on iab-idn-nextsteps
2006-04-12 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Recently published IETF RFCs relevant to GMPLS, Optical Transport Networks, and Packet Transport Networks
2006-04-12 mpls mpls Liaison Response: Response to your liaison on T-MPLS Consented Recommendations
2006-04-12 IAB UNICODE Response to Unicode Technical Committee Liaison Statement to IETF on iab-idn-nextsteps
2006-04-11 OMA lemonade OMA LS 0096 on Mobile Email to the IETF Lemonade WG
2006-04-04 IEEE-802 mipshop Review IEEE 802.21 Draft Specification
2006-04-04 3GPP2 rohc 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Correspondence to IETF/ROHC
2006-04-02 ITU-T-SG-15 MFA-FORUM, mpls 2006-04-17 T-MPLS Consented Recommendations
2006-03-26 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM Regarding the LEMONADE Profile
2006-03-22 RTG ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Liaison on issues related to T-MPLS (G.8110.1 and G.8112)
2006-03-17 DSL-FORUM INT Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF Internet Area
2006-03-12 MFA-FORUM IETF Liaison Statement: MFA Forum Technical Committee ATM and Frame Relay to MPLS Control Plane interworking
2006-03-12 DSL-FORUM adslmib Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to IETF Adslmib WG
2006-02-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2006-09-30 ITU-T Study Group 15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2006-02-24 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, pce ASON Recommendations
2006-02-12 OMA lemonade OMA LS_0082 Liaison on Mobile E-Mail
2006-02-07 IETF IEEE-802 Response Liaison: Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.21 Working Group on Media Independent Handover Services to IETF
2006-02-02 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM 2006-03-13 Regarding the LEMONADE Profile
2006-01-23 IETF lemonade OMALS 0068 MWG-MEM SWG Response to Liaison on Mobile e-mail from the IETF LEMONADE WG
2006-01-23 IEEE-802 IETF Liaison Statement: IEEE 802.21 Working Group on Media Independent Handover Services to IETF
2006-01-23 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 mmusic Liaison Statement: IETF (SC 29 N 7210)
2006-01-16 l1vpn ITU-T-SG-13 Framework and Requirements for Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks
2006-01-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Response to your liaison on ASON Lexicography
2006-01-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 Response to your liaison on ASON Related Work
2006-01-11 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 IETF response to ITU Q.9/13 questions on IPv6 development
2006-01-09 ETSI-TISPAN OPS Response LS to ITU-T on Management Specification Harmonization Status Report
2006-01-06 ITU-T-NGNMFG IETF Liaison to TMF, 3GPP SA5, and ETSI TISPAN WG8 on XML-based Management Harmonization (copy to OASIS, TMOC, ITU-T SG 4, DMTF and IETF)
2005-12-20 IEEE-802 IETF Request for comments on IEEE 802.11u Requirements Document
2005-12-05 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM Liaison Statement: Regarding the OMA Mobile Email RD & AD
2005-11-30 l1vpn ITU-T-SG-13 Status of Layer One VPN Work in the IETF
2005-11-30 SEC ITU-T-SG-4 Response to Information on standardization of application security requirements, services and mechanisms
2005-11-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2006-01-27 ASON lexicography
2005-11-25 ITU-T-SG-15 pce Liaison Statement to IETF PCE WG
2005-11-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp 2006-01-27 ASON-related Work
2005-11-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Connection migration
2005-11-25 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Control plane resilience
2005-11-21 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Publication of New RFC : GMPLS Routing Requirements for ASON
2005-11-13 IETF ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 Response to Liaison Statement SC 29 N 6689
2005-11-07 ITU-T-SG-12 ippm Liaison statement on the Development of New Recommendation on measuring file download and session time
2005-11-01 OMA lemonade OMA LS 0033 MWG-MEM SWG Liaison on Mobile e-mail to the IETF LEMONADE WG
2005-10-31 OMA simple 2005-11-12 OMA LS 0051 (PAG) Proposing Solution to XCAP Issues
2005-10-31 OMA simple 2005-11-12 OMA LS 0052 (PAG) on Partial features in Presence
2005-10-31 OMA lemonade OMA LS 0046 MWG-MEM SWG Response to Liaison on Mobile e-mail from the IETF LEMONADE WG
2005-10-28 ccamp ITU-T Publication of New RFCs Related to GMPLS
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 ippm Draft ITU-T Recommendation O.211
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS 2005-12-15 Management Specification Harmonization Status Report
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS NGN Management Focus Group
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS 2006-05-01 Consent Recommendation M.3060 (Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks)
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS 2005-12-01 M.3016 Series Recommendations Approved
2005-10-18 ITU-T-SG-4 SEC 2005-12-01 Information on standardization of application security requirements, services and mechanisms
2005-10-10 ETSI-TISPAN IESG Publication of Equipment information in the MIB version 2 (102 359 V2)
2005-10-10 ETSI-TISPAN IESG Publication of NGN Management OSS Architecture and Requirements Specifications
2005-10-04 ITU-T-NGNMFG OPS Liaison to ITU-T SG 15 (Q14), TeleManagement Forum, 3GPP SA5, 3GPP2 TSG-S (WG5), ETSI TISPAN (WG8), ATIS TMOC, OASIS (WSDM), OSS/J, MEF, IPDR, DMTF, TTC, OCAF, and IETF Operations and Management Area (copy to SG 4)
2005-10-04 ITU-T-NGNMFG OPS EDH Facilities: Documentation Structure, Web/FTP information, Email list
2005-09-28 ITU-T-SG-15 OIF Response Liaison: To OIF on OIF Demo Finding
2005-09-15 ITU-T IETF Liaison Response: Reply to liaison from the IETF
2005-09-15 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement: Collaboration on using IPv6 protocol for NGN
2005-09-08 mobike 3GPP2 MOBIKE dependency on WLAN project in 3GPP2
2005-09-07 ITU-T nsis Liaison Statement: Communication of Recommendation Y.1541, "Network Performance Objectives for IP-based Services"
2005-09-07 MFA-FORUM pwe3 Liaison Statement from the MFA Forum to PWE3 Working Group of the IETF
2005-09-01 IAB ITU-T, ITU-T-SG-13 Modifications to IETF technologies
2005-08-24 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF Liaison Statement: LS on request of publication of Internet Draft “draft-jones-avt-audio-t38-05.txt�
2005-08-22 ITU-T-NGNMFG OPS Liaison Statement to ITU-T Q. 9/4 regarding management specification harmonization (copy to IETF O&M Area)
2005-08-19 ITU IETF Liaison Statement: ITU Liaison to External Organizations regarding IP applications over mobile systems
2005-08-16 l1vpn ITU-T-SG-13 Response to your liaison to the CCAMP working group on L1VPNs
2005-08-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15 New Request for Comment Published (RFC 4139)
2005-08-16 ITU-T IANA Liaison Statement on request of modification of existing SDP parameters about T.38
2005-08-16 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement on request of publication of Internet Draft "draft-jones-avt-audio-t38-05.txt"
2005-08-12 ITU-T pwe3 Liaison Response to the Liaison Response regarding Q7/13 Liaison to PWE3 re Y.1414
2005-08-11 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Response: Q7/13 liaison tp PWE3 re Y.1414
2005-08-07 lemonade OMA-MWG-MEM Liaison Response: Regarding the OMA Mobile Email Requirements Document (RD)
2005-08-04 ITU-T-SG-15 ITU Liaison Response: ITU-T Q3/15 about your Liaison "Reply on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography"
2005-07-27 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Response: on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-07-27 MFA-FORUM pwe3 Liaison Statement : to PWE3 Working Group of the IETF
2005-07-26 IEEE-802 IETF Liaison Statement: Letter from IEEE 802.16 to IETF
2005-07-19 pana 3GPP2 Liaison Response: 3GPP2 concerning PANA
2005-07-18 INCITS-T11-5 imss Liaison Statement: Passing Change Control on FC Routing Info MIB to IETF (T11/05-469v0)
2005-07-11 OMA lemonade Liaison Attachment: Draft Mobile Email Requirements
2005-07-11 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Response to your liaison on the SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2005-07-08 ATIS TSV Liaison Statement: SIP as the AS-MS Media Control Protocol, and Proposed Re-charter of IEPREP
2005-07-07 ITU-T l2vpn, pwe3 Liaison Attachment: Draft Recommendsation Y.17ethoam
2005-07-06 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC31-WG4 IETF, OPS Liaison Statement: IETF/ISO-RFID Technology
2005-07-01 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Statement: 3GPP2 Correspondence Regarding Flow Based Prepaid
2005-07-01 3GPP2 IETF Liaison Statement: 3GPP2 Correspondence Regarding MOBIKE Dependency on WLAN Project in 3GPP2
2005-06-23 IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Response from the IETF L2VPN working group to the liaison statement from ITU-T SG 13 to the IETF L2VPN
2005-06-10 INCITS-T11-5 imss Liaison Statement: Request for 3 new IMSS charter items
2005-06-05 ETSI-TISPAN IESG OSS Standards Overview and Gap Analysis
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement to CCAMP on Crankback
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp Draft G.7714 Revision
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp Reply to Evaluation of IETF Routing Protocols in the Context of ASON
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp Reply to liaison on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp Reply on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-06-03 ITU-T ccamp SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan
2005-06-03 ITU-T isis Information to IETF Routing Area Directors and IS-IS WG on IS-IS TLV Code Point Registry
2005-06-03 ITU-T ITU-T-SG-15-Q3 Liaison to ITU-T Q3/15 about your Liaison "Reply on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography"
2005-06-01 EPCGLOBAL OPS Liaison Statement from EPCGlobal Regarding SLRRP
2005-05-31 OIF SEC OIF Liaison to IETF Regarding OIF Control Plane Logging and Auditing with Syslog
2005-05-27 3GPP2 pana Liaison Statement: Re: PANA Protocols
2005-05-25 ITU-T OPS Liaison Statement: Management Specification Harmonization
2005-05-24 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Response Liaison to Q14/15 on Transport use of LMP
2005-05-22 pce ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Response Liaison Statement on the PCE Working Group
2005-05-13 ITU-T l2vpn, pwe3 Liaison Statement on the Latest Version of Draft Rec. Y.17 ethoam
2005-05-13 ITU-T RTG Liaison Statement L1VPN related work collaboration
2005-05-13 ITU-T pwe3 Liaison Statement: IANA Allocation for PW type for Y.1414
2005-05-10 IEEE-802 IETF Liaison Statement: Letter from IEEE 802.16 to IETF
2005-05-09 IETF ITU-T, ITU-T-SG-13 Liaison Statement to the ITU-T Regarding IETF and NGN Workshop
2005-05-08 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Response Re: Response Liaison to Q3/15 on the GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-05-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison to Q14/15 on the GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-05-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q3 Response Liaison to Q3/15 on the GMPLS/ASON Lexicography
2005-05-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison to ITU-T Q14/15 on the Evaluation of IETF Routing Protocols in the context of ASON
2005-04-29 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29 mmusic Liaison Statement to IETF MMUSIC (SC 29 N 6689)
2005-04-29 mmusic ISO-IEC-JTC1 Liaison Response to Liaison Statement to IETF MMUSIC (SC 29 N 6689)
2005-04-28 OMA IETF Liaison Statement from OMA on OMA IPR Policy practical execution
2005-04-19 RTG ITU-T-TSAG Response from the IETF to the TSAG liaison of March 14-18
2005-04-13 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement: G.8081 Terms and Definitions for ASON
2005-04-12 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP WG on RFC 4003
2005-04-12 ITU-T ccamp, mpls, RTG Liaison Statement to CCAMP and MPLS WGs on (G)MPLS Change Process
2005-04-12 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison to ITU-T Q14/15 on Inclusion of Crankback in G.7713
2005-04-12 IEEE-802 eap Liaison Attachment: Letter from IEEE 802.16 to IETF
2005-04-01 ITU-T pce Liaison Statement to IETF on the creation of a new PCE Working Group
2005-03-31 ITU-T pce Liaison Statement to IETF on the creation of a new PCE Working Group
2005-03-30 ITU-T-NGNMFG OPS Liaison to ITU-T SG 15(Q14), TeleManagement Forum, 3GPP SA 5, 3GPP2 TSG-S WG 5, ETSI TISPAN WG8, ATIS TMOC, OASIS WSDM, and IETF Operations and Management Area
2005-03-24 ITU-T IAB, RTG Liaison Response to Liaison Statements from IAB and IETF Routing area regarding IETF Liaison Statement Process and Proposed (G)MPLS change control process
2005-03-24 ITU-T IAB, RTG Liaison #70
2005-03-21 NANC-LNPA-WG TSV North American Numbering Council Local Number Portability Administration Working Group (NANC LNPA WG) request for information regarding VoIP service
2005-03-19 ITU-T-SG-15 pce Liaison Resonse: Path Computation Element Working Group in the IETF
2005-03-14 NANC-LNPA-WG TSV Liaison Statement: Information Request from LNPA WG
2005-03-10 ITU-T-TSAG ccamp, mpls, RTG Liaison Response: from IETF Routing Area, the MPLS and CCAMP working groups
2005-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement: IETF CCAMP WG on Crankback in GMPLS Systems
2005-03-09 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement: IETF CCAMP WG on the Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2005-03-08 ITU-T IETF Draft Recommendation M.3060 (Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks)
2005-03-08 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement: Approval of M.3016 Series
2005-03-07 RTG ITU-T-TSAG Liaison Statement: Information
2005-03-05 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Statement: GMPLS Signaling Procedure for Egress Control
2005-03-05 pce ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Path Computation Element Working Group in the IETF
2005-03-04 TIA IETF Liaison Statement: Revised IETF IPR Policy
2005-03-02 mpls MFA Liaison Response: Re: Liaison from the IETF Routing Area adn the MPLS and CCAMP Working Groups to ITU-T SG13 and SG15 and Q2/13, Q5/13, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 and Q14/15
2005-03-02 mpls MFA Liaison Response to the communication on establishing a liaison relationship between the IETF and the MFA
2005-03-02 mpls ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Response to the SG15 Q.14/15 liaison on the IETF MPLS and GMPLS Change Process
2005-03-02 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Process for handling liaison statements to/from the IETF
2005-03-02 ITU-T-TSAG IAB Liaison Resonse: from IAB to ITU TSAG
2005-02-28 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Liaison Response: Response to the SG15 Q.14/15 liaison on the IETF MPLS and GM PLS Change Process
2005-02-25 OIF SEC OIF Liaison on Logging/Auditing with Syslog
2005-02-17 ITU-T-SG-15 mpls Liaison Statement: ITU-T Study Group 15 to IETF on on MPLS and GMPLS
2005-02-08 TMOC opsec Liaison Statement: Guidelines and Requirements for Network Security Management (version .1)
2005-02-08 lemonade OMA-TP Liaison Statement: LEMONADE Introduction to the Open Mobile Alliance Technical Plenary (OMA TP)
2005-02-08 MFA mpls Liaison Statement: Establishment of a formal liaison relationship with IETF MPLS working group
2005-01-31 RTG ITU-T-SG-13, ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement from the IETF Routing Area and the MPLS and CCAMP Working Groups to ITU-T SG13 and SG15 and Q2/13, Q5/13, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 and Q14/15
2005-01-21 ITU-T ccamp RE: Liaison Response to Liaison Concerning the comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2005-01-18 ITU-T ccamp RE: Liaison Response to ITU-T Q14/15 Liaison about CCAMP Crankback Draft
2005-01-17 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Response to ITU-T Q14/15 Liaison about CCAMP Crankback Draft
2005-01-17 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Response to Liaison Concerning the Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2005-01-14 TSVDIR ITU-R Liaison Statement to ITU-R from the IETF Transport Directorate on TCP over Satellite Collaboration
2005-01-14 ITU-T ccamp Response to Liaison Statement from IETF CCAMP WG on GMPLS MIB modules
2005-01-14 ITU-T ccamp Response to IETF CCAMP WG on Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2005-01-10 DSL-FORUM IETF Liaison Statement: DSL Forum Liaison to the IETF
2005-01-10 OMA xcon Liaison Statement: Dependencies between PoC XDM and CPCP
2005-01-07 ITU-T pwe3 Liaison Statement: Ethernet-MPLS network interworking
2005-01-07 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement on Ethernet OAM (Y.17ethoam)
2005-01-07 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Response: Reply to IETF CCAMP Working Group on RSVP modification
2004-12-21 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement: Crankback in GMPLS Systems
2004-12-21 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement: ASON Routing Solutions status
2004-12-17 ITU-T IANA Liaison Statement on request of registration of new att-field "T38VendorInfo" in T.38 Annex D
2004-11-29 IETF ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement: Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2004-11-29 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Response: Re: Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery
2004-11-19 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Response: Re: Crankback in GMPLS Systems
2004-11-18 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Statement: Crankback in GMPLS Systems
2004-11-17 IETF ITU-T-SG-13-Q7 Liaison Response: Re: Using UDP port numbers as connection de-multiplexers
2004-11-12 OIF ccamp Re: IETF Response to Results from OIF World Interoperability Demo (PDF)
2004-11-12 OIF ccamp RE: New OIF Project on Interworking of ASON - GMPLS Network Domains
2004-11-05 ccamp ITU-T-SG-13-Q11, ITU-T-SG-13-WP3 Liaison on Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
2004-11-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 GMPLS MIB Modules
2004-10-28 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement Letter from the ITU-T Director of Radiocommunication Bureau
2004-10-25 TMOC OPS UPDATED Announcement of New Standards Work: VoIP Accounting Management NE/OSS Interface (TMOC Issues 57 and 58) (PDF)
2004-10-13 speechsc W3C-MMI SPEECHSC Requirements for W3C MMI Standards
2004-10-13 MFA mpls Liaison from MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance on RFC 3036 Proposed Revisions
2004-10-13 MFA idr Liaison from the MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance on draft-ck-bgp-atm-nlri-00
2004-10-13 mpls MFA Re: Liaison from MPLS & Frame Relay Alliance on RFC 3036 Proposed Revisions - place holder response and call for discussion
2004-09-29 W3C speechsc RE: Liaison Statement from IETF SPEECHSC WG to W3C Multimedia Interaction WG
2004-09-28 IEEE-802 eap Request for Opportunity to Review IETF EAP and Submission draft documents
2004-09-28 speechsc W3C-MMI SPEECHSC Requirements for W3C MMI Standards
2004-08-31 TMOC OPS Announcement of New Standards Work: Security Management System (TMOC issue 56)
2004-08-27 ipcdn ETSI-AT-DIGITAL Re: ETSI liaison from ETSI AT-Digital AT-D AT #9 (2004) D25
2004-08-26 ETSI ipcdn Liaison Statement to IETF ipcdn
2004-08-23 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: Information on Intellectual Property Issues associated with ENUM
2004-08-23 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: Administrative issues associated with ENUM
2004-08-23 ITU-T IETF Liaison Statement to IETF and ITU-T Study Groups: Countering SPAM (PDF version)
2004-08-23 IEEE-802 IETF IEEE 802 archive access policy for IETF coordination purposes
2004-08-12 ETSI ipcdn Liaison Statement from the ETSI WG-D to IETF IPCDN (pdf)
2004-08-06 IAB OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE IETF Liaison with the Open Mobile Alliance
2004-07-13 lemonade 3GPP-TSGSA-SA2, 3GPP-TSGSA-SA3, 3GPP-TSGT-WG2, OMA-TP LEMONADE for MMS over 3GPP Interworking WLANs
2004-07-10 3GPP lemonade MMS over 3GPP Interworking WLANS
2004-07-09 lemonade OMA-TP LEMONADE introduction
2004-07-08 ITU-T ccamp Discovery protocol work in Q.14/15
2004-07-08 ITU-T sigtran ITU-T Study Group 15 (Study Period 2001 - 2004) Information for IETF sigtran Working Group
2004-07-08 ITU-T isis Communication Statement to IETF IS-IS Working Group on work on Integrated IS-IS on the DCN in Q.14/15
2004-07-06 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP Working Group on signalling protocol work in Q.14/15
2004-07-01 ITU-T pwe3 Using UDP port numbers as connection de-multiplexers
2004-06-19 ATIS IETF Letter from ATIS to IETF
2004-06-19 ETSI-EMTEL IETF Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Emergency Location Protocols (.PDF File)
2004-06-16 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison #9
2004-05-27 ITU-T IAB LS to ISOC/IAB - Administrative issues associated with ENUM
2004-05-27 ITU-T IAB LS to ISOC/IAB - Information on Intellectual Property issues associated with ENUM
2004-05-11 IETF ITU-T-SG-2 IETF Liaison Statement to SG-2 on ENUM RFCs Publication
2004-04-30 ITU-T isis Liaison Statement to IETF ISIS WG on Reclassification Effort of ISIS Informational RFCs to Standards Track
2004-04-30 ITU-T ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP WG on ASON Routing and Signalling
2004-04-16 ITU-T pwe3 Attachment for Frame Relay Services Over MPLS Core Networks
2004-02-14 GSMA-WLAN radext Liaison Statement: RADEXT new attributes for global WLAN Roaming
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ccamp Liaison Statement To IETF CCAMP WG on draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ason-reqts
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Response to IETF CCAMP WG regarding Comments on G.7713.2
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ccamp Response To IETF CCAMP WG on ASON Routing Requirements
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 ccamp, l2vpn, l3vpn Information on L1VPN related work in SG 13
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 INT L2VPN over MPLS solution space
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 TDM-MPLS network interworking
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 disman Reply to the Liaison on Structured Probable Cause
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF Liaison Statement on NGN Studies
2004-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF Liaison Statement to ITU-T SGs, ITU-R WGs, IETF on the ITU-T IP Project
2004-02-01 afic pwe3 Laiason from ATM Forum to PWE3 Working Group
2004-02-01 W3C IETF MINUTES: IETF/W3C coordination call
2004-01-01 MFA pwe3 Liaison from MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance to PWE3 WG
2003-12-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 to All Liaison Organizations on Progress of MPEG Standards
2003-12-01 ccamp ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 Liaison Response from the IETF CCAMP WG to ITU-T SG 15, Q.14/15 Regarding ASON
2003-12-01 ITU-T-SG-15-WP1 IETF Liaison Statement to IETF regarding translation of IETF xDSL MIBs for use with OMCI
2003-12-01 ITU-T-SG-15 TSV Liaison Statement To IETF Transport Area on Change Procedures for RSVP
2003-12-01 ITU-T-SG-15 IETF Liaison statement to IETF regarding translation of IETF xDSL MIBs for use with OMCI
2003-12-01 ITU-T-SG-15 TSV Liaison Response Regarding Liaison Statement on RSVP Change Process
2003-12-01 TSV ITU-T-SG-15 Liaison Statement on RSVP Change Process
2003-11-15 IETF ITU-T-SG-15-Q12, ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ITU Liaison regarding ASON Requirements Design Team
2003-11-01 ITU-T-SG-4 IETF Announcement of Consent for Q.811 and Q.812 (LOWER/UPPER LAYER PROTOCOL PROFILES FOR THE Q AND X INTERFACE)
2003-11-01 ITU-T-SG-4 disman Structured Probable Cause
2003-11-01 T1S1 TSV T1S1 requirements for a solution to DTMF Digit Collection
2003-11-01 ITU-T-SG-13-Q5 pwe3 TDM - MPLS network internetworking
2003-11-01 3GPP2 IETF Re: draft-ietf-aaa-diameter-nasreq-13a.txt
2003-11-01 3GPP2 IETF Re: DMU (Dynamic Mobile-IP Key Update
2003-10-01 disman ITU-T-SG-4 Response to Liaison on Alarm MIB
2003-10-01 ATM-FORUM pwe3 Liaison Statement from the ATM Forum to the IETF PWE3
2003-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp ASON Status
2003-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF CCAMP on RSVP-TE and CR-LDP
2003-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 SUB, TSV Liaison Statement - Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 4
2003-09-01 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF, ITU-T-SG-11, ITU-T-SG-13, ITU-T-SG-16, ITU-T-SG-4, ITU-T-SG-9 Liaison Statement: Proposal for Signalling Security Requirements at PSTN Interconnection with VoIP networks
2003-09-01 ITU-T-SG-17 pwe3 Frame relay services over MPLS core networks
2003-08-01 ITU-T-SG-13 SUB MPLS Signalling Protocols
2003-08-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF The Liaison Statement to on the ITU-T IP Project
2003-08-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF Communication of Y.MPLSperf (file #2)
2003-08-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF Communication of Y.MPLSperf
2003-08-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 ATM and TDM-MPLS network interworking- user plane interworking
2003-07-01 ATM-FORUM pwe3 ATM Forum Liaison Statement
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Address Space Relationships in ASON
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Proposed Template for Assessment of Specific Protocols Against ITU-T G.8080 and G.7715 Recommendations
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Draft G. 7715.1 (Attachment for Liaison Statement to IETF on definition of ASON Routing Requirements)
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement to IETF on definition of ASON Routing Requirements
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ccamp Liaison Statement To IETF on ASON Signaling Protocol Extensions
2003-06-01 enum ITU-T-SG-2 RFC 2916 is about to be revised
2003-06-01 OIF OPS Security for Management Interfaces to Transport Network Elements
2003-06-01 W3C IETF Minutes from the June 17, 2003 IETF/W3C teleconference
2003-06-01 mobileip ITU-T-SG-13 RE: Liaison statement from ITU-T Q.11/13 to IETF (mobileip, mpls WGs) on "Draft Recommendation Y.MIPoMPLS (Mobile IP Services over MPLS)"
2003-06-01 ITU-T-SG-13 mobileip, mpls Draft Recommendation Y.MIPoMPLS (Mobile IP Services over MPLS) for consent (Liaison Statement)
2003-06-01 IAB NMNRO Liaisons to National, Multi-National or Regional Organizations
2003-05-01 ITU-T-SG-16 avt, mmusic LS to 3GPP, 3GPP2 and IETF on Transport Layer for MSC-VBR and EV
2003-05-01 ITU-T-SG-16 ieprep Final Report of the Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief
2003-05-01 3GPP2 IETF Avoiding Conflicts Between 3GPP2 and IETF Meetings
2003-05-01 T1M1 OPS T1M1s New Primary Method of Operation and Increased Collaboration Opportunities
2003-05-01 sigtran ITU-T-SG-15 Sigtran WG Liaison Response: New Recommendation G.769
2003-04-01 IEEE-802-11 eap Input to IETF EAP Working Group on Methods and Key Strength
2003-04-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q14, T1X1 ccamp Liaison from T1X1 to IETF ccamp regarding draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-test-sdh-02.txt
2003-03-01 W3C IETF Minutes from the March 13, 2003 IETF/W3C teleconference
2003-02-28 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re. domain management
2003-02-16 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Administrative aspects of ENUM - Security
2003-02-01 MPLS-FORUM pwe3 Transport of TDM over MPLS networks
2003-02-01 SUB ITU-T-SG-13, ITU-T-SG-15 IETF decision to focus on RSVP-TE as the basis for constraint-based LSP management IETF has decided to focus on RSVP-TE as the basis for constraint-based LSP management
2003-02-01 ITU-T-SG-4 TSV Framework of new Recommendation O.iptest
2003-02-01 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS Use of RFC 3430
2003-02-01 ITU-T-SG-4 OPS Announcement of the consent of M.3017 (Framework for the Integrated Management of Hybrid Circuit/Packet Networks)
2003-02-01 ITU-T-SG-4 disman Liaison on Alarm MIB
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement To IETF CCAMP WG and Sub-IP Area Directors From WP3/15 on ASON Routing Activities
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 SUB, TSV Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 3
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Liaison Statement To IETF CCAMP WG and Sub-IP Area Directors From WP3/15 on ASON Routing Activities
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp ASON Status and GMPLS Protocol Support for Restoration/Re-routing Capabilities
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Input on SDH and OTN Discovery Mechanisms
2003-01-01 ITU-T-SG-15 sigtran Information of a new Recommendation G.769
2003-01-01 3GPP2 avt, mobileip, pppext CDMA2000 wireless IP network specification (P.S0001-C) - Baseline specifications
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-2 IAB domain management LIAISON STATEMENT
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-2 IAB Administrative aspects of ENUM - Security LIAISON STATEMENT
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-17 IETF Request for comments on proposed draft Amendment 1 to X.85/Z.1321, bit oriented method for LAPS as Annex D (PDF File)
2002-12-01 avt ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 Liaison statement from IETF AVT working group to ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC29/WG11
2002-12-01 3GPP IETF 3GPP final response on IMS interoperability concerns
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-2 IAB Administrative aspects of ENUM - Security
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-2 IAB, ISOC domain management
2002-12-01 ITU-T-SG-2 ccamp, mpls, tewg Recommendation E.360 QoS routing and related traffic engineering methods for IP-, ATM- and TDM-based multiservice networks
2002-11-01 ITU-T-SG-13 ppvpn L1 VPN service requirements and architecture
2002-11-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IETF Liaison statement on the ITU-T IP Project
2002-11-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 ATM-MPLS Network Interworking
2002-11-01 W3C IETF Minutes from the November 12, 2002 IETF/W3C teleconference
2002-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp, isis, sigtran ITU liaison statement
2002-10-01 ITU-T-SG-16 IETF Liaison to multiple SDOs requesting input for "Media Coding Summary Database" project
2002-10-01 ITU-T-SG-16 ieprep New Question on Use of Public Telecommunication Services for Emergency and Disaster Relief Operations
2002-09-01 simple, sip, sipping 3GPP Liaison Statement on Interoperability Issues and SIP in IMS
2002-09-01 3GPP simple, sip, sipping 3GPP response to Liaison Statement on Interoperability Issues and SIP in IMS
2002-09-01 WIG IESG Liaison statement about new Wireless LAN Interworking Group (WIG)
2002-09-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 to IETF on Carriage of MPEG-4 Content on IP Networks
2002-07-01 ITU-T-SG-13 SUB Request for the assignment of a reserved label value of 14 for MPLS OAM packet identification
2002-07-01 ITU-T-SG-13 SUB Response to Communication from IETF on MPLS OAM packet identification
2002-07-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 SG 13 work on interworking with MPLS
2002-07-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 ATM-MPLS Interworking activities in ITU-T
2002-07-01 ITU-T-SG-13 pwe3 Voice Services over MPLS
2002-06-01 avt ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 AVT WG's response to SC 29/WG 11 to IETF on the Carriage of MPEG-4 Content on IP Networks
2002-06-01 3GPP aaa 3GPP Diameter Charging & Credit Control Application
2002-06-01 ITU-T-SG-11 sip, sipping Communication re: SIP - BICC/ISUP Interworking
2002-05-03 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 IAB reply to ENUM liaison statement
2002-05-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG1 IETF Appointment of Eric Edwards as Liaison
2002-05-01 OIF IETF Optical Intra-Carrier Network-Network Interface project
2002-05-01 ITU-T-SG-15 sigtran Response to clarification given on usability of Sigtran in G.799.1
2002-05-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 avt Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 to IETF on the Carriage of MPEG-4 Content on IP Networks
2002-05-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Communication Statement to IETF CCAMP Working Group on signalling protocol work in Q. 14/15
2002-05-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Communication Statement to Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) on automatic discovery work in Q.14/15
2002-04-01 ITU-T-SG-2 IAB ENUM Liaison
2002-04-01 ITU-T-SG-4 disman Additional input regarding the use of M.3100 probable causes for the ITU Alarm MIB
2002-04-01 SUB TSV Response to "Communication on the status of the request on the assignment of a reserved label value for MPLS OAM packet identification"
2002-03-01 ITU-T-SG-6 IESG Liaison Statement to IETF on status of ECTP project
2002-03-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IESG ITU-SG16 comments on draft-parsons-itu-t38-reg-00.txt
2002-03-01 ITU-T-SG-13 IESG, sipping ITU-SG16 comments on draft-mule-sip-t38callflows-02.txt
2002-03-01 ITU-T-SG-13 ieprep, IESG ITU-SG16 new question on Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)
2002-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 avt, IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 11 to IETF on Transport of MPEG-4 Content over IP [SC 29/WG 11 N 4663]
2002-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG1 avt, IETF Liaison Statement from SC 29/WG 1 to IETF, seeking IETF contributions to JPEG 2000 Part 9 JPIP [SC 29/WG 1 N 2551]
2002-02-01 ITU-T-SG-13 mpls Memo from ITU-T Study Group 13 requesting assignment of a reserved label value for MPLS OAM packet identification
2002-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp Detector-Controller Interface (DCI)
2002-02-01 ATM-FORUM megaco Memo from ATM Forum requesting status of specific documents
2002-02-01 ATM-FORUM, megaco ATM-FORUM Response to above memo from ATM Forum
2002-02-01 ATM-FORUM pwe3 Memo from ATM Forum requesting comments on version 2 of their ATM-MPLS-ATM Network Interworking specification.
2002-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q14 ccamp Communication Statement to IETF CCAMP Working Group on signalling protocol work in Q.14/15
2002-02-01 ITU-T-SG-15-Q11 ccamp Communication Statement to IETF CCAMP Working Group on Virtual Backplane Interface (VBI) in Q.15
2002-02-01 IEEE-802-11 IESG Letter from IEEE 802.11 to IETF/IESG
2001-12-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG1 avt liaison statement to IETF (SC 29 N 4559 and 4561)
2001-12-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 avt Liaison Statement to the IETF AVT Working Group on MPEG-4 on IP
2001-12-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IETF Liaison Letter to IETF regarding JVT Video Packetization
2001-12-01 sigtran ITU-T-SG-15 Sigtran WG response to ITU-T SG15
2001-12-01 ITU-T-SG-7 sming Memo from ITU-T Study Group 7 to the SMIng Working Group
2001-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp New Recommendations for Automatically Switched Optical Networks
2001-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 SUB, TSV Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 1
2001-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 ccamp SDH Signal and Group Structures
2001-10-01 ITU-T-SG-15 sigtran Request for comments on G.799.1 -- handling of Signalling System No.7 associated signalling links by a TIGIN gateway
2001-08-01 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Reflections on risks of, and barriers to, ENUM deployment
2001-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IRTF Liaison Statement regarding Digital Rights Standards work in the Internet Research Task Force
2001-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IRTF Intellectual Property Management and Protection in MPEG Standards
2001-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IRTF Re-issue of the Call for Requirements for a Rights Data Dictionary and a Rights Expression Language
2001-03-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC29-WG11 IRTF MPEG-21 Requirements for a Rights Data Dictionary and a Rights Expression Language
2001-02-01 ITU-T-SG-7 IETF DRAFT REVISED ITU-T RECOMMENDATION X.85/Y.1321: "IP OVER SDH USING LAPS" (Temporary Document 2066/Rev.1)
2001-02-01 ITU-T-SG-7 IETF DRAFT AMENDMENT 1 TO ITU-T RECOMMENDATION X.85/Y.1321 (2000) (Temporary Document 2045/Rev.3)
2001-02-01 ITU-T-SG-7 IETF RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON X.85/Y.1321 (Temporary Document 2031/Rev.3)
2001-02-01 ITU-T-SG-7 rmt REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION OF LATEST TEXT OF ECTP (Temporary Document 2058/Rev.1)
2001-02-01 ITU-T-SG-7 IANA, IETF Amendment 1: Addition of the Internet protocol address format identifier (Amendment to X.213)
1995-01-01 ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC6 ISOC Cooperative Agreement Between the Internet Society and the International Organization for Standardization / International Electrotechnical Committee 1 / Sub Committee 6 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6)

Total Statements: 1801