Legal requests
The IETF publishes all legal requests, subpoenas, and responses.
Most types of IETF documents are publicly available from on this website, including RFCs, Internet-Drafts, mailing list archives, intellectual property rights disclosures, working group activity, and Meeting Proceedings.
If obtaining IETF documents from the public IETF web pages is not sufficient then parties engaged in litigation relating to technologies that use or incorporate IETF standards may wish to obtain information directly from the IETF, in the form of documents, responses to questions, or other tangible items. This is likely to occur when the litigant believes that some activity that occurred within the IETF process, or some intellectual property relating to an IETF standard, is directly related to the case in question. The term "documents" is often defined broadly by subpoenas and can include both electronic and hard copy sources, such as working group session attendance lists ("Blue Sheets"), minutes, Internet-Drafts, RFCs, and emails.
To obtain such information, the litigant may send a Documentation Request seeking the information to the IETF. Request and response procedures are discussed at Legal Request Procedures.
The IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC) has a Fees Policy for Legal Requests that imposes standard fees to produce information and authenticate documents in response to subpoenas and other legal requests. More information and a schedule of fees can be found as part of the Legal Requests Procedures.
For legal requests prior to the formation of the LLC, please refer to the IAOC archives.
Documentation Requests, Subpoenas, and Suits Received
Information below is in the process of being updated and is currently incomplete. Please contact if you are looking for something specific.
- SNMP Research Inc. et al. v. Broadcom Inc. et al. | RFC Editor
- SNMP Research Inc. et al. v. Broadcom Inc. et al. | IETF Secretariat
- Netsocket Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc. | RFC Editor
- USPTO PTAB Inter Partes Review | RFC Editor
- Monarch Networking Solutions LLC v. Juniper Networks, Inc. | IETF Secretariat Declaration
- Monarch Networking Solutions LLC v. Juniper Networks, Inc. | IETF Secretariat Declaration
- Request for information from Kirkland & Ellis LLP | RFC Editor Declaration
- Request for information from Kirkland & Ellis LLP | RFC Editor Declaration
- Monarch Networking Solutions LLC v. Juniper Networks, Inc. | IETF Secretariat Declaration
- Monarch Networking Solutions LLC v. Juniper Networks, Inc. | IETF Secretariat Declaration
- In the Matter of Certain Video Processing Devices and Components Thereof. | RFC Editor
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company v. Soverign Peak Ventures, LLC | IETF Secretariat Declaration
- inter partes review proceeding between GO1 Pty, Ltd. and OpenSesame, Inc. | RFC Editor
- Request for Information | RFC Editor
- Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | IETF Secretariat
- Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | RFC Editor
- Daedalus Prime LLC v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. | RFC Editor
- Orckit Corporation v. Cisco Systems, Inc. | IETF Secretariat
- Orckit Corporation v. Cisco Systems, Inc. | RFC Editor
- Inter partes review (IPR) before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | RFC Editor
- Orckit Corporation v. Cisco Systems, Inc. | IETF Secretariat
- Inter partes review (IPR) between Netflix, Inc. and Robocast Inc. before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | RFC Editor
- Lauri Valjakka v. Netflix Inc. | IETF Secretariat
- Request for Information from LAC Group | RFC Editor Declaration
- IPR2022-00833 | RFC Editor Declaration
- Request for Information | IETF Secretariat
- Request for Information | RFC Editor Declaration
- WSOU v. Dell | IETF Secretariat
- WSOU v. Dell | RFC Editor
- Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | IETF Secretariat
- Matter as yet unfiled | RFC Editor Declaration
- Matter as yet unfiled | IETF Secretariat
- Inter partes review (IPR) before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | RFC Editor Declaration
- inter partes review (IPR) before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | RFC Editor Declaration
- Inter partes review (IPR) before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | IETF Secretariat
- Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | IETF Secretariat
- Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | IETF Secretariat
- Monarch Networking Solutions v Cisco Systems | IETF Secretariat
- Monarch Networking Solutions v Cisco Systems | IETF Secretariat
- Matter as yet unfiled | RFC Editor Declaration
- inter partes review (IPR) before the United States Patent and Trademark Office | RFC Editor Declaration
- Matter as yet unfiled | RFC Editor Declaration
- Matter as yet unfiled | RFC Editor Declaration
- Gigamon, Inc. v Apcon, Inc. | IETF Secretariat
- KAIFI LLC v. AT&T Inc. et al | RFC Editor Declaration
- Uniloc USA, Inc. et al v. Apple Inc. | RFC Editor Declaration
Jenam Tech, LLC v. Google, LLC | IETF Secretariat
- IPR 2020-00705 filed at USPTO | RFC Editor Declaration
- Uniloc 2017, LLC v. Google LLC | First RFC Editor Declaration | Second RFC Editor Declaration
- United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Case No. 4:19-cv-00249 and Case No. 4:19-cv-00250 | RFC Editor Declaration
- Harris Corporation v. Huawei Device USA, Inc. | RFC Editor Declaration
- Harris Corporation v. Huawei Device USA, Inc. | Secretariat Declaration
- PTAB Google LLC v Uniloc 2017 LLC | RFC Editor Declaration
- Polycom, Inc. v. directPacket Research, Inc., an inter partes review proceeding | Secretariat Declaration
- One or more as yet unfiled petitions for inter partes review | RFC Editor Declaration
- One or more as yet unfiled petitions for inter partes review | RFC Editor Declaration | Secretariat Declaration
- MPH Technologies Oy v. Apple Inc. | RFC Editor Declarations
- MPH Technologies Oy v. Apple Inc. | RFC Editor Declaration 1 | RFC Editor Declaration 2 | RFC Editor Declaration 2 | Secretariat Declaration