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Consultation on the Second IASA2 Retrospective

4 Sep 2024

The IETF Administration LLC is soliciting community feedback on the second retrospective on the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA 2.0). This follows our first retrospective from 2021. We will incorporate the feedback we receive and release the retrospective at or before IETF 121 in November 2024.

The first assessment was required by BCP 101 after three years of operation. That report recommended we perform subsequent retrospectives every three years. Thus, we have produced a DRAFT of the second IASA2 retrospective for your consideration. We are seeking input from the community this month, after which we will revise the report and then release it during IETF 121

This document is an informational assessment and some of the draft recommendations are outside the purview of the IETF LLC and so would require initiation of community-driven processes to address those issues.


  1. September 3 - 30: Share a draft of the assessment and begin community review.
  2. October: Revision of the report based on community input.
  3. November: Release the report during or before IETF 121.

How to provide input by 30 September 2024:

  1. Email: send feedback to
  2. GitHub: Open an issue or propose a pull request at the IASA2 Retrospective repo.  

The draft can be found here on GitHub. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful review, comment, questions, and any other input.

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