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IETF Meeting Clash List

Lists the organizations whose meeting dates we check before planning our meetings to ensure that we do not clash by booking meetings on the same dates.

Those organizations in Group A are identified as groups the IETF Meetings MUST not clash with, and with which there would be a one week break between the respective meetings, whenever possible. Group B organizations are those which the IETF prefers not to have clashing schedules. Appropriate parties from each organization are invited to contact the IETF meeting planner at to discuss coordination of schedules. If you would like to recommend an organization be added to the list, please send an email to with the name of the organization and an appropriate point of contact.

Version: 2024-05

(A) Bodies we MUST NOT clash with

  • ARIN
  • 3GPP *
  • ICANN *
  • IEEE 802 *
  • ITU-T (selected meetings)*
  • OMA *
  • RIPE
  • W3C *

* official IETF liaisons; contact liaison manager for calendar details

(B) Bodies and events we prefer not to clash with:

* official IETF liaisons; contact liaison manager for calendar details