Working Group keywords
IETF Working Groups have volunteered key words related to technologies they are working on.
This page provides a summary set of keywords contributed by Working Group chairs on a volunteer basis. This is intended to help find specific efforts underway within the IETF related to a particular topic. Work in the IETF covers a broad range of technologies, including those which may not be referenced here. Please review the complete list of active Working Groups for further information.
- 3x3-Matrix - bmwg
- 464XLAT - v6ops
- 6LR - roll
- 6LoWPAN - 6lo
- 6p - 6tisch
- 802.15.4 - 6lo
- AAA - dime, kitten, ace
- ACP - anima
- AH - ipsecme
- AKA - emu
- AKE - lake, tls, ipsecme
- ALT - lisp
- AMT - mboned
- API - taps
- ARC - dmarc
- Abuse - stir
- Ad-Hoc Networking - manet, babel
- Airport-WiFi - capport
- Append-Only Log - trans
- Archival - cellar
- Assessment - sacm
- Attestation - rats
- Authentication - stir, kitten, oauth, emu, dmarc, ace, tls
- Authorization - tokbind, ace, oauth
- Autonomic Control Plane - anima
- Autonomic Networking - anima
- Aviation - drip
- BFD - bfd
- BGP - grow, sidrops, idr, lsvr
- BGP FlowSpec - idr
- BGP services - bess
- BGP-LS - idr
- BGPSEC - sidrops
- BIER - mboned
- BLE - 6lo
- BRSKI - anima
- Babel - babel
- Bellman-Ford - babel
- Benchmarking - bmwg
- Bier - bier
- Binary - cbor
- Bonjour - dnssd
- Bundle Protocol - dtn
- CABForum - trans
- CBOR - cbor, cose
- CDDL - cbor
- CDN - cdni, alto, mops
- CMC - lamps
- CMP - lamps, lamps
- CMS - lamps, acme
- COSE - cose, ace
- CPE - homenet
- CWT - ace
- Calendar - calext, jmap
- Captive Portal - capport
- Certficates - lamps
- Certificate - tls
- Certificate Authority - acme
- Certificate Transparency - trans
- Certificates - trans, acme
- Chacha/Poly - curdle
- Chacha20/Poly1305 - curdle
- Chaining - sfc
- Characterization - bmwg
- Circuit Emulation - pals
- CoAP - core
- Codec - cellar
- Coffee Shop Wifi - capport
- Conference - perc
- Confidentiality - uta, perc, dprive, add
- Congestion Control - rmcat, iccrg, quic, tcpm
- Connectivity Verification - bfd
- Constrained Environments - core, lwig, ace, lake, roll
- Content Delivery - cdni
- Cookie - tokbind
- Cryptographic Algorithms - curdle
- Cryptography - cfrg, curdle, cose, lake
- Curve25519 - curdle
- DC - rift, lsvr
- DCCP - tsvwg
- DDOS - dots
- DDT - lisp
- DHCP - dhc
- DKIM - dmarc
- DLEP - manet
- DMARC - dmarc
- DNS - dnsop, add, dnssd, dprive
- DNS Privacy - dprive
- DNS discovery - add
- DNS-over-HTTPS - add
- DNSSEC - dnsop
- DODAG - roll
- DTLS - tls
- Data Model - netmod
- Data-Center - nvo3
- Decoding - cbor
- Delay Tolerant Networking - dtn
- Denial of Service - dots
- Deterministic - detnet, 6tisch, raw
- Diameter - dime
- DiffServ - tsvwg
- Distributed - dinrg
- DoH - add
- DoQ - dprive
- DoT - dprive, add
- Domains - dnsop
- Drone - drip
- Dual-Isp - homenet
- EAP - emu, radext
- EAP-FAST - emu
- EAP-TLS - emu
- EAT - rats
- ECC - curdle
- ECN - tsvwg
- EDHOC - lake
- EPP - regext
- ESNI - tls
- ESP - ipsecme
- EST - anima
- EVPN - bess
- Ebml - cellar
- Email - jmap, dmarc, extra
- Embedded Systems - cose
- Emergency - ecrit
- Encoding - cbor
- Encryption - perc, uta, cfrg, cose
- End-Point Security - sacm, teep, suit, rats
- Federation - radext
- Ffmpeg - cellar
- File System - nfsv4
- Filtering - grow, opsec
- Firewall - ice, tram
- Firmware - suit
- Flac - cellar
- Fragmentation - intarea, lpwan, 6lo
- GSS-API - kitten
- Gaming - mops
- Geneve - nvo3
- Gmpls - ccamp
- Group Communication - mls
- HIP - hip, drip
- HIT - hip
- HTTP - webtrans, wpack, httpbis, quic
- HTTP/3 - quic
- Header Compression - lpwan
- Header compression - 6lo
- Home Router - homenet
- Hotels - capport
- ICANN - regext
- ICE - tram
- IDevID - anima
- IGMP - mboned, pim
- IKEv2 - ipsecme
- IMAP - extra
- IOAM - ippm
- IODEF - mile
- IP FastReroute - rtgwg
- IP addressing - intarea
- IPSEC - ipsecme
- IPv6 - v6ops, 6man, 6lo, roll
- IS-IS - lsr
- Identification - dnsop
- Identifier - lisp
- Incident Reports - mile
- Incident Response - mile
- Indicators - mile
- Industrial - 6tisch, raw
- Ingest - mops
- Intent - anima
- Internet - intarea
- Internet routing - grow, sidrops
- Interplentary Network - dtn
- IoT - core, 6lo, lwig, ace, lake, ipwave, lpwan, suit, drip, 6tisch, roll, rats, cose
- IoT authorization - ace
- IoT security - teep, suit, lake, rats, cose
- JWT - secevent, oauth
- KDC - kitten
- Kerberos - kitten
- Key Agreement - mls, tls
- Key Exchange - ipsecme
- LCAF - lisp
- LDP - pals
- LDevID - anima
- LSP control - pce
- Lab-test - bmwg
- Label - mpls
- Label Distribution Protocol - pals
- Label Switched Path - mpls
- Label Switching Router - mpls
- Latency - ippm, bmwg, mops, tsvwg
- Layer 2 VPN - bess
- Layer 3 VPN - bess
- Lets Encrypt - acme
- Lightweight - lwig
- Link Local - v6ops
- Link State Routing - lsvr, lsr
- Locator - lisp
- Low-Power - lpwan, roll, lake
- Lsvr - lsvr
- MAP-E - v6ops
- MASA - anima
- MLD - mboned, pim
- MPL - roll
- MPLS - mpls
- MSF - 6tisch
- MUD - opsawg
- MVPN - mboned
- Mail - jmap, dmarc, extra
- Manifest - suit
- Mapping - lisp
- Matroska - cellar
- Mdns - dnssd
- Measurement - ippm, maprg
- Measurements - rats
- Media - mops, rmcat, cdni, avtcore, mboned
- Media Container - cellar
- Merkle Tree - trans
- Mesh - roll
- Mesh Networking - babel, manet
- Message Protection - cose
- Metrics - ippm
- Mobility - dmm, lisp
- Mpls - ccamp
- Multi-home - homenet
- Multicast - mboned, bier, pim, avtcore
- Multicast Vpn - bess
- NAI - radext
- NAT - ice, tram
- NAT64 - v6ops
- ND - 6lo, 6man
- NETCONF - netconf
- NFV - bmwg
- NTP - ntp
- Naming - dinrg, dnsop
- Neighbor Discovery - 6man, v6ops
- Network Management - nmrg, netmod, netconf
- Network Security Functions - i2nsf
- New Proposals - secdispatch, dispatch
- New Work - secdispatch, dispatch
- Nickname - trill
- OAM - netmod, netconf
- OAUTH - oauth
- OAuth - tokbind
- OLSR - manet
- OSCORE - lake, ace
- OSPF - lsr
- OWAMP - ippm
- Oam - mpls
- Object Security - cose
- OpenID Connect - oauth
- Operations - opsawg, grow, opsec, sidrops, dnsop, ippm, v6ops
- OtrP - teep
- Out-of-band Control - anima
- Overlay - nvo3
- P2P - alto, ice, tram
- PCAP-NG - opsawg
- PCC - pce
- PCEP - pce
- PEAP - emu
- PIM - mboned, pim
- PKI - trans, curdle, lamps, acme
- PKINIT - kitten
- PKIX - lamps, acme, trans, tls
- PTP - tictoc
- Packet Loss - ippm
- Path Computation - pce
- Path provisioning - pce
- Path-Aware Networking - panrg
- Performance - bmwg
- Phishing - dmarc
- Portal - capport
- Posture - sacm
- Prefix-Delegation - dhc
- Privacy - add, dprive, mls, tls, drip, trans, dnsop
- Proof Of Possession - oauth, ace
- Protection Switching - mpls
- Pseudowire - pals
- QoS - tsvwg
- RA - 6man
- RADIUS - radext
- RDAP - regext
- RDMA - nfsv4
- REST - core
- RESTCONF - netconf
- RPC - nfsv4
- RPKI - sidrops
- RPL - roll
- RTCP - avtcore
- RTP - avtcore
- RTSP - mmusic
- Radio - 6tisch, 6lo
- Rbridge - trill
- Real-Time - perc, sipcore, mmusic, ice
- Real-time - avtcore, rmcat
- Realtime - detnet
- Recursive - dnsop
- Registrar - regext
- Registry - regext
- Relay - tram
- Remote Access - ipsecme
- Renumber - v6ops
- Replay - tokbind
- Residential networks - homenet
- Resolver - dnsop
- Rift - rift
- Robocalling - stir
- Root - dnsop
- Router - homenet
- Routing - rtgwg, idr, roll
- Routing Protocl - lsr
- Routing Protocol - lsvr, rift, manet, babel, idr, roll
- S/MIME - lamps, acme
- SAML - kitten
- SASL - kitten
- SCTP - tsvwg
- SDN - i2nsf, detnet, pce, anima
- SDN-control-channels - anima
- SDP - mmusic
- SGX - teep
- SIEVE - extra
- SIP - sipcore, ecrit, stir
- SLAAC - v6ops
- SPF - dmarc
- SR-MPLS - spring
- SRT - mops
- SRv6 - spring
- SSH - curdle
- SSL - tls
- SSM - mboned
- STAMP - ippm
- STAR - acme
- STUN - tram
- Scheduling - calext
- Scrubbing - dots
- Secure Boot - rats
- Secure Communication - mls, tls
- Secure Messaging - mls
- Security - opsec, hip, cose, curdle, dots, emu, i2nsf, kitten, lake, lamps, mile, mls, oauth, sacm, secevent, teep, tokbind, acme, ace, secdispatch, tls, trans, suit, sidrops, ipsecme, acme, rats
- Security Event Token - secevent
- Segment Routing - spring
- Service - sfc
- Service Discovery - dnssd
- Signalling - mmusic
- Signing - cose
- Sleepy - roll
- Source Routing - spring
- Spam - stir, dmarc
- Storage - nfsv4
- Streaming - mops, mboned
- Syncronization - ntp
- TCG - rats
- TCP - tcpm
- TDM - pals
- TE - mpls, pce
- TEAP - emu
- TEE - teep
- TLS - acme, tls, uta, quic
- TURN - tram
- TWAMP - ippm
- Threat Mitigation - dots, mile
- Throughput - bmwg, ippm
- Time - ntp, tictoc
- Token Introspection - oauth
- Traffic Engineering - pce
- Transition - v6ops
- Transport - quic, tcpm, tsvwg, dtn, taps, avtcore
- Transport-independent API - taps
- Traversal - ice
- Trill - trill
- TrustZone - teep
- Trusted Boot - rats
- Trusted Execution - teep
- Tunnel - intarea, lisp, ipsecme
- Tunnels - mpls
- UDP - quic, tsvwg, tram
- ULA - v6ops
- Upgrades - suit
- V2V - ipwave
- V2X - ipwave
- VCCV - pals
- VOD - mops
- VPN - ipsecme
- Vcard - jmap
- Vehicle - ipwave
- Video - mops, cdni, cellar, mboned
- Video Distribution - mops
- Virtual Circuit - pals
- Virtualization - nvo3, bmwg
- Vlc - cellar
- Voip - sipcore, perc, mmusic, ice
- Web - httpbis
- Web Applications - wpack
- Web Services - oauth, tokbind
- Webm - cellar
- Where To Go Next - dispatch
- WiFi - capport
- Wireless - ipwave, raw, lpwan
- X.509 - lamps, trans, acme, tls
- YANG - netmod, opsawg, netconf
updated 20240422