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IESG Past Members

This page lists all past IETF Chairs and IESG members.

Past IETF Chairs
  • Lars Eggert (2021-2024)
  • Alissa Cooper (2017-2021)
  • Jari Arkko (2013-2017)
  • Russ Housley (2007-2013)
  • Brian Carpenter (2005-2007)
  • Harald Alvestrand (2001-2005)
  • Fred Baker (1996-2001)
  • Paul Mockapetris (1994-1996)
  • Phillip Gross (1986-1994)
  • Michael Corrigan (1986-1986)
Past IESG Members
IETF 117 (July 2023), IETF 118 (November 2023)
  • Andrew Alston, Routing
  • Roman Danyliw, Security
  • Martin Duke, Transport
  • Lars Eggert, General
  • Jim Guichard, Routing
  • Erik Kline, Internet
  • Murray Kucherawy, Applications and Real-Time
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Francesca Palombini, Applications and Real-Time
  • Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Transport
  • John Scudder, Routing
  • Éric Vyncke, Internet
  • Robert Wilton, Operations and Management
  • Paul Wouters, Security
IETF 114 (July 2022), IETF 115 (November 2022), IETF 116 (March 2023)
  • Andrew Alston, Routing
  • Roman Danyliw, Security
  • Martin Duke, Transport
  • Lars Eggert, General
  • Erik Kline, Internet
  • Murray Kucherawy, Applications and Real-Time
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Francesca Palombini, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Transport
  • John Scudder, Routing
  • Éric Vyncke, Internet
  • Robert Wilton, Operations and Management
  • Paul Wouters, Security
IETF 111 (July 2021), IETF 112 (November 2021), IETF 113 (March 2022)
  • Roman Danyliw, Security
  • Martin Duke, Transport
  • Lars Eggert, General
  • Benjamin Kaduk, Security
  • Erik Kline, Internet
  • Murray Kucherawy, Applications and Real-Time
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Francesca Palombini, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Zaheduzzaman Sarker, Transport
  • John Scudder, Routing
  • Martin Vigoureux, Routing
  • Éric Vyncke, Internet
  • Robert Wilton, Operations and Management
IETF 108 (July 2020), IETF 109 (November 2020), IETF 110 (March 2021)
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Alissa Cooper, General
  • Roman Danyliw, Security
  • Martin Duke, Transport
  • Benjamin Kaduk, Security
  • Erik Kline, Internet
  • Murray Kucherawy, Applications and Real-Time
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Barry Leiba, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Martin Vigoureux, Routing
  • Éric Vyncke, Internet
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
  • Robert Wilton, Operations and Management
IETF 105 (July 2019), IETF 106 (November 2019), IETF 107 (March 2020)
  • Ignas Bagdonas, Operations and Management
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Alissa Cooper, General
  • Roman Danyliw, Security
  • Benjamin Kaduk, Security
  • Suresh Krishnan, Internet
  • Mirja Kühlewind, Transport
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Barry Leiba, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Adam Roach, Applications and Real-Time
  • Martin Vigoureux, Routing
  • Éric Vyncke, Internet
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
IETF 102 (July 2018), IETF 103 (November 2018), IETF 104 (March 2019)
  • Ignas Bagdonas, Operations and Management
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Ben Campbell, Applications and Real-Time
  • Alissa Cooper, General
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Benjamin Kaduk, Security
  • Suresh Krishnan, Internet
  • Mirja Kühlewind, Transport
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Terry Manderson, Internet
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications and Real-Time
  • Eric Rescorla, Security
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Adam Roach, Applications and Real-Time
  • Martin Vigoureux, Routing
IETF 99 (Jul. 2017) , IETF 100 (Nov. 2017), IETF 101 (Mar. 2018)
  • Alia Atlas, Routing
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Ben Campbell, Applications and Real-Time
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Alissa Cooper, General
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Suresh Krishnan, Internet
  • Mirja Kühlewind, Transport
  • Warren Kumari, Operations and Management
  • Terry Manderson, Internet
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications and Real-Time
  • Kathleen Moriarty, Security
  • Eric Rescorla, Security
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Adam Roach, Applications and Real-Time
IETF 96 (Jul. 2016), IETF 97 (Nov. 2016), IETF 98 (Mar. 2017)
  • Jari Arkko, General
  • Alia Atlas, Routing
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Ben Campbell, Applications and Real-Time
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Alissa Cooper, Applications and Real-Time
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • Joel Jaeggli, Operations and Management
  • Suresh Krishnan, Internet
  • Mirja Kühlewind, Transport
  • Terry Manderson, Internet
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications and Real-Time
  • Kathleen Moriarty, Security
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
IETF 93 (Jul. 2015), IETF 94 (Nov. 2015), IETF 95 (Apr. 2016)
  • Jari Arkko, General
  • Alia Atlas, Routing
  • Deborah Brungard, Routing
  • Ben Campbell, Applications and Real-Time
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Alissa Cooper, Applications and Real-Time
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • Brian Haberman, Internet
  • Joel Jaeggli, Operations and Management
  • Barry Leiba, Applications and Real-Time
  • Terry Manderson, Internet
  • Kathleen Moriarty, Security
  • Alvaro Retana, Routing
  • Martin Stiemerling, Transport
IETF 90 (Jul. 2014), IETF 91 (Nov. 2014), IETF 92 (Mar. 2015)
  • Jari Arkko, General
  • Alia Atlas, Routing
  • Richard Barnes, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Alissa Cooper, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • Brian Haberman, Internet
  • Joel Jaeggli, Operations and Management
  • Barry Leiba, Applications
  • Ted Lemon, Internet
  • Kathleen Moriarty, Security
  • Pete Resnick, Applications
  • Martin Stiemerling, Transport
IETF 87 (Jul. 2013), IETF 88 (Nov. 2013), IETF 89 (Mar. 2014)
  • Jari Arkko, General
  • Richard Barnes, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Stewart Bryant, Routing
  • Gonzalo Camarillo, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Spencer Dawkins, Transport
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • Brian Haberman, Internet
  • Joel Jaeggli, Operations and Management
  • Barry Leiba, Applications
  • Ted Lemon, Internet
  • Pete Resnick, Applications
  • Martin Stiemerling, Transport
  • Sean Turner, Security
IETF 84 (Jul. 2012), IETF 85 (Nov. 2012), IETF 86 (Mar. 2013)
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Stewart Bryant, Routing
  • Gonzalo Camarillo, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Benoit Claise, Operations and Management
  • Ralph Droms, Internet
  • Wesley Eddy, Transport
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • Brian Haberman, Internet
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Barry Leiba, Applications
  • Pete Resnick, Applications
  • Robert Sparks, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Martin Stiemerling, Transport
  • Sean Turner, Security
IETF 81 (Jul. 2011), IETF 82 (Nov. 2011), IETF 83 (Mar. 2012)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Stewart Bryant, Routing
  • Gonzalo Camarillo, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Ralph Droms, Internet
  • Wesley Eddy, Transport
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • Stephen Farrell, Security
  • David Harrington, Transport
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Pete Resnick, Applications
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Peter Saint-Andre, Applications
  • Robert Sparks, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Sean Turner, Security
IETF 78 (Jul. 2010), IETF 79 (Nov. 2010), IETF 80 (Mar. 2011)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Stewart Bryant, Routing
  • Gonzalo Camarillo, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Ralph Droms, Internet
  • Lars Eggert, Transport
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • David Harrington, Transport
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications
  • Tim Polk, Security
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Peter Saint-Andre, Applications
  • Robert Sparks, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Sean Turner, Security
IETF 75 (Jul. 2009), IETF 76 (Nov. 2009), IETF 77 (Mar. 2010)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Ross Callon, Routing
  • Ralph Droms, Internet
  • Lisa Dusseault, Applications
  • Lars Eggert, Transport
  • Pasi Eronen, Security
  • Adrian Farrel, Routing
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Cullen Jennings, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Alexey Melnikov, Applications
  • Tim Polk, Security
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Robert Sparks, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
IETF 72 (Jul. 2008), IETF 73 (Nov. 2008), IETF 74 (Mar. 2009)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Ross Callon, Routing
  • Lisa Dusseault, Applications
  • Lars Eggert, Transport
  • Pasi Eronen, Security
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Cullen Jennings, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Chris Newman, Applications
  • Jon Peterson, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Tim Polk, Security
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Mark Townsley, Internet
  • David Ward, Routing
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
IETF 69 (Jul. 2007), IETF 70 (Dec. 2007), IETF 71 (Mar. 2008)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ron Bonica, Operations and Management
  • Ross Callon, Routing
  • Lisa Dusseault, Applications
  • Lars Eggert, Transport
  • Sam Hartman, Security
  • Russ Housley, General
  • Cullen Jennings, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Chris Newman, Applications
  • Jon Peterson, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Tim Polk, Security
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Mark Townsley, Internet
  • David Ward, Routing
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
IETF 66 (Jul. 2006), IETF 67 (Nov. 2006), IETF 68 (Mar. 2007)
  • Jari Arkko, Internet
  • Ross Callon, Routing
  • Brian Carpenter, General
  • Lisa Dusseault, Applications
  • Lars Eggert, Transport
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Sam Hartman, Security
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • Cullen Jennings, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • David Kessens, Operations and Management
  • Jon Peterson, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
  • Dan Romascanu, Operations and Management
  • Mark Townsley, Internet
  • Magnus Westerlund, Transport
IETF 63 (Jul. 2005), IETF 64 (Nov. 2005), IETF 65 (Mar. 2006)
  • Brian Carpenter, General
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Sam Hartman, Security
  • Scott Hollenbeck, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • David Kessens, Operations and Management
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Mark Townsley, Internet
  • Margaret Wasserman, Internet
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
IETF 62 (Mar. 2005)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Sam Hartman, Security
  • Scott Hollenbeck, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • David Kessens, Operations and Management
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Margaret Wasserman, Internet
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
IETF 60 (Aug. 2004), IETF 61 (Nov. 2004)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Steve Bellovin, Security
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Scott Hollenbeck, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • David Kessens, Operations and Management
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Margaret Wasserman, Internet
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
  • Alex Zinin, Sub-IP
IETF 59 (Feb. 2004)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Steve Bellovin, Security
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • David Kessens, Operations and Management
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Margaret Wasserman, Internet
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
  • Alex Zinin, Sub-IP
IETF 58 (Nov. 2003)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Steve Bellovin, Security
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Margaret Wasserman, Internet
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
  • Alex Zinin, Sub-IP
IETF 57 (Jul. 2003)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Steve Bellovin, Security
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Ted Hardie, Applications
  • Russ Housley, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • Jon Peterson, Transport
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
  • Alex Zinin, Sub-IP
IETF 54 (Jul. 2002), IETF 55 (Nov. 2002), IETF 56 (Mar. 2003)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Steve Bellovin, Security
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Scott Bradner, Sub-IP
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
  • Alex Zinin, Routing
IETF 52 (Dec. 2001), IETF 53 (Mar. 2002)
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Scott Bradner, Sub-IP
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Randy Bush, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Bill Fenner, Routing
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
IETF 51 (Aug. 2001)
  • Abha Ahuja, Routing
  • Harald Alvestrand, General
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Scott Bradner, Sub-IP
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Rob Coltun, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
  • Bert Wijnen, Sub-IP
IETF 48 (Jul. 2000), IETF 49 (Dec. 2000), IETF 50 (Mar. 2001)
  • Fred Baker, General
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Rob Coltun, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • David Oran, Routing
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
IETF 47 (Mar. 2000)
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Rob Coltun, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Ned Freed, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • Allison Mankin, Transport
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • David Oran, Routing
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
IETF 44 (Mar. 1999), IETF 45 (Jul. 1999), IETF 46 (Nov. 1999)
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Randy Bush, Operations and Management
  • Rob Coltun, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Keith Moore, Applications
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Erik Nordmark, Internet
  • David Oran, Routing
  • Vern Paxon, Transport
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
IETF 41 (Mar. 1998), IETF 42 (Aug. 1998), IETF 43 (Dec. 1998)
  • Harald Alvestrand, Operations and Management
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Jeff Burgan, Internet
  • Rob Coltun, Routing
  • Patrik Faltstrom, Applications
  • Marcus Leech, Security
  • April Marine, User Services
  • Keith Moore, Applications
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Vern Paxon, Transport
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Bert Wijnen, Operations and Management
IETF 38 (Apr. 1997), IETF 39 (Aug. 1997), IETF 40 (Dec. 1997)
  • Harald Alvestrand, Applications
  • Scott Bradner, Transport
  • Jeff Burgan, Internet
  • John Curran, Operational and Management Requirements
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Keith Moore, Applications
  • Thomas Narten, Internet
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational and Management Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Allyn Romanow, Transport
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
IETF 36 (Jun. 1996), IETF 37 (Dec. 1996)
  • Harald Alvestrand, Applications
  • Fred Baker, General
  • Scott Bradner, Operational and Management Requirements
  • Jeff Burgan, Internet
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Frank Kastenholz, Internet
  • Deirdre Kostick, Operational and Management Requirements
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Keith Moore, Applications
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational and Management Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Allyn Romanow, Transport
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
IETF 35 (Mar. 1996)
  • Harald Alvestrand, Applications
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • Jeff Burgan, Internet
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Frank Kastenholz, Internet
  • Deirdre Kostick, Network Management
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Keith Moore, Applications
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
IETF 32 (Apr. 1995), IETF 33 (Jul. 1995), IETF 34 (Dec. 1995)
  • Harald Alvestrand, Applications
  • Scott Bradner, IP: Next Generation
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Frank Kastenholz, Internet
  • John Klensin, Applications
  • Deirdre Kostick, Network Management
  • Allison  Mankin, IP: Next Generation
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Susan Thomson, Internet
IETF 31 (Dec. 1994)
  • Scott Bradner, IP: Next Generation
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Eric Huizer, Applications
  • John Klensin, Applications
  • Steve Knowles, Internet
  • Allison  Mankin, IP: Next Generation
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Marshall Rose, Network Management
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Claudio Topolcic, Internet
IETF 29 (Mar. 1994), IETF 30 (Jul. 1994)
  • Scott Bradner, IP: Next Generation
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • Lyman Chapin, Standards Management
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Joel Halpern, Routing
  • Eric Huizer, Applications
  • John Klensin, Applications
  • Steve Knowles, Internet
  • Allison  Mankin, IP: Next Generation
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Michael O'Dell, Operational Requirements
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Marshall Rose, Network Management
  • Jeff Schiller, Security
  • Claudio Topolcic, Internet
IETF 27 (Jul. 1993), IETF 28 (Nov. 1993)
  • Scott Bradner, IP: Next Generation
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • Lyman Chapin, Standards Management
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Eric Huizer, Applications
  • John Klensin, Applications
  • Steve Knowles, Internet
  • Allison  Mankin, IP: Next Generation
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Dave Piscitello, Internet
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Marshall Rose, Network Management
IETF 26 (Mar. 1993)
  • Scott Bradner, Operational Requirements
  • Lyman Chapin, Standards Management
  • David Crocker, Service Applications
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Eric Huizer, Applications
  • Brewster Kahle, Applications
  • Steve Knowles, Internet
  • Allison  Mankin, Transport
  • Dave Piscitello, Internet
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Marshall Rose, Network Management
IETF 25 (Nov. 1992)
  • Philip Almquist, Internet
  • David Borman, Transport and Services
  • David Crocker, Standards Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Phill Gross, Operational Requirements
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Eric Huizer, OSI Integration
  • Steve Knowles, Internet
  • Dave Piscitello, OSI Integration
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Bernard Stockman, Operational Requirements
IETF 24 (Jul. 1992)
  • Philip Almquist, Internet
  • David Borman, Transport and Services
  • David Crocker, Network Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Phill Gross, Operational Requirements
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Eric Huizer, OSI Integration
  • Dave Piscitello, OSI Integration
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Bernard Stockman, Operational Requirements
IETF 22 (Nov. 1991), IETF 23 (Mar. 1992)
  • Philip Almquist, Internet
  • David Borman, Transport and Services
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet
  • David Crocker, Network Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Susan Estrada, Operational Requirements
  • Phill Gross, Operational Requirements
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Eric Huizer, OSI Integration
  • Dave Piscitello, OSI Integration
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Bernard Stockman, Operational Requirements
IETF 21 (Jul. 1991)
  • Philip Almquist, Internet
  • David Borman, Transport and Services
  • Ross Callon, OSI Integration
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet
  • David Crocker, Network Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Susan Estrada, Operational Requirements
  • Phill Gross, Operational Requirements
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
  • Bernard Stockman, Operational Requirements
IETF 20 (Mar. 1991)
  • David Borman, Transport and Services
  • Ross Callon, OSI Integration
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet
  • David Crocker, Standards Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Phill Gross, Operations
  • Rob Hagens, OSI Integration
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
IETF 19 (Dec. 1990)
  • Ross Callon, OSI Integration
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet Services
  • David Crocker, Standards Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Phill Gross, Operations
  • Rob Hagens, OSI Integration
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Joyce Reynolds, User Services
IETF 18 (Jul. 1990)
  • Ross Callon, OSI Integration
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet Services
  • David Crocker, Standards Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • James Davin, Network Management
  • Phill Gross, Operations
  • Rob Hagens, OSI Integration
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Craig Partridge, Host and User Services
IETF 15 (Oct. 1989), IETF 16 (Feb. 1990), IETF 17 (May 1990)
  • Ross Callon, OSI Integration (OSI Interoperability at IETF 15)
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet Services
  • David Crocker, Network Management
  • Steve Crocker, Security
  • Phill Gross, Operations
  • Rob Hagens, OSI Integration (OSI Interoperability at IETF 15)
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Russ Hobby, Applications
  • Craig Partridge, Host and User Services
IETF 14 (Jul. 1989)
  • Ross Callon, OSI Coexistence
  • Noel Chiappa, Internet Services
  • David Crocker, Network Management
  • Rob Hagens, OSI Coexistence
  • Robert Hinden, Routing
  • Craig Partridge, Host-Based