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IETF meeting terms and conditions

This page provides information about IETF meeting registration types and fee payment options, and the terms which apply to IETF meeting participation.

Registration types

Each of the following is available for either of Onsite or Remote participation. Onsite registration includes admission to the welcome reception (cash bar) and afternoon break refreshments. Tickets for the Social Event must be purchased separately.

Week Pass is for all or any part of the meeting and includes admission to all parts of the meeting, all week.

Student registration is available for full-time students and includes admission to all parts of the meeting, all week. Proof of full-time student status is required.

One Day Pass registration includes access to any one day of meeting sessions, plus the Sunday Tutorials and Welcome Reception, and the Plenary sessions.

Hackathon Only registration provides access only to the IETF Hackathon held in conjunction with an IETF meeting.

Fee tiers

There are three fee tiers:

Super Early is available before the agenda is published at a significant discount over the standard fee.

Early is available after the Super Early period expires and until a couple of weeks before the meeting.

Standard is the fee charged in the last two weeks before the meeting starts.

Changing registration types

Anyone who registers as an onsite participant and then needs to participate remotely is able to convert their registration at the same fee tier at any time, with the difference in fee refunded.

To change your registration type, please email and the Secretariat will help you convert your registration.


Registration fees may be paid by MasterCard, Discover, Visa, American Express, and PayPal.

To pay after 12:00 local time on the first day of the meeting, please visit the on-site registration check-in when you arrive on site.

Cancellation and refund

  1. Refunds may be subject to a 10% (ten percent) service charge. Note: this fee is always waived in the event that cancellation is due to denial of entry visa.
  2. Cancellations and requests for refunds should be received five (5) working days before the first day of the meeting. Refund requests may not be honored beyond this point.
  3. For registration fees paid via credit card, refunds will only be issued to the credit card originally charged.
  4. Contact the IETF Registrar at to cancel and request a refund.

Checkbox agreements

During registration, you will be asked to confirm that you agree to follow the Note Well. This points out the rules for IETF intellectual property rights (IPR), anti-harassment, and other important guiding policies for the IETF. The Note Well is shown on a slide before every WG session.

So long as COVID remains a concern, you will be asked to confirm that you will comply with any special COVID management procedures in place and you will be required to acknowledge that you knowingly and freely assume all such risks related to illness and communicable disease due to travel or attendance.

Privacy and recordings

The IETF routinely makes recordings of online and in-person meetings, including audio, video and photographs, and publishes those recordings online. If you participate in person and choose not to wear a red “do-not-photograph” lanyard, then you consent to appear in such recordings and if you speak at a microphone, appear on a panel or carry out an official duty as a member of IETF leadership then you consent to appearing in recordings of you at that time. If you participate online, and turn on your camera and/or microphone, then you consent to appear in such recordings. This consent cannot be later withdrawn.

The IETF and related organizations are committed to transparency and so some of your registration data will be made public. For information about the personal data that is collected, and how it is managed, please see the Privacy Statement.